Valery Kuras - biography, photo, personal life, nationality, wife and children 2021



Loven by thousands of Melomanians of the post-Soviet space Russian chanson Valery Kuras, who gave the world of the "Droplets" wand, could choose a different path and not to go on stage.

Singer Valery Kuras.

A successful ophthalmologist helped patients to look at the world widely open eyes, and in his free time collecting rare cars and was engaged in diving. He took place in a business that brought a stable profit.

However, the story does not tolerate the subjunctive ignition: today Kuras has a huge army of admirers thanks to the vocal talent and soulful songs.

Childhood and youth

Valery Kuras in the light of Sofita every day, but at the same time there is a few and does not like publicity: gives itself a minimum of the necessary information.

On the official website, pages in "Instagram" and Facebook Valery Demisovich repeats the facts of biographies that are known for his fans. Journalists are rarely able to reclaim the star from the star, so they ask what Quara was previously silent. For example, about nationality. Surname Kuras is not Russian. And the middle name Demisovich confuses.

Valery Kuras.

Some secrets of chanson opened a journalist Tatiana Feoktistova, which inquired, whether Ukrainians, Jews or Gypsies are in the nature of Krasasov. The executor of Chanson was born in Moscow in the spring of 1958. The first voice of the future star was heard by the obstetrics of the capital hospital number 6.

Valery was brought up in a friendly intelligent family, where the father, a geologist by profession, was led by the Design Bureau in the Ministry of Geology, and Mom earned the living with translation from German and English.

Valery Kuras remembers youth

The employment of the parents did not allow to control every step of the Son, so the boy was guarded and brought up a grandparents, as well as the courtyard and school. Everything like most children of that time.

To the question of journalists about the origin of the name Valery Demisovich replied evasively, and not shed light on the roots. He said that his father is from Ukraine. As for the amazing name of the Pope, who became the patrony of Chanson, the secret lies in the beliefs of the Grandpa Communist. This is his idea to encrypt in the name of the son of the first of the decrees of Soviet power - about peace and land.

Valery Kuras in Recording Studio

Valery Kuras, in childhood, showed versatile talents and the ability to achieve success in everything, for whatever it fell. Having visited the occupation of the shipying section in the school of young technicians, learned to design the models of ships. Yes, so that at the first in the Soviet Union, the exhibition of shipyard the atom of approach, which Muscovite gave the name of the leader of the proletariat, received the first place.

In the middle classes of the guy fascinated inlaid on a tree, and soon he gave the mother's furniture objects, remaining proud to dozens of years.

Valery Kuras with a guitar

To please my mother, loved by music and singing, the son learned to play the piano and signed up in the choir. When he gone and matured, he threw a choral singing, not fit, according to Valeria, the image of "real guys". But the guy's guy considered the "male" tool, so he graduated from the course of the classic string guitar and pleased the execution of the Hits "Beatles" guys on the school disco.

Having received a diploma of the metropolitan special school, where students were in-depth studied English, Valery Kuras went to enter a medical university. The first attempt was failed, but the guy did not lower his arms and became a student of the medical unit. After graduating with honors from him, he entered the metropolitan medical institute. N. Pirogova. Valery managed to study and earn at night at ambulance.

Valery Kuras in a medical coat

After the end of the medical university and the ordinature, in the middle of the 1980s, the young ophthalmologist fell into the famous Institute of Microsurgery of Svyatoslav Fedorov, famous for the whole country. After 5 years, Kuras became the leading surgeon. According to Valery Kuras, he made 1700 operations a year. And when reached in the profession "Ceiling", switched to the pharmaceutical business and left the institute.

In the difficult 1990s, Valery Kuras managed to achieve success and in business: He headed a foreign representative office in Moscow. But when and on this field, Kuras reached the "ceiling", the soul asked for something new.


