Sergey Witte - biography, photo, personal life, reforms



The brilliant statesman, the innovator of its time, cautioning for the industrialization of the economy and the development of railways. The name of Sergei Juliyevich Witte entered the story due to the reforms and construction of the Trans-Siberian Highway. The identity of the Minister of Finance caused contradictory opinions and statements, but his contribution to the development of the country is obvious.

Childhood and youth

The minister's biography originates in the Caucasus, in Tiflis, June 17 (June 29 for a new style) of 1849. A boy in a poor family of provincial nobles was born. Father Sergey Yulievich by nationality - a leaving from the Baltic Germans, received the noble title in the middle of the XIX century. But on the line of mother, the pedigree was rooted to the famous princes of Dolgorukh, than Witte was very proud of.

Sergey Vitte

Five children were brought up in the family - three sons and two daughters. The childhood of the future minister passed the grandfather on the mother line - A. M. Fadeev. Grandmother taught his beloved grandson asam literacy, giving the boy initial education. Enrolled in Tiflis gymnasium, the student did not differ in brilliant behavior and passion for the exact sciences. The gymnasium preferred fencing lessons, music and riding.

Sergey Witte in youth

Despite the weak marks in the certificate, Sergey Yulievich went to Odessa for admission to the university. However, the initial attempt was not crowned with success, and the unlucky gymnasium had to return to the gymnasium. After zealous classes, Witte managed to enroll in the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of Novorossiysk University in 1866.


After receiving a diploma, the graduate was planning to stay at the Department and to engage in scientific work. However, the mother and uncle of the young man spoke out against such a choice, having considered that scientific works are unworthy lesson for nobleman. According to relatives, Witte was supposed to enter the public service.

State Avestigator Sergey Witte

In Russia, the construction of railways was rapidly developed. Private offices invested considerable capital in the development of the industry. Perspective sphere attracted and young Witte. At the suggestion of Count A. P. Bobrinsky, Sergey Yulievich took the position of specialist for the operation of railways to the Office of the Odessa Railway.

The career of the talented managers hung on the balance after the Taligulian catastrophe took place in 1875, which took the life of passengers. Witte and the head of the road were sentenced to 4 months in prison. However, the merit of Witte, marked by the Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolayevich, saved a man from imprisonment. The punishment is replaced by two weeks of Gaupvakta, where Witte spent only nights, while continuing to work in control.

Minister Sergey Witte at work

Career ambitious employee went up. Witte is appointed to position the head of the service in the administration of the South-Western Rail Society.

In the late 80s, the railway manager meets Emperor Alexander III. And in 1889, Witte at the request of the head of state is held by the post of head of the just educated department of railway cases under the Ministry of Finance.

Sergey Witte and Alexander III

In public service, despite the contradictory attitude of the courtyard and other statesmen to their own person and the policy, it becomes quickly becoming the minister of communication. After a productive work, in 1892, received a appointment to the post of Minister of Finance.

Taking a high post, Witte continues to promote railways, redeems the lines in state ownership. One of the achievements of Witte is the forcing of the construction of the Trans-Siberian Highway. Sergei Yulievich is the author of the monetary reform of 1897. The country received a solid currency secured by gold, which strengthened the position of Russia at the global level and attracted investors.

An important contribution to the economy was introduced by the introduction of the wine monopoly of the state, which ensured the flow of funds to the budget. The merits of the talented minister do not end. Witte worked on work legislation. With his participation, working time limit was introduced. He considered it necessary to reform the peasant community as a remnant of the past.

Sergey Yulievich advocated the state of educated people with an inquisitive acute mind. The Minister has achieved the right to choosing employees to merit, and not by the presence of noble titles. Witte was believed to supporters of the bourgeoisie, the quotation of the minister that most of our nobles - a bunch of degenerates that make their own benefits at the expense of folk remedies, became aphorism.

Emperor Nicholas II.

With the arrival of the Emperor Nikolai II, Opponents Witte launched a provocative campaign. The new chapter of the state disliked the minister, since Charismatic Sergey Yulievich eclipsed the figure of the autocrat. At the same time, Nikolai could not do without it that annoyed even more. However, Witte answered the emperor reciprocity. Alexander III remained for the Minister III.

In 1903, Sergey Yulievich joined the honorary, but in fact the nominal position of the chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers. In the new post, Witte did not solve anything. In 1906, he finally retired on his own will.

Personal life

Sergey Yulievich twice married. Both times in love, and both times the chosen women became married women. With the first spouse, the hope of Andreevy Spiridon's future minister met in Odessa. Having learned that the beloved is already connected by the Uzami marriage, personally worried about divorce.

The couple was married in the Vladimir Church, but happiness did not last long. Witte's wife often sick and most of the time lived in resorts. In 1890, a woman died from a heartbroken.

Matilda Nurok, the second wife Sergei Witte

A year later, the minister met a new lady of the heart - Maria Ivanovna Lisanevich, nee Matilda Isaaknu Nurok. According to the preserved photo and reviews of contemporaries, the beloved Witte was distinguished by an attractive appearance, which was successfully used.

The woman was legitimate, and a non-prompt husband refused to give a divorce. Witte, risking her career, was forced to pay the compensation and use his position.

Sergey Witte and his wife Maria (Matifuda)

The scandal was divorced, the marriage of the Jewish was put under the success of Sergei Yulievich in service, but the feelings were so strong that the man was ready to risk everyone. Alexander III, who favored Witte, got up on his side and had a protesting newly demanded.

However, despite the efforts, the woman was not adopted in the Higher Society, where to her, as well as her husband treated with contempt. Having own children, Witte adolescent girls of both wives from previous marriages.


Former reformer minister died in 1915. The cause of death became meningitis. According to the memoirs of the Ambassador of France in St. Petersburg, J.-M. Paleologist, Nikolay, relief, learned about the death of the former minister.

Sergey Vitte's grave

Shortly before the death of Sergey Yulievich worked on a personal book of personal character. "Memories" were published in the early 1920s in Berlin, a little later in the RSFSR.

In the modern world, Witte's contribution to the formation of the Russian economy, as well as an outstanding personality became the subject of historians. Documentary films have been removed about the statesman, which is also ambiguous, like his contemporaries, are considering Sergey Yulievich.

Interesting Facts

  • Starting the operation of a specialist in operation, Witte, wanting to learn the subtleties of management and organization, passed an internship in various positions. The young managers sat at the box office, worked as a station carrier of freight and passenger communications.
Cup holders - the idea of ​​Sergey Witte
  • When careing from the post of control railway and admission to the state position, Witte has significantly lost in monetary complaint. Instead of 40 thousand a year, the newly new minister began to receive only 8 thousand. The emperor of personal money paid for Sergei Yulievich another 8 thousand as compensation.
  • Modern and familiar iron cup holders, still used in the wagons, are introduced into the offense during the work of Witte.


The idea of ​​justice is inserted into the soul, which is not afraid of inequality - with the disaster in the benefit of others, - from no matter what causes this reason did not happen. "I" - a sense of egoism in a good and bad sense - there is one of the feelings, the most powerful in man. Without the influence of cowardice, no quality of man increases as nonsense. The care of our nobles is a bunch of degenerates, which, besides their personal interests and satisfying personal liness, do not recognize anything, and therefore they direct all efforts to receive certain or other efforts. The mercies at the expense of popular money, charged with the impoverished Russian people for the public good ... not in front of our culture, not in front of our bureaucratic church, the light leaned over our wealth and well-being. He bowed before our strength.

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