Chicherito - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Football 2021



Chicarito is a famous football player who is often called the best attackers in the history of Mexican football. The obvious talent of the athlete made it famous for the whole world, the matches with the participation of this scorer are waiting for as a real show, and his number in the Mexico national team - the 14th - consider many fans happy. Therefore, it is difficult to believe that some time ago Chicarito doubted the correctness of the chosen path.

Javier Hernandez Balkesar is such a real name of the football player - born in the Mexican city of Guadalajara. A funny nickname Chicarito switched to an inheritance athlete from Father - Javier Hernandez Gutierres, who was called "Chicharo" ("pea") for bright green eyes.

Chicarito football player

Football boy became interested in 9 years. The talented athlete immediately noticed and in the same year they invited to train to the Academy of the Guadalajara Club. Soon Chicarito has already participated in all local competitions and championships, gaining experience and comprehending the basics of the game.

The first season played by the athlete as part of Guadalajara, was successful, but a year later (in the 2007/2008 season) Chicarito never sent a single ball into the opponent's gate. As Chicarito is now recognized in an interview, it was a difficult period. The athlete even thought to leave football - so much a young man worried about failure. But parents and relatives of Chicarites convinced a young man not to lower their hands and continue to train. They were right - even negative experience would benefit, and Chicarito achieved a lot in his favorite business.


Already in 2010, the glory about the talented attacker reached Europe, and Chicarito became interested in the representatives of Manchester Junitėda. In the same year, the footballer signed a contract with the famous club and entered the field as part of a new team. During the first game for Manchester United, Chicarito, who replaced the Nani Portuguese on the field, managed to score the goal to the opponents. And in the fight against the Chelsea team for the English Super Cup Chicarito scored the famous goal, which still admires football fans. No less successfully, Javier played the next match, providing the victory with his new team.

Chicarito prays (as part of FC Manchester United)

After several seasons in Manchester, Career Chicarito continued in another eminent club, a football player rented Spanish "Real Madrid". The contract was signed on September 1, 2014, and already on September 20, the athlete demonstrated the highest level of the game, scoring the debut goal in the "Real". Unfortunately, to become a leading player of the team of Chicarito did not come out, and the next season athlete began in another club.

The new team in the professional biography of Chicarito - "Baer 04" from Germany - did not regret funds for the redemption of a talented player. The transfer cost of the football player was € 16 million and two years later, in 2017, Chicarito moved to the team "West Ham United". This time the price of the player was already € 18 million.

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In addition to the game for clubs with world name, Chicarito stands for the national team of the native country. The debut match in the Mexico national team played against the team from Colombia in 2009. And the year later scored two goals into the gate of Bolivia, bringing the team to victory. Not without Chicarito and the World Championship, where the player made his debut in 2010. Interestingly, the grandfather, and the father of the athlete participated in the World Cup (grandfather - in 1954, and father - in 1986). This is the first case in the history of world football, when three generations of one family became participants of the World Cup.

Chicherito as part of the Mexico national team

In 2017, preparation for the World Cup began. Here Chicarito, playing in the Mexico national team, improved team statistics, ensuring the yield of the team in the playoffs. Also fans remembered the game of Mexico and Portugal, which ended in a draw. The heroes of this match were Cristiano Ronaldo, who gave a head pass, who opened the score, and Chicherito, who managed to compose the account.

Personal life

Personal life Chicharito was also bright as a football career. Muscular athlete (growth of a football player - 175 cm, and the weight - 71 kg) never complained about the lack of female attention. In 2016, the media appeared reports of Havier's novel with Lusia Villalon, leading sports news. Some magazines even wrote about the early wedding of young people, however, it did not reach the official design of relations, and Lucia never became the wife of Mexican handsome.

Chicherito and Camila Sodi

Already in early 2017, a photo of Chicarito with a new girl appeared on the network and sports magazines. The happy chief of the football player became Camila Sodie. In the native country, the girl is known, perhaps, no less than his beloved: Camila sings, film and serials and constantly becomes the heroine of the secular chronicle. About the joint future, a couple preferred not to spread, however, in "Instagram" and other social networks, joint photos of young people constantly appear. It is also known that the Camiles have two children from previous relations.

Andrea Duro and Chicarito

Unfortunately, this novel went to a dead end, and now news publications are building assumptions about the new relations of Chicarito. It is about the novel of the football player with the Spanish actress Andrea Duro.

In addition to the heart of the football player, his salary is often discussed in the press, and the athlete posts in Twitter are dealt with the quotes. So, in 2012, Chicarito surprised fans of tweet, in which he admitted that he was admired by the Prophet Mohammed. At the same time, the athlete stressed that he was not a Muslim for religion. Javier himself adheres to Catholic religion and even prays on the field to important matches, relying on God's help.

Chicarito now

Now all the attention of the fans of the athlete is riveted to the World Cup 2018, which takes place in Russia. In the first game, Mexico team managed to defeat the German team. The match turned out to be emotional: the Germans spent a lot of time on someone else's half of the field, holding the tension of Mexican fans. However, Latin American managed to withstand this pressure and won 1: 0.

Chicarito himself in the interview stressed that the team was configured calmly and confidently. According to the football player, Mexicans are planning to enter the World Cup final.

"It is unacceptable to suffer defeat from Korea and Sweden and return to Mexico," the athlete said.


  • 2011 - Cokakaf Gold Cup

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