Alexandra Tabakov - biography, personal life, photo, news, actress, Oleg Tabakov daughter 2021



Alexandra Tabakov broke into the world of cinema rapidly: loudly declared the role of the girlfriend of the main character of the cult drama of the 90s. He was talking about a beginner actress as a rising star, the sorry of the famous name of Glory. But the star role was the only one, according to which today recall the performer.

Childhood and youth

Alexandra Olegovna was born in Moscow on May 3, 1966. The famous Soviet actors became the parents of the girls - Oleg Pavlovich Tabakov and Lyudmila Ivanovna Krylova. At the time of the appearance of her daughter in the family, the 6-year-old son was adjusted - the firstborn Anton Tabakov. In the high school classes, Alexandra did not conceive, who to become: the atmosphere that reigned at home, childhood behind the scenes of theaters and on the shooting film blocks predetermined the choice of creative career. And earlier, learning in middle classes, Tabakov especially succeeded in the exact sciences.

Natives were sure that the daughter would choose this direction. However, once Alexander played in one of the issues of children's transfer "alarm clock", which her mother led, a red hat. The schoolgirl naturally held the chambers and brilliantly performed the role - those who were on the set realized that Tabakov inherited the artistic talent from his parents.

In his youth, after graduation, the girl went to school-studio MCAT. Father and mother, actress Lyudmila Krylov, did not mind. Sasha came from the first attempt and hit the course of Vladimir Bogomolov. The mentor of the acting skill Kira head quickly saw in Sasha Talent: the student taught the student was collapsed on the fly.

Alexandra Tabakov turned out to be a person in deep and multifaceted, was interested in literature, painting. On the course with Alexandra, the children of stars studied: Mikhail Efremov, Maria Evstigneeva, Vyacheslav Invinno - Jr.. Teachers allocated tobacco as the most talented among classmates.


In 1987, Alexander Tabakova was awarded a diploma. The teachers advised the favorite to stay at the university, repeating that an excellent mentor could come out of Sasha. Tatyana Vasilyeva - Pedagogue on stage speech - persuaded the most, but Alexander sought to the scene. He joined the theater troupe led by the Father, where her creative biography began.

The artist was debuted in the film "Chair" film, the directors of whom Oleg Tabakov and Vladimir Khramov became. In this formulation of the Studio-Studio O. Tabakov Alexandra trusted to play an episodic role. In the frame, she appeared with the famous artists Sergei Gazarov, Alla Pokrovskaya and Peter Scherbakov. In the image of the central female character appeared Marina Zudina.

A year after the end of the university, theatrical actress Alexander Tabakov tried the strength in the cinema. Director Vasily Pichul called the girl for the role of Lena purple, the best friend of the main character in the Social Dram "Little Vera". The ribbon was filmed in the hometown of Pichula - Mariupol.

The key character is faith marinin - brilliantly embodied on the screen Natalya Egroh. All actors who played the main and minor heroes became famous for the whole country. It was famous for the young Andrei Sokolov, they recalled Yuri Nazarov and Lyudmila Zaitseva.

Drama, published on the screens in the midst of restructuring, had the effect of a broken bomb. Ribbon, the first of the Soviet showed a frank bed scene, alone praised, and others criticized. But the picture brought the creator of prizes and rewards from film festivals in the USSR and abroad. And the heroine of tobacco, who remembered the phrases "Brazhka will you?" And "I'm dragging from him, like a boating of a bundle of the Dust!", caused a living interest in the person of a beginner actress.

But not only by these quotes Alexander attracted the attention of the audience to their character. The young performer has managed to show the evolution of Lena. Over time, covered by the film, from a cheerful carefree beauty, drawn to the beautiful, Chistolyakov turns into a dispersion lady offended by fate.

Next year, Pichoul again remembered Tobacco, holding a comedy melodrama "in the city of Sochi dark nights." The picture represented cooperative cinema - a new phenomenon in the Soviet cinema, whose flourishing fell in mid-1990s. In the tragicomedia, they hardly moved all the artists from the "Little Faith".

Alexandra Tabakov in the film

Natalia's main characters played, Alexander Lenkov, Alexander Alekseev-Nebrab, Andrei Sokolov and Yuri Nazarov. Alexander Tabakova Pichul entrusted a small but bright role of Masha. That's the whole filmography of the actress, not counting the episodic role in the short film "Other District" Alexander Shane, in which Dmitry Korietovoy film was held.

The career of the artist in the theater, headed by the Father, was not rapid. On the theater went joke about the fact that Alexander was fixed the role of "Snowflakes in the Fifth Row". Tabakov turned out to be "restrained" not only in relation to his daughter - the son and wife of Lyudmila were not spoiled by the opportunity to shine on stage.

