Victor Perevalov - biography, photo, personal life, filmography, death



Victor Potals from those actors who know the whole country in face, but they have no titles or loud regalia. And Viktor Porfiryevich is one of those artists, whose account has the greatest number of children's roles. Many thanks to the atypical appearance of the pass played, being a teenager.

Victor Perevalov in youth

"The Republic of Shkid", "I loved you," "old, old fairy tale", "Marya-Skinnik" - these tapes with his participation entered the Golden Fund of Soviet cinema.

After a 10-year break, Viktor Potals appeared again on the screens and reminded himself with bright roles in the drama "Graffiti" and the showrooms of the novels of the novels of Fyodor Dostoevsky and Boris Akunin.

Childhood and youth

Born passes in February 1949 in Leningrad. Rose into the family who did not have a relationship to art. Victor - Late Child, whose childhood fell on the hungry post-war years in the city that has not yet recovered from the terrible blockade. Senior Perevalov Brothers Miraculously survived the horrors cut off from the world of Leningrad.

Victor Pollov in childhood

Family lived in the work area next door to Suvorovsky Avenue, in a noisy and close communal. All passes worked: Father in trade, mother in hospital Sanitarka, the brothers also did not eat bread for nothing. The fate took care to find out Victor early, how money is earned.

The director's assistant noted a fair-haired boy with wide open gray-blue eyes when the teacher led first-graders on a tour. Assistant searched for a young actor to the role of the main character in Vovka in the children's adventure picture "Tamba lamb". Director Vladimir Bychkov, seeing Vitu Perevalov, approved a candidacy without samples. So began the cinematic biography of the artist.


The premiere of the first film with the participation of Perevalov took place in 1956. In the future, a small actor starred continuously. In the same year, the black and white film was released by Vladimir Wengerov "The city lights lights" with Nikolai Pogodiny, Elena Dobronravoy and Yuri Lyubimov in high roles. The beginner actors Oleg Borisov and Alice Freindlich appeared in the picture. Perevalov played the boys of war.

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Next year, Alexander Row began shooting the Mary-Skinniecker filming, where Viktor Perevov took the role of Ivanushki, the son of Maryia. Mom Hero played Ninel Multilov. In the same 1959, the actor reincarnated in Vovka Pestik from Sombrero Children's Tape, filmed by a film studio. Gorky.

In 1961, the 2-serial military drama "Baltic sky" Wengerova and the debut ribbon Iskander Khamraeva "Starzhil" were released on the screens. In the first picture, the passage entrusted the role of 9-year-old glory, the younger brother of the heroine of Sony Fast. Sonya played a 26-year-old Lyudmila Gurchenko, and the key characters - Mikhail Ulyanov, Rolan Bykov and Mikhail Kozakov. In the "old-timer" Victor Perevalov played the main character - Andrei Kratikova.

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Employment on the set from year to year not the best reflected on studies. The demand of the pass was such that the boy because of creative business trips and filming in other cities rarely visited at home. Mom accompanied Vitu on trips and, once again dismissed from work, became under the contract by his educator.

The roles, especially the main, did not allow the young artist to work only 4 hours, as it was supposed to be done: Victor worked under the sight of the chambers to exhaustion. After the words "Stop, Camera!" Blood flowed from the nose of the boy in two streams.

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During a forced break for 2 years, when the teachers set the question of the Children to the Children's parents - or cinema, or the school, Potals. He never took his studies. After graduating grade 6, Victor went to the samples of the film "Republic of Skid". With such a guy's experience immediately approved on one of the main roles - the homeless gogi.

On young artist remembered the directions. The teenager nomaded from the project to the project, removing 2-3 ribbons per year. His life took place in hotels where he barely got and fell from fatigue.

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Victor Perevalov starred in the paintings of the Land of Fathers and "Long Happy Life." In 1967, the lyrical comedy Ilya Fresa "I loved you", where a 18-year-old actor with a teenager played a major role - an eighth grader in love with the ballerina. And next year, he appeared in the musical tape "Old, old fairy tale" with Oleg Dalem and Marina Neelan, in high roles.

After serving in the army, Viktor Potals returned to the cinema, but, as it turned out, the peak of the career was left behind. The star of children's and youth films is removed in episodes or insignificant roles. He plays militiamen without behalf, soldiers, laboratory technicians, precinct, chauffeurs. From the noticeable roles played by passing in youth, the fans call the tape "Tavern on Pyatnitsky", "and you will see the sky", "Engineer Graftio".

