Robb Stark - Character Biography, Age, Lutovolk, Lady Talisa


Character History

Robb Stark, despite the young age, he heads the army of the North without hesitation. A young man is confident that noble last name will shut it from falling and losers. Fans, hopping breathing, followed the development of the plot. Will there be a brave young man? Or maximalism and unnecessary principle will destroy the ruler of the North? For those who believe in fairy tales, the answer is obvious. For the creator of books and the series - not at all.

History of creation

George Martin - the author and screenwriter of the popular franchise "Game of Thrones" - conceived Robob Stark as a minor image. The eldest son of Lord of the North did not make a significant role, the character only revealed the characters of Neada and Keitlin starks.

In the television series, the image of a young warrior is revealed significantly more. In Kinolent, the firstborn Stark is opposed to father. If Ned is ready to lose his life for his own beliefs, the Robb sends a large number of people to death only for the opportunity to take revenge and seize power.

Writer George Martin

In an interview, George Martin confessed that he originally knew - Robb would not survive. The screenwriter did not plan for a long time to leave the emotional Lord of the North in the plot:

"The expected turn of events is His (Neada) the eldest son will rise and will revenge for his father. All this was waiting. My answer is the urgent killing of Robb. "

The prototype of the young Lord of the North is called the Count Douglas of the Sixth, the famous representative of the Black Douglas clan. A young Scottish aristocrat was invited to lunch at the King Castle. The revenue of the young ruler, the afraid of the influence of Douglas, immediately after the meal killed anyone unsuspecting young man. The event got a name black lunch and served as the prototype of the Red Wedding, where Robb kill. The author of the Games of the Thrones does not hide that inspired inspiration in the historical chronicles.

Robb Stark

The role of firstborn Stark in the famous TV series was performed by actor Richard Madden. For the sake of the possibility of playing a colorful character, the artist has learned to ride and manage with a sword. The resulting image glorified the Scottish actor and presented Madden ticket to the first echelon of Hollywood stars.

Image and nature

Robb Stark is the eldest son of the Lords of the North. The young man from childhood was preparing for the Board, so parents paid increased attention to the formation of the hero and weapon possession practices. Externally, Robb looks more like a mother:

"Bright leather, red-brown hair and blue eyes Tallie from Riverran. He was a muscular, blonde, strong and reliable. "
John Snow

From Neada Stark, a young man got a decisiveness, excessive principle and short-sightedness. Robb fellow parents, so the constant presence of an extramarital son Neada annoys the young man. And John Snow often fits over a step brother. The young man received a special pleasure, while having fun over the robb, when the attention of the future ruler of the North attracted the young Mircella Barateon.

After the sudden departure of the father to Robb lay down the care of the family and the castle. Despite his youth, the young man with honor stood the test. Robb climbed the proven people and listened to the opinion of advisers. The news of the arrest of Neada Stark was angry with a hero. An obsessed with the desire to punish Lannister, Robb collected the army and went on a campaign.

Jame Lannister

Military education, which young man got diligently, was useful. Young Stark managed to deceive and defeat the army of one of the strongest warriors of the country - Jame Lannerner. To achieve victory, Robb is ready to go for victims, even enter into an alliance with Lord Freome, implying a wedding of a young man with a new ally's daughter.

The news of the death of his father makes a break in the cohesive army. The young leader is depressed and embittered. The young man does not want to swear to the murderer of the Nade, but the rest of the applicants for the Iron throne will bring only confusion to the state. With the support of local Lords, Robb Stark proclaims himself as the King of the North.

While the shocking news is flying out the rulers of seven kingdoms, the young man continues to conquer the Earth. In the battles of the young ruler accompanies Lutovolk North Wind. Robb himself for indomitable determination is now the name of a young wolf.

Talisa Maigir

But a series of victories is interrupted by the injury. Talis Maigiir is called to care for the crumpled ruler. The girl has long paid the attention of the young man. The impulsive Stark falls in love and violates the oath, which Lord Frey gave. The young king of the north marries the beloved secret from friends and relatives.

It would seem life to be uploaded. Good luck on the side of the young Stark, the beauty-wife accompanies the spouse in the campaign, the Lords of the North are strictly followed by the orders of the lord. But the combat mood robb goes out after new news: the brothers died from the hands of the traitor, the mother released the captive enemy, and the lords stopped believing in the leader.

Robb Stark

The man needs help, and Robb again resorts to the Union with Frey. Captured by the Spirit of War, Stark does not understand that after the insult, Lord Frey will attempt to take revenge.

To avoid tensions and change the guilt in front of Lord, Robb suits the wedding between Frey's daughter and his native uncle. But behind the deceptive good nature of Lord is a plot. During the wedding celebration, Freya people kill the roboba Stark, as well as his wife and mother.

Robb Stark with Lutovolka head

The death of the young Lord of the North did not satisfy the conspirators at all. The body of a robob with ancient head Lutovolka sat on the horse and drove the castle on the streets. Cruel mockery over decisive and bold warrior.

Interesting Facts

  • Robb's age in the series and book will be varied. In the television version, the hero turned 17, and in the print edition of the forefinger of storks only 14.
  • On the eve of the release of the new season, the fans and actors of the series asked the question who, in their opinion, will rise. Fans nominated candidatures of Khal Drow, Nad and Robob Stark.
Marghery Tyrell
  • The creation of George Martin gave rise to a huge number of fan fiction. One of the popular fans of amateur novels is the love relationship of Robob Stark and Margery Tirell. No less popular motive, in which the ruler of the North, after death, is reincarnated in the Werewolf.


"The one who keeps all the treasures in one wallet makes it easier for a thief." "Love, as I learned now, does not always happen to wise. She is able to bring us to madness, and yet we are following the call of your heart, wherever it led us. "Today I sent two thousand people to death." "If everyone answered for the actions of all distant relatives, he would live No one left. "

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