Anton Krasovsky - biography, personal life, photo, news, boyfriend, journalist, HIV, Nikita iconnikov 2021



Anton Krasovsky does not get tired of affecting the audience of details of personal life, then speaking with scandalous statements about its own orientation, it is openly stating HIV-positive status. The political and social activities of the journalist also serves fertile soil for news media.

Childhood and youth

Anton Krasovsky was born in the near Moscow town of Podolsk on July 18, 1975. By nationality he is Russian. Krasovsky has an elder brother. Parents of the future scandalous journalist are engineering and technical workers. Anton's father represented the Design Bureau at nuclear power plants of Western Ukraine.

Two and a half years, the family lived in the Ukrainian city of Kuznetsovsk, and Anton recalls these years with special warmth. According to the journalist, people at that time were a little different, responsive and kinder.

Due to the movements, the boy was forced to change schools. As a result, the graduate received a certificate of secondary education in the 633th school of Moscow. According to the journalist in one of the interviews on the Echo of Moscow, it is difficult for children happy. These were the years of lack of money and complex life. With classmates, Krasovsky does not communicate and friends of childhood, apparently not gone.

In the youth, Anton began writing poetry. As Krasovsky later told, they did not differ in particular talent, and a self-critical failed poet was forced to admit that the session is not his path.

Nevertheless, in 1992, after graduation, Krasovsky entered the literary institute named after A. M. Gorky. A student was studied at the poetic seminar Tatiana Beck and Sergey Chuprinin. However, in the university, the young man realized that the writer would not come out of it. By quoting Krasovsky, in life he did not want to be "average". On the recommendation of the mentor Tatiana Beck, the student came to television, namely on the NTV channel. On the new Russian channel, in the "Book News" program, his career of a journalist began.


At the beginning of the way in journalism, Krasovsky tried forces in several publications. Performed a young man to perform even as a theater observer. In addition, Anton wrote articles for famous publications "Kommersant", "Evening Moscow", "Independent Gazeta". Low later, he became the editor of the Culture Section in the glossy Vogue. In addition, Harper's Bazaar was successfully worked with the Wallpaper publisher.

In 2009, his cooperation with the NTV channel resumed. Krasovsky hit the project of the project "NTVschniki". Work on the canal continued until 2012. Not wanting to put up with the policies of the leadership, publishing custom rollers against Mikhail Prokhorov, Krasovsky left NTV. As Anton told in an interview, he left the channel also for the reason that there was no possibility to make decisions regarding the project content. The journalist had a feeling that he was nobody on NTV.

In 2011, Anton Krasovsky tried himself in a new Ipostasi and headed the election headquarters of the presidential candidate Mikhail Prokhorov. After the loss of the blog on the blog, Krasovsky had a negative impact about the elections in Russia, stated his intention to emigrate from the country the next day. After receiving negative feedback, the journalist admitted that the post was a joke, and he flies abroad to rest.

Ambitious and managed to become scandalous Krasovsky together with a friend, the author of the books and the public figure Sergey Minaev, and the former producer Comedy Club, Artak Gasparyan founded the Kontr TV channel. Soon the public was informed that the administration of the president was the actual founder. In 2013, the journalist left the canal and stated in an interview to the propaganda nature of the report.

Friendship with Minaev did not stop. In 2016, colleagues opened the telegrams of the "Anchovies and Daisy" channel, which was broadcast in the format of Youtyub-Channel and existed as a group in Vkontakte.

Since 2014, Anton began to maintain public work as part of the support of HIV-infected, educational activities against the spread of AIDS. Close collaboration was carried out with the Rain Channel. As a result, Krasovsky became the director of the AIDS. Center Foundation, organized together with like-minded people.

Dear time in 2017, a journalist together with a long-time familiar Ksenia Sobchak led the program "We can repeat" on the "Friday!" Channel.

In 2018, a liberal-oriented community supported the candidacy of Ksenia Sobchak, who announced his intention to run into Russian presidents. Soon Anton entered the headquarters of her election campaign. Krasovsky was engaged in the media and promotion of Ksenia in this segment.

Unfortunately, shortly before the elections, comrades were quit, and Krasovsky left Sobchak headquarters. At the same time, the cause of the conflict is reliably unknown, as well as, by whose initiative the TV presenter is removed from the headquarters. In an interview with the "Echo of Moscow", Krasovsky mentioned financial misunderstandings when paying for its services.

One way or another, Krasovsky continued to maintain interest in his own person, his biography became the main topic of programs and interviews. At the beginning of 2018, the journalist shared the opinion of the Single Opinion Sanctions on Echo in Moscow. The roller hit the Internet was called "Panic in the Kremlin". It is so described by the liberal expectations of power, and in addition, and a large business regarding future restrictions.

The journalist became a hero of interview with a former rival in the election race - Maxim Shevchenko. They discussed the results and position of the Russian government.

Also, the community announced his intention to nominate his own candidate for the position of mayor of Moscow and noted that ideologically, he is closer to United Russia than to the liberal opposition in the face of Ilya Yashin and Ksenia Sobchak.