The first recorded song Valery Kuras became the composition of Cosa Nostra. The singer presented it with close people who became the first grateful listeners and fans. According to chanson, the first impression of his voice heard on the magnetic tape is surprise.

Singer Valery Kuras.

The first large audience, in front of which Valery Kuras, was the audience the "Nikitsky Gate Theater". The warm welcome 250 listeners inspired the artist and pushed the move in the selected direction.

A wide audience learned about Kuras after entering the screens of the first clip, shot on the song "Droplets". It starred the actors whose names are known to the whole country: Alexander Sechov and Andrei Ilyin, there was a charming Olga Budina and the Matcher of the Russian stage Vladimir Presnyakov-senior. It is he who is the most authoritative music and show business "Petrovich" - brought Valery Kuras on stage.

The Sr. Presnyakov introduced a novice musician with a producer and the author of the songs by Andrey Grybnikov, who, appreciating the vocal data of the artist, wrote him two third of the compositions of the first album, published in 2005.

Songs and Maneru of the performance of Valeria Kuras are called "smart" chanson. They do not have vulgarity and notorious "Blame", this is a spiritual conversation and everyday humor.

Valery Kuras on stage

Fans of chanson compare the pet with Frank Sinatre and Dean Martin, whose songs are immersed by listeners in the atmosphere of "kitchen blues". Listening to the Quara, I remember the gatherings by a fire or in the kitchen, where old friends gathered for the spiritual conversation in the clubs of tobacco smoke. Good humor, sincerity to the red thread pass through every composition of the Quara, there is no pathos in them.

In 2009, the performer presented the world 2nd record, giving it the name "the most beloved". During this period, he fruitfully collaborated with the songwriter and the People's Artist of Russia and Ukraine by Alexander Morozov.

In the 2000s, the best songs of Vocalist sound on the radio "Radio Chanson". The Quaras are repeatedly awarded the main prize "Chanson of the Year", he is a frequent guest of the festival "Ehhh, walking!". The genre in which Valery Kuras appears, he calls the European Chanson, giving tribute to the creativity of Iva Montana and Charles Aznavour.

In the spring of 2013, the singer went on tour in a duet with a colleague Katerina Golitsyn. In memory of the deceased Michael Circle Kuras included the composition "Bath on Soviet" in the repertoire.

Valery Kuras and Katerina Golitsyn

In the festivals of Chanson, the singer participates from the beginning of the 2000s and good sign lovers of musical directions along with the stars of the Russian chanson Irina Krug, Feda Pocket, Anatoly Blight and Willie Tokarev.

In 2016, a collection of songs of Cook The Very Best was released, which included 34 compositions - both new and remixes of older, favorite fans of mischievous hits "Airplane", "Pampuschka", "In a man" and "Girl with the eyes of the sky."

Personal life

Valery Kuras reluctantly opens the pages of personal life. On the question about the ideal of a woman says that appreciates femininity and mental beauty. Love for chanson is the best source of inspiration.

Such a source in the works of the singer became a beloved wife, who gave birth to him. Protecting the family, Valery does not disclose the details of private life and gives a minimum of information about their relatives. It is known that the Son received an economic education in the British university.

Valery Kuras in 2018

The pearl collection of rare cars in his fleet of Chance calls a government "seagull", which drove the Soviet minister Andrei Gromyko. Honorary places occupy "Volga-21" and "Victory".

In his free time, Valery Kuras loves to read. The desk book calls the Roman "Master and Margarita" Mikhail Bulgakov, and the best artistic film is a cult comedy melodrama "Pokrovsky Gate".

Valery Kras Now

Madre Chanson continues to delight fans with new compositions. In 2017, the artist presented with music the song "Hebker", and in 2018 he pleased with a new hit called "Sombrero".


  • 2005 - "Droplets"
  • 2009 - "The most beloved"
  • 2011 - "Grand Collection"
  • 2015 - "There is still gunpowder!"
  • 2016 - "The Very Best"

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