Elena Sanzharovskaya - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Blider, Son Nikita, "Instagram" 2021



Elena Sanzhairovskaya is a popular fitness coach and blogger, inspiring women to improve the body. She fully agrees with the expression: "We are what we eat." Wide popularity acquired after the scandal associated with the attempt on the life of the former spouse.

Childhood and youth

Lena was born in Novosibirsk. Early biography of women - solid moving. The family went throughout the union after the father-military, only in 1980 finally settled in the capital of the Motherland.

When Elena turned 8 years old, replenishment happened in the family - another daughter was born. Younger sister Catherine loved at first glance. Girls had a warm relationship, Lena worked and defended Katya, cared for her. Friendship close relatives managed to keep for life.

In childhood, Elena was not fond of sports. The passion for him appeared in adulthood.


In the distant 1987, after the birth of the second child, Sanzharovskaya ceased to make a reflection in the mirror, but I wanted to remain attractive, as before. The girl went on Shaping - the direction only in gaining popularity in Russia. The instructor became a close friend, with which Elena a little later came to the courses held on the basis of the Aerobics Federation.

The head of Larisa Sydneva, seeing the potential to be new, recommended learn to the fitness instructor. Soon the girl kept in his hands the ISAT certificate from the prestigious international school of aerobic training.

In an interview and on the official website of Sanzhanarovskaya, it says that fitness is so fascinated that she left his head. Interest attended all seminars, trainings. The teachers did focus on theory - the students seriously studied anatomy and biochemistry in order to further be able to pick up exercises for each client.

Interesting were experiments with power systems. At his own experience, students were convinced that one thing without another meaninglessly. Training and proper nutrition work only in a pair.

After graduation, Elena remained in the Aerobics Federation, where the coaching career began. Having gained experience, together with the girlfriend, opened the first studio of the fitness "Natel-Sport", and then another room - already with a swimming pool, which made it possible to expand business opportunities. Here, customers got acquainted with a sports novelty - aquaeerobics.

Over the years, the woman created many programs of proper nutrition and sports activities. In 2000, Sanzharovskaya launched an activity on the Internet. Launched a blog in which he told about how to lose weight, not harming the body.

Personal site also filled with methods and recommendations. Among other things, the blogger tells how to get rid of cellulite, pump up the press and buttocks, calculate calories in the finished food and prepare useful dishes on a special sample of recipes. The site contains dozens of videos in which a woman introduces a variety of exercises: from banal stretch marks to the most complicated power complexes.

And then Elena launched a page in "Instagram", where in a short time the number of subscribers exceeded over a million. In 2016, Cosmopolitan called a woman the best fitness blogger.

Elena Sanzhanarovskaya in his work operates numbers in the passport. In the comments to the photo, it often indicates that she lived to retirement age, and trainings and programs help look gorgeous. However, the woman does not hide that it uses the services of cosmetologists and even survived plastic.

At the same time, the coach leads three projects, allowing to lose weight and build a body weight: "reset", online slimming programs and "non-cold games". According to Sanzharovskaya, income from these areas helped buy a "treshka" in Moscow and open the beauty salon. Family budget also replenishes the delivery of proper nutrition on the system of "lose weight easily".

Personal life

Helena had two children - the son of Nikita and the daughter of Yana. The former husband also graduated from sports courses and worked as a coach in the Fitness Club of the Spouse. In the early 2000s, the relationship with him was no longer laid.

According to Elena, a man is a terrible jealous and despotic tyrant. In addition, scandals broke out because of her son. For example, Sanzharovskaya wanted the heir to arrive at the university after school, and the spouse insisted on the army. In the end, the young man went to study in America.

Soon Elena filed for divorce. But the husband persuaded the woman not to rush, and then he always convinced to rewrite all the real estate in him, which consisted of four apartments. As a result, they were on the street with her daughter, lived at the sister.

The splash of the popularity of the fitness coach fell in 2008. Elena Sanzharovskaya was in the center of the scandal. A woman was accused of ordered Killer to kill her husband. The role of the murderer was to play a friend, but he turned to the police, without even having even for a solid remuneration - $ 5,000 prisons managed to avoid, four years have expected a psychiatric hospital instead.