In 2019, the journalist became a guest of the Storepozner program. In an interview, he told about how he began to build a career, about the family, motivation in life, the future of Russia. He also affected the activities of well-known persons, among them - Alexey Navalny, Yuri Dwell, Yevgeny Mironov.

In October, Krasovsky was appointed by the general producer of the YouTube-segment of the TV channel RUSSIA TODAY. Already in the summer, the journalist presented the documentary series "Epidemic". He talks about how to protect himself from various infections and live in an epidemic. The first series of the series was devoted to HIV-dissidents - people who deny the existence of this virus.

In 2020, the multi-sieuled film "Epidemic" received its continuation. The journalist in the new season concentrated its attention on coronavirus. He told about how Russia struggles with a pandemic, as quarantine passes, as needed to behave in a new reality, so as not to catch the virus. The documentary series includes an interview with virologists, doctors, scientists who have been fighting a new disease on the forefront.

Much attention was attracted to the film "Survive after IVL", which also entered the epidemic cycle. His heroes became people who were connected to the IVL apparatus from 10 days to 2 weeks and all this time fought for their lives. They told how COVID-19 got sick and how they were in intensive care in serious condition.

In the same year, Krasovsky gave an interview to blogger Natalia Voshchenko, which criticized Yuri Dudya. He stated that the Content, who makes a journalist and blogger, is absolutely not interesting. In his opinion, he is designed for a rustic audience, and not on the deep people.

Also Krasovsky was involved in the scandal with Ksenia Sobchak. Telegram Channel "Heroine Tatler" hedied that the journalist was pregnant from Konstantin Bogomolov. However, she denied him and hinted that alleged Anton was leading this channel. "Guys, yesterday, Krasovsky so stared at my belly after eating pancakes, that it became clear to me, who was the heroine of Tatler. Hi, Antosh, "she wrote.

Krasovsky refers to the number of liberal population of Russia. A frank unflattering opinion about Vladimir Putin, a journalist visits deputies and political situation in the country in an interview and on the pages of social networks. By the way, Anton is actively published in VKontakte, in Twitter and Facebook. Personal photos are regularly posted in "Instagram", also in their account, he conducts direct ethers with subscribers. But the blog for LJ journalist threatened for a long time.

Personal life

In 2013, Krasovsky shocked fans and speakers of the channel Kontr TV details of personal life, making on the air Caming-Out. Moreover, the Citat of Anton is that he remains the same person as Putin, Medvedev and the deputies of the State Duma, made a lot of noise. The man was suspected of a hint that the persons mentioned belong to homosexuals.

By the way, this event was the reason for the completion of Anton's work on the canal. On the same day, video from the noise, the phrase was removed from all resources. According to the journalist, parents found out that he is gay, in his 30th birthday. Both of them - people of Soviet quenching - worry, but take the choice of the Son.

His boyfriend is a novice young director, graduate of Vgika Nikita Iconnikov. In an interview, Anton told that children do not plan, because it is not sure that he can give enough love and attention to the kids.

In 2017, a journalist on the pages of secular news told ZAG publishing house about HIV infections. According to the hero of the interview, he since 2011 and managed to feel hell predicate relations, negative and squeamishness to his person caused by the disease.

Anton Krasovsky now

Now Krasovsky continues to lead journalistic and social activities.

In February 2021, the journalist conducted an interview with the ex-head of the DPR defense Igor Rowers for his Youtyub-Channel "Antonyms". The hero of the issue spoke that he began to prepare the "liberation of Donbass" before Alexander Turchinov made a statement about the beginning of "anti-terrorism events". Also, the shooters stressed that it was not to free the Donbass, but to support his reunion with Russia. Guests of Youtyub-Show also became Zakhar Prilepin, Yuri Nazarov, Katerina Spitz, Maria Zakharov and others.

In March, Krasovsky visited the program "Personally yours" on the radio "Echo of Moscow". Leading Yevgeny Bunman in an interview touched the themes of coronavirus and vaccination. "All people in our country are" anti-recreaks "," anti-recreaks "active", "says Krasovsky. He noted that people who do not want to make vaccinations will threaten not only their lives, but also those people who surround them, because infection can occur in public transport, elevator, a shopping center.

The journalist commented on rumors that Russian President Vladimir Putin still did not make a vaccine from COVID-19. Although it is not known to be unknown, but in society there was an opinion that the head of state adheres to "anti-recreational" ideology. "No Putin is" anti-player ". We just do not know exactly what the Russian president was given, and whether he was given at all, and maybe he even got offended, "the journalist said.

On the Youtube-channel RUSSIA TODAY, under the leadership of Krasovsky, rollers continue to emerge on topical issues of the country. In February, he launched a new documentary "Rus" - a series of reports, which tells how people live today in Russian land, what they believe and what they fear. The first episode was called "monk and demons, schizophrenia, alcoholism."

Also Krasovsky told that she graduated from the shooting of the new documentary "Sisters". The project is devoted to medical workers, on the shoulders of which the struggle against the epidemic fell.

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