Dazhibogogo - History of Origin, Mythology, Interesting Facts


Character History

Slavic God, whose appearance personifies the sunlight and fertility, cannot be considered a formidable warrior. The inhabitants of Ancient Russia believed that Dazhibogog is a real patron and defender. Therefore, most myths dedicated to the radiant God talks about the kindness and generosity of a man, and not about military exploits.

History of origin

The God of the Sun, very similar on an ancient Greek Apollo, is known for a number of names - Dazhibog, Welmer, Dab, Radgast, Radigosh. The first mention of the deity belongs to the earliest sources of writing. For example, in the "Tale of Bygone Years" it is said about the wooden monument to Dazhbogu, which Slavs placed next to the monuments of Horsa, Yaril and Street.

Notes on Dazhibogo, preserved in the Ipatiev Chronicles, make it possible to conclude that the history of the origin of the Divine is connected with the Scythian people. In written evidence mentioned altars in the form of concentric circles. In the same way, the earth apartments in Scythia glorified their own Sun God.

"The word about the regiment of Igor" was also not without mentioning the Slavic Divine, however, only in indirect meaning. The author of the literary masterpiece of Ancient Russia denotes Rusich as grandchildren of the famous God, which corresponds to the rest of mythology dedicated to the Welmer.

The ancient Slavs divided the cult of deities for two periods. Dazhiboga summer symbolized the care of winter, flourishing and flowering. Dazhbog Winter personified soft sunlight and patronized wedding celebrations. Each period of the reign of God had its own symbol and amulet, which Rusichi embroidered on clothes or cut out on the tree.

Dipbog in mythology

The great God of the Sun is the son of Grozny Svay. One day, God-blacksman decided to see how people live on earth, but because of the constant darkness did not see anything. Then the weld pulled out due to the sinus of the Dazhbog, freshen the world and people.


The man helped with their own appearance to the ancient Slavs. Rays emanating from Dazhboga presented humanity hope and harvest. From this day every morning, the God of the Sun charged the chariot and drove across the sky, stopping only for the night to break. And the grateful Slavs began to glorify Dazhbog and proudly worn the title of "Lazhibyy grandchildren."

But sunlight does not come from the man himself, but from the Divine Shield, with which Dazhibogogo rushes across the sky in a beautiful chariot. The crew pulls lions and villages (in other sources of horses with a fire mane), so sometimes Slavic God is depicted with a fierce animal head.

However, more residents of Russia believed that Dazhbog is a blonde and blue-eyed man of middle-aged. Charming and benevolent God does not part with the already mentioned shield, gives the sunlight and reflecting any magic. As a weapon, the deity uses a spear whose throwing is perfect.


It is not surprising that such a beautiful and strong man had many women. The first wife of Dazhbog became Zlatogorka. God saw the sleeping beauty and captured a girl. Woke by Zlatogorku, the dashbog achieved a response feeling and married his beloved. But family life overshadowed the excessive curiosity of the girl.

One day on Mount Latvia Zlatogorka found a coffin in which he faced to sleep and could not get out of imprisonment. To free his wife, Dazhbog got a special ring. The wife was saved, but the random loss of the Magic Artifact destroyed the marriage - Zlatogorka went to Naviye. From the first wife, God left two sons - a stride and oxen.

Appearance of Dazhboga

What was the happiness of the man when Dazhibogog found out that the soul of his beloved moved to the goddess Maru! However, happiness with a new wife lasted long. A woman fell in love with Koshiya and ran away with her lover. Infertiously angry, Dazhbog fought twice with a blazes and lost both times.

The second battle ended for God's deplorable - a man chained a latur to Mount. Saved the godbog goddess alive. The girl became the third and favorite wife of the Divine. Live gave birth to Dazhibogu Kisa and Aria, from which the whole human genus occurred.

Interesting Facts

  • The meaning of the Slavic God is giving well-being. The name of the Divine probably happened from the phrase "Give God" (ie, God forbid). Therefore, despite the similar sound, Dazhbog - is not the Rain God at all.
  • The guard of God is a disk that personifies the sun. No less powerful is the symbol of the Dazhbog - a solar square, externally similar to the swastika.
  • There is a rune, whose name is consonant of the name of the Solar God. In divination, the rune symbolizes abundance and well-being.
  • The ancient Slavs believed that the conspiracy of Dazhibogu would help to expel evil from life and fulfill any desire.

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