Pavel Sokolov - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs 2021



The "Golden Composition" vocalist Pavel Sokolov gave work in the team of 22 years. For more than ten years, he danced in Ballet Ballet, before in 1997 he made his debut as a soloist. In 2008, the artist left the ensemble for the sake of solo career.

Singer Pavel Sokolov

After the annual pause of Sokolov returned to the scene. The result of the singer with composer Kim Brejtburg became the hit "Faithful". The clip came to the charts of several TV channels. Further experience of independent creativity was also successful: Sokolov records new songs, gives concerts and often appears in programs that go on TV and on the Internet.

Childhood and youth

The small birthplace Paul Alexandrovich Sokolova is a small town of Koryazhma in the south-east of the Arkhangelsk region. Here he was born on April 19, 1974 and here first came to the scene - Mom supported the boy's desire to choreography and gave him to a children's ensemble. Three years later, the team had to leave: the family moved to Communar, as the father offered work in the northern capital.

Pavel Sokolov in his youth

His hobby did not throw a boy. Sokolov visited classes in St. Petersburg Music Hall. Because of the hobbies I had to go to the evening training, so at school the future "Nanac" conducted not 11, and 12 years.

In addition, seeking to earn pocket money, Paul asked the Father who worked on the Leningrad Cardboard Factory, to find part-time at the enterprise and for him. Whether the guy went out on Saturdays and Sundays. Here, in the factory, he found a representative of Baria Alibasov, inviting ballet only the popularity of the team "on-on".

Group "on-on"

According to Wikipedia, at the time of the first performance in the dance "Nanaysev" Sokolov was 14 years old. At the same time, in an interview with the portal, the artist reported that he came to "on-on" at the age of 16, and on the air "Russian filling" (NTV) mentioned the 22-year experience with the group, which implies the start of work in 12 years old. Be that as it may, Paul's choreography was engaged in 1997.

Pavel Sokolov on stage

At the same time in 1995, he collected together with choreographer Alexander Lebedev ballet troupe. The team of two years participated in the dancer at the concerts of the pop singer Angelica Varum. The activities of the Creative Association ceased when Alibasov invited Sokolov to respond again to "on-on", but already as a vocalist.

In 1997, the Group was a quartet, which consisted of soloists Vladimir Politov, Vyacheslav Zherebkin, Vladimir Asimov and permanent Vladimir Levkina, who singer to "on" from the moment of creation. Sokolov returns to the promoted team when the new stage of development comes.

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The country saw a unprecedented show: in a tour of the tour with the title "Count, yes?" The participants of the group appeared by cowboys, the conquerors of the space, the geniuses of espionage. Three hundreds of costumes were sewn on the sketches of Vyacheslav Zaitsev, Yuri Arsa and other fashion designers.

The show rolled not only in Russia, but also abroad. "Nanixes" presented it in Israel, Canada and the United States, as well as in the countries of Southeast Asia. In the framework of concerts and the debut of Pavel Sokolov took place. The voice of the artist first called on the records of the "Nanaysev" in the same year - the musicians released the eighth album, called the title composition "Count, right?".

Pavel Sokolov

Next year is "Nanaysev" on the peak of popularity. The artists first spend in the capital a thousand fans forum. Near the concert hall "Russia" appears the name Star of the team. One reward replaces the other: "on-on" already in the ninth time becomes the winner of the "Ovation" premium. In addition, the Russian Nobility Society decides to assign a county vocalist, and Alibasov - Princely titles.

In 1999, Levukin leaves "on-to". The group still puts the grand shows, but its popularity is noticeably reduced. A severe economic crisis affects the audience love. Fans are nothing to buy tickets. At the turn of millennia and Alibasov, and his wards are leaving for America.

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Cooperation with American producers was successful, but the commercial plans of Alibasov, as well as many record companies, broke the appearance of file sharing. Songs have flowed into the network, getting the audience for free. In 2002, the artists return to their homeland, and soon Asimov leaves.

The following few years Sokolov actively tours together with the group in Russia. A large concert is held in honor of the anniversary of Kazan. Despite the creation of new programs, the group's popularity is reduced.

Pavel Sokolov on stage

Sokolov, which has long established plans for the solo career, announces Alibasov about his caring from the group. Scandal flares. Exit from "on-on" is so hard that Paul is immersed in depression. The restoration of physical and moral forces to continue the work of Sokolov was required a year.

Solo career

Despite the difficult preceding period, the start of independent creativity Paul Sokolov was successful. In December 2008, the artist released the song "faithful" and presented a clip to her. The composer was Kim Breitburg. Musicians created several more compositions. Next year Sokolov signed an agreement on the release of the debut album with him.

The song "Jump from the Bridge" for Sokolova wrote Alexander Morozov, the creator and former producer of the Forum Group. Now the artist cooperates with Israeli authors. Four musicians traditionally participate in the accompaniment: drummer, keyboard player, guitarist and bass guitarist. Sometimes a back vocalist is invited. Among the musical landmarks of Sokolov calls Robbie Williams.

In 2012, the creative biography of the singer was replenished with a duet. Together with the Ukrainian executor, Oleg Vinnik Sokolov recorded the song "Take me to my capture", which instantly became a hit. The external similarity of the artists gave rise to rumors that Sokolov and Vinnik brothers, but they were refuted by vocalists.

Personal life

Behind Pavel Sokolov - two broken marriage. As the Starhit edition writes, in 2001 in the first marriage with the dancer of Natalia Bely, the artist was born daughter Alina. A few years later, Sokolov and Belya were divorced.

Pavel Sokolov and his daughter Alina

With the second wife, Larisa Sokolov met shortly after leaving "on-to". The spouse, who was a few years older than Paul, helped him to survive a difficult stage. Being a lawyer for education, she pushed to receive a profession and spouse. In 2015, the Contractor graduated from the law faculty of one of the metropolitan universities. Later Sokolov was divorced with the second wife.

Pavel Sokolov with family

At the end of the autumn of 2017, Ex- "Nanac" became a father for the second time. He and the participants of the group "Studs", the dancers of Victoria Smirnova, was born daughter Sofia.

Pavla's height - 173 cm. The artist seeks to maintain a good form, for which the gym visits twice a week. According to him, it is engaged in himself, but sometimes comes serving the coach.

Pavel Sokolov Now

The artist continues to engage in creativity: writes new songs, gives concerts and often appears in television. In 2018 Sokolov launched his own studio of creativity called "Kulawar". To work in it, he attracted the first spouse and their daughter Alin.

Pavel Sokolov in 2018

The news of creativity and life of Sokolov publishes in social networks. In Stram, Paul is posting photos from filming clips and programs with his participation, as well as pictures with familiar and relatives.


As part of "on-on"

  • 1997 - "County, yes?"
  • 1998 - "Those Were The Days" (in French)
  • 1998 - "All life is a game"
  • 1999 - "On Over Earth"
  • 2003 - "Special Energy" Part 1
  • 2007 - "Special Energy" Part 2


  • 2009 - "faithful"
  • 2014 - "Above only heaven"

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