Rodion Shchedrin - biography, photo, personal life, news, works 2021



Rodion Shchedrin devoted his life to promoting music into the masses. To play his works, orchestras and conductors are built into the queue, publish our scores for honor any publishing house. Rodion Konstantinovich is referred to as a classic during life, and the orchestration performed by them are ingenious hits with a minimum set of funds at maximum expressiveness.

Childhood and youth

Rodion Shchedrin - Moskvich, was born in December 1932, in one day with Beethoven. Music surrounded the boy from an early age. Konstantin Mikhailovich's father finished the spiritual seminary, loved to sing and possessed absolute hearing.

Composer Rodion Shchedrin

Thanks to faith faith, he did not become a priest as his grandfather, but was reasspered at the Moscow Conservatory. The mother of Concordia Ivanovna, although he did not have a special education, music loved. Grandma is a graduate of the Smolny Institute, which also assumed the ability to play musical instruments.

Rodion's school at school was preserved at the Conservatory. The boy tried to run to the front twice, and both times an uncle, a high-ranking official, helped return the fugitive. Then the other brother of the mother took the family to the evacuation in Kuibyshev, where he worked as an assistant from Dmitry Shostakovich. The composer remembered that he visited the general rehearsal of his seventh symphony.

Rodion Shchedrin in childhood

In order to somehow temper the dust and pranks, the parents have rummaged to send the child to the Nakhimov School. But when the Father called you to teach Alexander Sveshnikov's choir school, Shchedrin-senior arranged there and Son. The education obtained in this educational institution turned out to be so comprehensive that Rodion had a program as a protruding piano.

In the Conservatory, Shchedrin studied at the two faculties - piano and composer, at Professors Yakov Fliera and Yuri Shaporin. Rodion played perfectly on the piano, and at some point the execution captured so much that Shchedrin decided that there would be no more music. Fortunately, they were dissuaded.

Rodion Shchedrin in youth

Not only Chopin, Bach and Rachmaninov, but also the popular folklore fell into the area of ​​interest. Rodiona, like anyone, it turned out to harmoniously intelligent ethnic elements in the overall composition. The first concert for the orchestra, written in 1963, Shchedrin called "Naughty Chastushki".

On the 4th year of Rodion included composers in the union. Later, becoming his leader, sought to follow the principles of the former, Dmitry Shostakovich, - to help a colleague-musician in which it is possible.

The creative biography of the most generous was pretty happy. Rodion Konstantinovich said that in the Soviet power, the overwhelming majority of composers sin was complaining.


The courage of the creativity of Shchedrin is due to the fact that he is a representative of the generation of the sixties, the time when the dogma was rejected and individuality was put in the head of the corner. The own statement that music should always remain music, the composer supported the fact that he didn't try to get into the opinion of critics and "to correct something there." And the last 20 years, on their own admission, Rodion Konstantinovich stopped reading reviews at all.

Composer Rodion Shchedrin

Generin likes to write on the reasons of Russian classics, believes that it makes no sense to walk with the latter trails and look for "more than what great people are written in the maternal language." Rodion's music has long been the issue of nationality, because Russian -

"This is already my dality, my culture, language, mentality, my ancestors, my origins."

Opera as a genre - eternal. This is the opinion of Rodion Shchedrin. The composer wrote not only music, but also libretto. With the first opera, "not just love," the husband was helping Lily Bric - Vasily Katanyan. The premiere was held in the Bolshoi Theater, Evgeny Svetlanov stood for the conductor console, and Irina Arkhipov was performed by the main party. Later, Boris Pokrovsky and Yuri Alexandrov were carried out.

Then, from under the feather, Shchedrin came out "Boayer Morozov", "Christmas fairy tale", "Lefty". The latter, by the way, is written specifically for Valery Gergiev and the Mariinsky Theater. The "fascinated wanderer" Rodion Konstantinovich dedicated to the American virtuoso, the owner of the three Grammy Lorin Maazel. The first stage of "Lolita" was conducted by Mstislav Rostropovich.

There are in the piggy bank of the maestro and vocal works. Among them are six choirs from Evgenia Onegin Pushkin, Akapel Works on the verses of Alexander Twardovsky and Andrey Voznesensky.

Shchedrin is not locked in Academism. The composer wrote music for the three movies Alexander Zarkha - "Anna Karenina" with Tatiana Samoilova and Vasily Lanov, "People on the Bridge" with Vasily Mercuryev, and the words "not a firewood we, not carpenters" from the "height" sang around the union. Creativity Rodion Konstantinovich had to do directs to the director Yuri Rasmão and Sergey Yutkevich. Shchedrian works were sounded and in the classics of the Soviet animation "Petushok-Golden Grab" and "Kolobok".

Personal life

It is unlikely that there is such a person who would not know that for 57 years his wife Riona Shchedrina was Maya Plisetskaya itself, the epoch in ballet. For your beloved woman, the composer wrote masterpieces and gave instead of banal bouquets: "Anna Karenina" and "Seagull", "Carmen-Suite" and "Lady with a dog". Although fresh flowers in the house appeared every day.

