Georg V - biography, photo, personal life, politics



Georg V - European Monarch, who headed the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland (later - and Northern Ireland). George's chances of heading the throne was originally small - in front of him in the turn of the throne and her older brother. However, fate ordered that power fell into the hands of George. In the life of this person there was a place not only for public affairs and important decisions, but also for quite earthly hobbies - philately.

Childhood and youth

The future monarch was born in London on June 3, 1865. With baptism, the boy was ordered by George Friedrich Ernst Albert. Georg's father accounted for the native son of the Queen of England - Victoria, and the mother was Alexander Danish. On the maternal line, you can trace the interesting connection between George V with Russian monarchs, in particular with Nikolai II.

Georg V in childhood

The fact is that Alexander Danish and Maria Fedorovna, Alexander III's wife, accounted for each other with their own sisters. And their children, Nikolai and Georg, respectively, were cousins.

When Georgue was 12 years old, his together with the eldest brother Albert Viktor was sent to a warship, where young people were comprehended by naval science for three years, fulfilling the duties of ordinary Michmans. It was believed that such a harsh school would make real men from young people.


The new page in the biography of George V opened in 1892, when Albert Victor died suddenly because of the flu. This tragedy made George an obvious Candidate for the Board of the country. In the same year, he was awarded the title of Duke York, assigned to him by the Queen of Victoria. In 1901, the Queen died, and Georg V became the owner of two counties - Cornwall in England and Scottish Rothesi. In the same year, Edward VII, Father George, ascended the throne, making the young man with Prince Wales.

Georg V in youth

Total Eduard VII ruled nine years old. In 1910, the king died, and the throne moved to Georg V. The solemn ceremony of coronation was held on June 22, 1911 - according to tradition in Westminster Abbey.

The new status of George V immediately demanded decisions from him several serious problems. First, the House of Lords and the House of Commons traditionally challenged each other's offers. The House of Lords expressed dissatisfaction with the budget developed by the Chamber of Communities. Those in turn nominated the king for consideration of Bill on the limitation of the power of the Lords. Also Georgi V had to meet the wishes of the Prime Minister Herbert Asquita and support Bill about parliament.

No less important were disagreements with Ireland, who wanted self-government and constantly threatened with an uprising. It was possible to negotiate only in 1921, at the same time the so-called Anglo-Irish agreement was signed, putting the end of the riots and the Irish struggle for his own independence.

In 1917, Destiny of George V and Nicholas II crossed again. The exponent Russian emperor requested asylum from the UK, but the cousin refused to Nicholas, banning the imperial family entry into his country.

Nicholas II and Georg V

Also, the Board of George V remembers Great Britain a competent resolution of the economic crisis that occurred in 1931 - then the monarch helped the settlement of the situation both in the field of economics and in the field of the interaction of opposing parties, which could not agree.

At the same time, the adoption of the so-called Westminster Statute, which regulated the existence of the British Commonwealth.

King Georg V.

In 1932, the king showed himself a real innovator, performing the first Christmas appeal to the residents of Great Britain on the radio. Georg V himself did not believe in the success of this step, believing that the radio was only idle entertainment.

However, the king was wrong - this appeal was a good tradition that remained so far. The historical photo has been preserved, on which Georg V pronounces its first Christmas speech. The text of this message prepared Rudyard Kipling.

Personal life

The death of the elder brother brought Georg v not only to the crown. Würga's wife became Württemberg Princess Maria Teksk, who was supposed to become his wife Albert Victor. Six children were born in this family - Sons Eduard VIII, Georg, Georg VI, John Windsor and Henry, as well as the daughter of Mary.

Georg V with family

Free Time Georg V dedicated to his beloved hobby - the king was a passionate philatelist. In 1893, he even won the title of Vice President of the London Club of Filatelists. For the collection, Georgi V managed to get some of the most expensive brands in the world - "Blue Mauritius" and "Pink Mauritius". Now these brands are periodically demonstrated on world philatelic exhibitions.


The last years of the monarch's life was dyed with diseases. George V health gave failures, the king suffered from pulmonary diseases, periodically aggravated. January 20, 1936 George V did not.

Monument to Georg V.

And after half a century it became known that the king took death from the hand of the Palace Medica of Berran Dawson. He wanted to alleviate the fate of the beloved ruler, at that time had already soldered to whom, introduced him serious doses of morphine and cocaine, thus making Euthanasia.

Interesting Facts

  • The wife of George V named Victoria Maria, but after the death of Queen Victoria, the grandmother of the king, the woman refused to be the right to wear the first name in memory of the deceased. So Victoria Maria became Maria Teksk.
  • Georg V was an emotional and even impulsive person. Once at the lunch, something called the monarch's wrath, and he struck his fist on the table with force. The blow fell along the fork tooth, deployed up, which provoked an even greater rage of the king. And immediately after that, the rule of palace table etiquette appeared, prescribing putting the forks only down by teeth.
Georg V and Nikolai II cousins ​​were very similar
  • Georg V was surprisingly similar to Nikolai II, cousin. This was the reason for the curiosities - during the wedding of George V and Princess Mary Teak, some invited confused monarchs, and Nikolai II had to take congratulations on the guests. The groom was repeatedly asked how he finds London and would long be planning to stay in the UK.
  • A day after the death of the monarch, composer Paul Hindemite composed the musical work "Mourning music" in honor of George V.


To commemorate the 25th anniversary of the Board of George V, memorial medals, anniversary coins and postage stamps were prepared, and the Documentary film "Royal Mark" was removed.

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