Lucifer - biography, name, quotes and adaptation


Character History

Character of Christian mythology, fallen angel, Devil, Satan. In the mythology of ancient Rome, there existed as the image of the "morning star" - so called the planet Venus. With Latin, the name "Lucifer" is translated as "light-sound".

History of appearance

Planet Venus is a bright celestial body that can be seen on the sky only at the dawn, morning or evening. The ancient Romans believed that these were two different stars, and the "Morning" Venus called Lucifer, and the "Evening" - Vesper.

In the times of the Roman Empire, the word "Lucifer" was a mutual male name. In IV, even a Christian bishop lived, canonized as Saint Lucifer, an opponent of Arianism.


The name of Lucifer in Europe has become firmly associated with the fallen angel and Satan only in the XVII century. The word "Lucifer" is initially used in the Bible as a metaphor and only later begins to be perceived as the personal name of Satan.

The bright image of Lucifer-Satan was created by the Italian poet of the beginning of the XIV century Dante Aligiery in the "Divine Comedy" poem describing Dante's journey through blood pressure and purgatory to paradise. There is Lucifer - a huge monster, frozen in the ice of the lake Kocit at the very bottom of hell. Lucifer has three grazers, and in each of them the monster chews the greatest sinners and traitors of all time - Jude, Bruta and Cassia.

Lucifer is expelled from hell

The biography of the Lucifer itself for a common legend is also tied to betrayal. Being initially the first among the angels in heaven, the character rushed to the Lord and was lowered into hell along with angels who joined him. The story of the fall of angels was based on the epic poem of John Milton "Lost Paradise".

Lucifer in culture

The image of Lucifer inspires rock musicians and computer games developers. In 1968, the classic composition of the "The Rolling Stones" group appeared - "Sympathy for the Devil", "Sympathy for the Devil". French director Jean-Luke Godar takes this name for his documentary film that comes out the same year. The film is devoted to Western subcultures of the 60s of the twentieth century, and in the song "Sympathy for the Devil" Mick Jagger sings from Lucifer's face.

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Finnish developer of computer games "Shiver Games" released the game "Lucius" in the genre of psychological quest. The main character of this game is a six-year-old boy Lucius, the son of Lucifer. Present in the game and the daddy himself, from which the hero gets the ability to telekinesone, pyroxone and someone else's will. Lucius wishes to capture power over the world, and it is going to start with the murder of everyone who lives with him in the same house. Lucifer in the game is a mentor of the main character and warns about the difficulties that may arise in the process of destroying everyone and everything.


In 2005, a mystical thriller "Konstantin: Lady of Darkness" directed by Francis Lawrence was released. The script was based on a series of comics publishing house "Vertigo" "Messenger Ada". According to the scenario, betting between God and Lucifer, because of which the angels and demons are sitting in heaven and in hell and cannot directly affect the fate of the genus of people, but only half-breeds can be among people.

Peter Stormar in Lucifer

The son of Lucifer Mammon is trying to break the contract with heaven and penetrate the world of people to establish their kingdom there. Lucifer himself appears closer towards the end, to handle the soul of the main character, from whom he learns about the plans of his offspring ... The role of Lucifer in this film is played by actor Peter Stormar.

In the film "Prophecy", published in 1995, the role of Lucifer was executed by actor Viggo Mortensen, who later played Aragorn in the trilogy of Peter Jackson "The Lord of the Rings". Here Lucifer suddenly turns out on the side of the "good guys" and opposes the Archangel Gabriel flewing from the coils, who seeks to find the darkest soul on earth and, with its help, turn heaven into a burning hell. In the final, Lucifer snaps his heart from Gabriel and sniffs.

Viggo Mortensen in Lucifer's image

Lucifer appears in the fifth, seventh and thirteenth seasons of the series "Supernatural". The role of the fallen angel is performed by actor Mark Pellegrino. Here Lucifer was locked in hell, but Sam Winchester for ignorance produces prince darkness to the world of people, thoring the last of the seals that God closed Lucifer in prison. On the ground, the devil finds himself a "vessel" - a person in which you can accommodate, and begins to have fun.

The entire fifth season Lucifer and Archangel Mikhail are trying to get to each other and fight to be accomplished to be accomplished by the apocalypse, but in the final the world turns out to be saved, and the brothers together locked in a hellish prison along with Sam Winchester. In the fifth season, Lucifer appears in the plot "in the flesh", in the seventh - in the form of hallucinations, which are tormented by Sam Winchester, and in the thirteenth - again in the flesh.

Mark Pellegrino in Lucifer

Lucifer also appears in the Third-Series Mini TV series "Fallen". There is a chart of a second plan, the father of the main character - the Nefilima Aaron, who has an unusual ability to "redeem" fallen angels so that they could return to heaven.

In 2016, the series was released, where Lucifer finally became the main hero. The Lucifer series is removed based on the Nile Gamean Nile Comic Series. In the winter of 2018, the third season of the series will be suitable for the end. The role of Lucifer Morningstar here playing actover Tom Ellis, the attractive appearance of which is perfectly combined with hellish red eyes.

Tom Ellis in Lucifer's image

According to the script, the Lucifer was tired of reigning in hell, and the king of demons decided to visit Los Angeles. There, the hero opens the luxury nightclub and is accepted to break his life. When the murder takes place in the Lucifer club, the hero has to get acquainted with the lady-detective Chloe Deker, which is unexpectedly indifferent to his hellish charm. The role of Chloe is played by the actress Lauren Jerman.

Prince of Darkness is intrigued by this woman and begins to help that in the investigation of crimes as a partner and consultant. In the hell, meanwhile, reigns, and everything is immersed in chaos ...

Frame from the series

In the plot there is also a "mother", the role of which is performed by Trisha Helfer. This is the former wife of the Lord God and the mother of Angels, who chinel the goats to mankind and was sent to hell for it. At the end of the first season "Mom" runs away from there with a dream of revenge former man.


From the series "Lucifer":

"- What, in hell there is no music?" - Only for torture. And often terrible. Recently, we put the songs of one Yunz named Bieber. Lord, I would have heard them screaming. "" What? Again stained? This costume is impossible not to blur. - You have wings! - And, for sure, I forgot. Eternally you, people, it confuses. "" - Well done, Lucifer! Good to affect people. - How does he dare to talk like that? "

Bible quotes:

"As you fell from the sky, Dennica, son dawn! Crashed about the land, poured peoples. And he spoke in his heart: "To go down on the sky, above the stars of God, I will cast my throne and sit on the mountain in the gym of the gods, on the edge of the north; Walking on the height of the cloud, I will be similar to the Most High. "" You were anointed Cherube to fall, and I put you on that; You were on the Holy Mountain of God, walked among the firebed stones. You were improved in your ways from the date of your creation, the dollar did not find a lawlessness in you ... "

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