With the former spouse after those events of Sanzharovskaya there was only one day when the daughter gave birth to a grandson, but communication was not asked. Elena says that he does not even want to talk to traitors.

Blogger survived the terrible tragedy in 2013 - Lost Son Nikita. A young man after a wedding trip found himself in a hospital with a damaged leg. The cause of death is an anesthetic that gave an unexpected result. After his reception, the young man fell into whom, from which she never came out. Elena could not come to himself, threw things out, and then left his head to work, still worries for 18 hours a day.

In attempts to establish the personal life of Elena Sanzharovskaya, even visited the program "Let's get married", but the hero preferred another lady. Fitness coach often flashes on TV. The woman participated in the show "Let them talk" and even "lit up" on the scandalous television trip "Dom-2". Elena's ether was on Skype from Thailand in the aim of supporting Sasha black - a complete girl, which was in relationships in the role of the victim. The participant of Telestroika Fitness-coach learned from subscribers who asked to help Sasha. Elena told that he looked part of the issues and was heard. Live air said:

"The girl lost so much, and it's not only in weight. This is a total humiliation, you are looked at one person. "
Elena Sanzharovskaya - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Blider, Son Nikita,

Speaking of personal life, Sanzharovskaya assures that the decade has been found exclusively with young men who are not more than 30 years old. In an interview with Life, Elena admitted that he loves beautiful guys, especially football players. The publication quotes the fitness blogger:

"We have young people now they are not in a hurry to marry. I do not need anything from them other than sex. I look beautiful, sexy and can communicate on any topics. That's what attracts men in me. I finish the relationship on my own initiative after two months. "

In relations with daughter, Elena sometimes there are conflicts. The latter happened due to the fact that the blogger said a lot of unpleasant one to the electronic address of Yana. However, later, the woman apologized and realized that he was wrong. Now about Sergey she responds quite flattering:

"Sergey works in a major medical company, without any help, reached the position of the head of the department, has excellent salary. He is Muscovite, he has an apartment in a good area, a car and cottage. Intellectual and intellectual - the best man could hardly find a daughter. "

In an interview, Elena shared the fact that I was very grateful to the support that she had it in a difficult period of life. It was the 14-year-old girl who called an ambulance and saved his mother from Suicide, and after a few years he was sued with his father because of the apartments, worked on three works, paid a loan that took to study at the university.

Elena Sanzharovskaya now

Elena - author of the book "Life without fat, or eat after six! How to lose weight forever and not go crazy. " One more writes for several years. The book is designed for women, raises the questions of unequal rights and the provisions of the ladies in society.

Sanjarovskaya continues to advise customers, conduct online trainings on the page in "Instagram", as well as fitness tours. Often with fans and wishing to reset excess weight suits meetings, where it is divided by the secrets of a slim figure. Also, Elena has an Youtyub-channel, where she lay out video of domestic training.

In March 2020, the name of the blogger again appeared in the headlines of news publications. True, this time in connection with the scandal: Sanzharovskaya rigidly spoke in the program Andrei Malakhov "Direct Ether" to Catherine Didenko, the husband and friends of which were killed because of the tragedy in the sauna. Young people poured a large amount of dry ice into a pool in a closed room, which was the cause of misfortune. Elena Sanzhanarovskaya condemned Catherine, who after what he had continued to post posts on social networks and even appeared on television in the program Dmitry Borisov "Let them talk." The fitness coach admitted that she was ashamed to be a blogger because of such people as Catherine, and even called the girl "scary stupid and scary with a plastic man," which spars in spite of everything.

Recently, the fitness coach was spoken over to the participation of Timati rapper in the Bachelor's project: "The baby wants to find fate among the contents that the heroes of this show are traditionally". She did not bypassed the situation associated with a football player Artem Jübe, an intimate video with which was merged into the network. The blogger believes that he was unfairly removed from the matches.

In October, Elena was awarded the Prize "Fitness Guru - 2020". Awarding awards took place in Barvikha Luxury Village. Sanjarovskaya took a grandson on the red carpet. For him, it was the first exit to the light, which, however, was crowned with success. The boy willingly communicated with journalists and answered questions. Elena told about it on his page in "Instagram", and also posted a photo from the event.


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