Oleg Pavlovich explained this by the reluctance to hear among his colleagues a leader in excess of the authority to attach relatives to work. Therefore, the main roles were made by Marina Zudina, who, by age, turned out to be older Alexandra for only 1 year. According to unconfirmed information, leaked from theatrical crowding, Tabakov with an offense perceived that his father is favorable to a former beauty-student, and she was advised to succeed independently. In the end, she left the theater.

Personal life

Tobacco and Yana Joseph Lifers, student of the Berlin Theater Academy. Ernsta Bush, introduced a classmate Alexandra, actor Gennady Hungarian. Lifers took the Russian wife to Germany, where in 1988 she gave him to Polina's daughter. In the same place, Alexander settled the TV presenter on the local canal.

Lifers took place as an actor, screenwriter and producer. The man is multifaceted and talented, Jan Joseph became famous in his homeland and as a director and composer. In the middle of the 1990s, 7-year-old daughter Polina Lifers starred with his father in the comedy "I - BOSS". However, the relationship of the pair did not work out.

In the early 2000s, Tabakov returned to Russia. In 2006, she got a radio host on the metropolitan radio station "Silver rain". In a duet with a Russian journalist, a musical criticism and radio host, Alexander, Alexandra led the program "Mishanin". Tabakov appeared and on the Russian TV as the leading project "went!".

Shortly after returning to the Motherland, Alexandra Tabakova broke out a novel with actor Andrei Ilyin, then a little-known actor, and today - a deserved artist of the Russian Federation. An eight-year-old civil marriage, according to familiar couples, was not cloudless: the wife allegedly demanded from Ilyin to leave the actor who did not bring money and go to the business.

Alexandra Tabakov in the film

Relationships went to a dead end. Fortunately for the fans of Andrei Ilyin, he remained in the profession and starred in dozens of rating films and TV shows. Polina graduated from the MCAT Studio School, but did not become an actress: he received a diploma in the specialty "Theater artist." The girl participates in art exhibitions, collaborates with "Tabakcoque" and the Studio Studio Theater.

The tragedy in his personal life for Alexandra was the betrayal of the Father. The fact that the artistic director of "Tabakcoque" and Lyudmila Krylova is bred, it became known in 1993. And soon the public found out that Oleg Pavlovich has a stormy novel with Marina Zudina, who lasted for more than 10 years at that time.

The care of the Father from the family divided the life of Alexandra on before and after, the actress closed in herself, stopped communicating with him. In an interview with Tabakov, admitted that, being a teenager, he himself survived the betrayal of the parent, who found his other family. Most of all he was afraid to offend his own children. But the love of beauty-marina made him forget about the old fears.

Also, the press Oleg Pavlovich said that at a divorce left $ 120 thousand former spouse and bought a two-room apartment for Alexandra. However, Lyudmila Ivanovna reported that the money did not receive, and the housing acquired by his father was in a deplorable state - Tabakov spent 4 years and own funds to repair the living space.

Alexandra Tabakov with Father Oleg Tobakov and Mother Lyudmila Krylova

He stopped communicating with the director and brother Alexandra, but after many years I forgave the parent and managed to resume warm relations with him. Alexandra remained adamant, saying that the "point of no return" was already passed. Periodically, information appeared in the media that the Father and Daughter was recalled.

In 2017, the Tabacakerque Theater was 30 years old. The first channel was removed for the anniversary documentary tape about the brainchild of Matra, calling her "Oleg Tabakov and his tobacco chickens". Journalists told about the theater and did not bypass the personal life of the founder of Tabakcoque. On the question of whether the relationship with the daughter of Sasha was recovered, Tabakov answered dryly: "No, it's not so."

In March 2018, the country and millions of fans of Oleg Tabakov learned about the death of the star. On a farewell to the father of Paparazzi vainly visited his daughter. The coffin was noticed by Paul and a little Masha with her mother, arrived and looseless Anton Tobacco.

The first spouse director did not come to the funeral. Alexandra Olegovna on a farewell with an artist in the Hall of MHT also did not see. In some confusion of fans of the Great Artist, the information of the first channel was introduced, where they reported that four children came to say goodbye.

6 months after the death of the director, children from the first marriage and the new family of Oleg Pavlovich gathered to hear the contents of the will. It turned out that all the state of tobacco left Marina Zudina, the son of Pavel and daughter Marus. Anton announced in an interview that he did not claim the money of his father, his sister left what was happening without comment.

Alexandra Tabakova now

In 2021, Alexander Olegovna continues to refrain from communicating with journalists. Since Tabakov's daughter now does not lead social networks, does not lay out personal photos, does not appear on the talk show, the press remains to build assumptions about the life of the former actress. Long depression caused by divorces with his own husbands, as well as the parting of the parents, aggravated - she stopped communicating and with Mother Lyudmila Ivanovna.


  • 1987 - "Chair" (film play)
  • 1988 - "Little Vera"
  • 1989 - "In Sochi, dark nights"
  • 2003 - "Other District" (short)

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