Rodion Shchedrin and Maya Plisetskaya

Shchedrin and Plisetskaya met in the house of Lily Bric, on the evening, arranged in honor of Gerard Philip. Lilya drew the attention of the guest to the girl who sacing music from the ballet Sergey Prokofiev, while absolutely accurately falling into notes. But until the first date passed 3 years. After the release of the vacation, the ballerina and the composer no longer parted.

Rodion stayed all his life on second roles next to the star spouse, but not suffered from this. Maya belonged to her husband as a deity and believed that their binding providence. Everyone outlined his love story, as well as many other interesting facts from living together in books. Prima wrote two - "I, Maya Plisetskaya" and "13 years later," and her husband is "autobiographical entries."

Children, who were so dreamed of Shchedrin, was not in the family. Being a guest on the program from Vladimir Posner, Rodion said that this delicate question was decided on the principle:

"Here is the station to the premiere, not in vain so much rehearsed. And then think about children. "

Around the famous couple constantly cooked rumors. For one of them, a favorite apartment in Munich generin presented an actress Maria Shell. The star of German cinema accounted for sister Maximilian Shella, her husband Natalia Andreichenko. Rodion, however, never denied that he was friends with shells, but no more.

Maria Shell and Rodion Shchedrin

Later, in an interview with Shchedrin, he will tell that when the actress tried to choose allegedly because of unrequited love for the Russian composer, he lived in England and he learned from the press.

In the Munich House Shchedrin there were no other photographs, except for the images of Maya Plisetskaya. The only exception is a joint photo with Leonard Bernstayin, whom Rodion Konstantinovich considers the greatest musician and the most free person in everything - in the manifestation of feelings, statements, actions.

Rodion Shchedrin now

At the end of 2017, the composer's anniversary was released by the documentary "Passion for generous". Festivals were held in Moscow and the cities of Russia. The stage platforms were the Russian National Orchestra under the leadership of Mikhail Plenev, Valery Gergievs with the Symphony Orchestra of the Mariinsky Theater, other famous teams and musicians.

Rodion Konstantinovich is still active, he is a professional long-lived. To his own birthday, Shchedrin presented a novelty - "The writing for the choir. A cappella".

Rodion Shchedrin in 2018

In the spring of 2018, Maestro, from the 90s permanently residing in Germany, participated in the voting on the choice of President of Russia. Together with Ballet Master Igor Zelensky Rodion Shchedrin voted on a plot in the Consulate General of the Russian Federation.

The composer does not conclude new contracts, but it is recognized that the number of proposals exceeds its physical capabilities.


  • "Shchedrin: Music for Cello and Piano". Raphael Wallfisch, Rodion Shchedrin
  • "The Lady With A Lapdog". Bolshoi Theater Orchestra by Alexander Lazarev
  • "Shchedrin: Carmen-Suite - Satie: Gymnopédies." Dennis Russell Davies, Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra
  • "SHCHEDRIN: Carmen Suite & Respighi: La Boutique Fantasque." Anton Nanut, Sofia Symphony Orchestra, Slovenian Symphony Orchestra, Ivan Marinov
  • Rodion Shchedrin. Junior notebook. Echo Sonata. Self-portrait
  • Rodion Shchedrin. "Lefty." Symphony Orchestra Mariinsky Theater
  • Rodion Shchedrin: The Little Humpback Horse & Chamber Suite. The Moscow Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Musical Theater Orchestra

Quotes and aphorisms

Russian literature - let it do not sound excessively patriotic - the richest literature in the world. Bezencing, which, of course, is in every country ("no prophet in his fatherland"), in our always takes painful forms. After all, the largest forces left the country and found recognition in the West. Persons come, go, indulge, throw that stones, then capes in the air, but opera eternal. Everyone will leave, of course, maybe, the earth will die - I will be very sorry for both Beethoven, and Baha, and Tchaikovsky, and Wagner. Many seems to be smarter thanks no one said. He said: "What is modern? I am writing for eternity. "Music owns some kind of mighty, inexplicable power of influence on these all our open nerves, emotions, solar plexus, heart, blood circulation, and our organs. I strive to be yourself and think it is - the main thing is that I managed to have a living life, despite all the changes are geographical, sociological, economic. I think that in the first place it is absolutely necessary to be equipped with knowing what people did before you. Well, how can you build a car, not knowing how this car did up to you, not knowing that you need four wheels, motor, valves, steering wheel, and so on. Everyone goes to his way. In any centuries, no one has ever helped by the artist, except for the Lord God, did not chat, did not feed from the spoon. Every artist had to pierce the LBU wall for various reasons. Classical music is no elite music. There may be now militant people who believe in this "religion" of the avant-garde, allocate music in such a secret for seven seals. "You will not understand, you are stupid, but after a hundred fifty years we will remember and will play." Will not remember! And they will not play!

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