Slenderman - character biography, image and character, actors


Character History

Slenderman - a terrible ferry (two meter high) silently stands in the fog or behind the wall of the rain and observes faceless physiognomy for future victims. A young legend, which is not also 10 years old, forced the earthlings to think seriously: is it another bike or reality?

History of origin

The biography of one of the most terrible mystical characters began in 2009. Administrators of the Forum "Something awful" announced a contest of paranormal phenomena - participants were offered to create a monster, which claimed the role of a new city legend. The first place was unconditionally moved by Eric Knudsen, who under the pseudonym Victor Surge published terrible black and white photos. In the pictures, the group of children pursues an incomprehensible creature without a face called by the author Slender Man, or a subtle man.

Slenderman in the forest

As it turned out later, the character absorbed the features of the heroes of Romanian, German and Russian folklores. Although Eric Knudsen argued that he was in real life, for consuming conviction, explaining the origin of photos. The pictures managed to survive during the fire library of the Stirling, which happened in a week after the disappearance of 14 children. And about the event as if the case was initiated, in which the photo appeared as a material evidence.

Images are signed by the phrase:

"We did not want to go, did not want to kill them, but his persistent silence and stretched hands were frightened at the same time and reassured us ... / 1983, the photographer is unknown, considered to be dead."

The hero was so impressed by the members of the forum that Slenderman Namig overgrown with new details and went beyond the close topic, confidently conquering expanses of the Internet. The creator of the character as a proof of existence added a few more photos, at the same time attaching children's drawings and even a police report on that allegedly real history from the distant past. As a result, the image created collectively was formed, and the hero from the simple meme was turned into a successful Internet myth.

Slenderman with tentacles

Slenderman "seen" in Russia, a terrible monster was even seen in Kazakhstan. For example, in the Moscow region one day at night, the young man in search of his friend wandered into the forest, removing the adventure of the film. The video hit the network, and at the same time on the television screens - one federal channel was demonstrated. In the record, the crying soul of the whisper is clearly heard and the silhouette of a bad person appears.

Slenderman is depicted as a thin, pale man with long hands and legs that bend in any direction, sometimes with tentacles instead of hands. The face of a subtle man - without an eyeball, nose and mouth, he is dressed in a rigorous suit of black color, which is usually put on the funeral, a white shirt and a tie. The abilities at Slenderman are also unchanged - he is though deprived of the senses, but the masterfully knows how to penetrate his own victims, call hallucinations.

Slenderman's face

A thin man lives in places where the most difficult to track down and catch. These are impassable forests, foggy swamps. But sometimes it appears on the city streets - the Internet is a shot by photographs, where in the midst of a clear day, during the peaceful games of the defones in the back background the silhouette of a long man can be seen. The character abducts people, mostly children.

However, the authors did not come to the general opinion, for what purpose he did, because the victims disappear without a trace, therefore the details are not able to share. Although in a number of fantasies, the bodied bodies are still found on the tops of the trees. The one who was lucky enough to meet Slenderman in life, describes the monster silently standing nearby and watching frightened people.


In the future, the fans invented a whole family of the Sladera, which settled in the terrible stories - "crippastes". The character acquired brothers. Trenderman does not like tastelessly dressed people, so it makes it changed, and in case of refusal kills. Offnderman - maniac with a rose. Gives the girls a flower: if he accepted the present, the character rapes it, the refusal of roses threatens endless persecution. Laverman is loving and kind, helps people with a broken heart.

In place of fanfikov, a subtle man appears an ambiguous person. Sometimes it is difficult to determine, kind he or evil. Some authors are attributed to the monster a terrible tendency - he caresses the victims before the murder. The myth also took root that the character took off his face and turned into a killer to find their deceased girl among people.

Slenderman and his girl

As psychologists explain, the appearance of Slenderman in culture is expected. A subtle man who does not have a person embodies the main fears, especially the fear of the unknown. Yuri Shcherbati, Doctor of Biological Sciences, explains:

"This character belongs to the category of existential shock: fear generated by human intelligence and associated with questions about death, time, meaninglessness of our existence, symbolism, by the afterlife.

Prototypes and its image in culture

The image of Slenderman is a frank plagiarism. A tall man without a face lives in German fairy tales. And in the Romanian folklore, two girls - Stella and Sorina - one day they met a man in black with many hands, long limbs without bones. Vladimir Dal in the book "On the beliefs, superstitions and prejudices of the Russian people" described Gerdai - a very long, thin man who wanders through the streets and looks into the windows, "a miserable rod, a convicted age to worshed over the world without a sense and position." And the Slenderman is a bit Japanese: In the fairy tales of the country of the rising sun, there is a faceless spirit, pouring people from people and living in the forest chassis.

Faceless Japanese spirit nopparapon

SURG himself said that a terrible character was born after watching the horror "fantasy", filmed by Don Cupcarelli in 1979, where the high grave figure appeared.

The hero was devoted to musical compositions of punk and rock bands. In addition, the delicate man became a character of computer and Internet games, the most popular - Maincraft. Full horrors toy "Slenderman: Winter adventure" - not for the faint of heart, you have to save yourself from the claws of the killer without a face. "Slenderman must die" takes into a distant future - the action unfolds during intergalactic travel. And in the "Mysterious Forest", players go to the Dark Czaschu to find this mysterious character in the thickets.

Slenderman, pyramidogol and jeff killer

The creativity of gamers gave rise to an axampy rap-battles, in which a subtle man defends his own superiority over other characters of games. Slenderman stands in Batle against Enderman, Jeff killer, Jason Vurhis and Hrobrin. In the network you can see the dynamic fight of the heroes in the ring, where Slenderman comes against the Hulk.


The history of Slenderman quickly turned into a great plot for anime and web serials. The Mural Horror Mark "Marble Horshi" started on the Web at the "YouTube" site in 2009 and pleased fans five years. The project in length three seasons tells about the director who shot the film. In this series, the character received the second name - the operator. According to the authors, Slenderman is the nickname of the hero. A little later, the meme of a subtle man lay on the basis of Indi-horror "Slender: The Eight Pages". The horrorist became so popular that the developer's website once collapsed due to the bracket of downloads.

Slenderman - character biography, image and character, actors 1470_8

Slenderman was glimpse into the animated series "Desperate Heroes: All Stars." The reference on the mysterious character also used the creators of the series "Supernatural" - in one of the issues of 2014, a similar creature appears in the tape.

In 2016, with a terrible fictional monster of the audience, he introduced the documentary "Beware of Slenderman", published on the HBO channel. It was used to be used in two years before the resonant event about how a 12-year-old girl was trying to a girlfriend to like a little cumier.

Actor Dag Jones

In the piggy bank of the terrible character there are both full-length art paintings. In 2015, fans of a subtle man directed by James Moran presented the film "Slender", filmed based on the web series. Without mask, the character is quite cute - the role was played by Dag Jones.

And in 2018 the premiere of the "Slenderman" picture will be held in the formulation of Sylven White. Trailers open the story secrecy - the monster kills, penetrating the consciousness of adolescents. The film starred the actors Joey King, Annalya Basso, Kevin Chapman. The image of a subtle man embodied Javier Botet.

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