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To survive in the "dashing 90s", the actor worked in the brigade of the paths, then the loader in the wine-vodka store. I went to trim the trees, cleaning apples and even killed graves in cemeteries.

The triumphant return to the cinema took place in 2006: director Igor Apasyan gave Perevalov a bright role in the drama "Graffiti". 57-year-old Viktor Porfiryevich played a rustic drunk-philosopher-ecclesiast. His phrases spectators were pulled by quotes. Larisa Guzeeva and Alexander Ilyin starred in the picture.

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The tape won the prize at the Vyborg Film Festival, and the long-standing fans remembered the password. The artist is again removed in 2-3 projects per year. The roles are minor, but noticeable, get in TV series "Foundry, 4", "Brothers Karamazov", "Pelagia and White Bulldog".

The last film, in which the audience saw the beloved actor with the face of the aged boy, is the 8-serial drama of Valentina Pimanova "stored by the fate." The premiere of the picture took place in September 2012 on the "First Channel". The exit of the ribbon, which became the sidelines for the artist, he did not wait.

Personal life

Krasivitsa-colleagues showed the charismatic actor with a developed sense of humor. But Viktor Pozalov turned out to be a monochombus: married to the girl Irina, an engineer by profession, he did not look around. The wife gave birth to the artist's only daughter Lena with the same as the father, widely opened on the world through the eyes.

Victor Perevalov with family

Potals called himself a bad father and no family man, because because of the filming in his youth rarely visited at home. The farm and life wrapped his wife's shoulders. About her, daughter Elena and the granddaughter of Masha, born in 1991, there were all the thoughts and anxiety of artist.

In recent years, Victor Perevov in recent years, despite the undermined health - chronic lung disease, survived the stroke and the operation before the eyes, worked as a driver, then a guard on the car park. Small roles in the cinema helped the ends with the ends, but in an interview with journalists the actor called himself a poor.


The death of the artist, who turned 61, is called strange, and its circumstances are completely unexplained.

Perevalov was invited to be filmed in the series about the elderly actors, forgotten stars that live in the house of veterans of cinema. Valentina Pimanova directed to the project of the constellation of Russian cinema: Kirill Safonova, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Olga Yakovlev, Tatiana Konyukhov, Anatoly Ravikovich, Lilith Ozolin, and another one and a half dozen Matrov. The shooting took place during the extreme heat in Moscow.

Victor Pozalov in recent years

Viktor Porfiryevich returned to St. Petersburg unexpectedly, without warning about the arrival and until the completion of the filming. Looked emaciated, with her legs and bruises under the eye. The wife aroused the urgent, the pass was hospitalized. The cardiogram when the patient arrives, according to the doctors, was good, but on July 5, the actor died.

The conclusion about the autopsy showed that the cause of death became a heart attack. We buried Viktor Perevalov in the cemetery of the "Memory of Victims of January 9". At the funeral there were only native actors.

The wife and daughter blame in the premature death Victor Perevalov director and the shooting group of the project. The patient and elderly man did not show proper attention. Instead of taking him to the hospital, the actor sent home to the Sapsan, without even warning about the departure of relatives. Irina Borisovna's wife is confident: something hide something from her.

Victor Perevov's grave

The producer and director of Valentina's painting Pimanova's own truth. The woman claims that the artist was treated with all respect, they gave a few role, because after a stroke he talked badly. Having received a fee, Pozalov in the hotel allegedly drank and squandal.

When the actor wished to return home, the driver took him to the station and put on the train. After 10 days, the news of the death of Viktor Porfiryevich came, and from the widow, a lawsuit was received in the amount of 400 thousand rubles.


  • 1958 - "Tambo Lamb"
  • 1958 - "The city lights lights"
  • 1959 - "Marya-Skinnitsa"
  • 1961 - "Starzhil"
  • 1966 - "Skid Republic"
  • 1967 - "I loved you ..."
  • 1968 - "Old, old fairy tale"
  • 1976 - "The adventures of the grass"
  • 1977 - "Tavern on Pyatnitsky"
  • 1979 - "Engineer Graftio"
  • 1981 - "Dangerous age"
  • 2006 - "Graffiti"
  • 2008 - "Brothers Karamazov"
  • 2009 - "Pelagia and White Bulldog"
  • 2010 - "Stored Fate"

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