Romel Lukaku - biography, personal life, photo, news, football player, growth, weight, age, religion, goal 2021



Romel Lukaku is an "Inter" striker and the team of Belgium. The athlete is known for its dimensions and pressure, for which he received the nickname Tang. " The football player himself confessed that he walked to success "with anger in the heart", promising the grandfather to take care of the mother, and that - that she would never cry.

Childhood and youth

Roman Menam Lukaki, like his brother Jordan, is a hereditary football player. Father, Roger, played for various Belgian teams, Mom Adolafin worked as a cleaner. When a desire to play football woke up in Romelu, his father has already completed his career. The family lived very poorly, part of the relatives earned to the Republic of the Congo.

When, in addition to the general education, Lukaka began to go to the sports school, the father took a coach of youth. Moreover, parents allowed sons to drive the ball, subject to the presence of good marks. Roger gave Romel his boots, and to perform at competitions, shoes bought the first coach.

He started Romel from local youth teams. The guy everywhere had to carry a birth certificate with me, since the parents of the rest of the peers did not believe that such a sharp and powerful boy did not confuse the age category.

At 11 years old, Lukaki got into the youth composition of the oldest club of Belgium "Lerse", 76 heads scored in 34 matches. At 14 came out on the field in the youth of Anderlecht U-19, and there was a turning point in the biography of a football player. Romel residents argued with the coach that he would score 25 goals for half a year. If it does not work, it will remain on the reserve bench, and if you won the bet, the mentor will wash the service buses and cakes pancakes for the entire team.

A month before Christmas, the bold guy treated his friends with delicacy. In addition, "Anderlecht" on the 16th birthday offered Lukak contracts and a service car, and the family is a new home. Romel kept the Word, this mother, that life will change.

The first thing that I did, - bought a favorite computer console and connected cable TV to watch the Final of the Belgium Championship. From one of these views, Anderlecht was called. To the school graduation young striker played in the Europa League.

Club Football

Romel has become a star in the first professional season - received Golden Butsu as the best scorer of the country and was included in the national team of Dick Advocat. On the young football player put the eyes of Chelsea, Juventus and Manchester United. The "blue" approach to negotiations turned out to be more systemic, even Didier Drogba connected. However, the owners of the amount of £ 2 million seemed to be too big for the player not too well-known. A year later, Chelsea still got Lukaki in his composition, but for the new striker Roman Abramovich was fulfilled by £ 15 million.

The game practice of Romel in Chelsea was not impressive, the same Drogba and Fernando Torres were in priority at the coaching staff. In addition, the equilibrium of the Belgian knocked out the situation with the father in prison on charges of an attack on a woman. Lukaki-senior was hidden from justice than only worsened his position, as a result was punished with correctional work. The son found for the father of a better lawyer, but the relationship between men strongly spoiled.

Perhaps this fact influenced the "Chelsea" decision to refuse Romel in the consideration of the nominating brother's candidacy on the inclusion in the main or duplicate composition. Now Jordan plays for FC "Antwerp".

In 2012, Romel went to the rental rights to the club "West Bromwich", from there to Liverpool Everton. After 15 headed heads, Iriski received an attacker on an ongoing basis, buying Lukak for £ 28 million to this, the most expensive acquisition of the club was Maruan Felline - £ 15 million.

In Liverpool, Forward lived until the end of the 2016/2017 season, earned the first serious injury, scored the first hat-trick, set several records. Romel's salary then accounted for € 52 thousand per week. According to the estimates of the LifeBel portal, the football player has extended more from the US President Barack Obama for the year. In addition, Lukaku was recognized as the best bombarder of the Europa League, surpassed the achievements of Sharpe Graham, Dankana Ferguson in the number and stability of balling balls, became the author of the best goal in the history of Everton.

In 2017, Romanu installed another record of British football. "Manchester United" for the first time in the system of internal transfers spent £ 75 million on the player, in the "Impression" gave Wayne Rooney and another £ 15 million as bonuses. Belgian striker signed a contract for 5 years with an extension option for another year and took a T-shirt in the new club with the 9th number.

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Speaking at the team of "Red Devils", Lukaku played in 96 matches and scored 42 goals to the door of opponents, one of which became 200th in a football player's career. According to the results of the 2017/18 season, Romel has become the best team scorer.

Collaboration with the club lasted only 2 seasons. On August 8, 2019, Romel has moved to the Milan FC "INTERNATIONAL" for £ 74 million. He became the most expensive acquisition of "snakes" in the history of the club. The contract of the striker is designed until June 30, 2024.

According to statistics, in the 2019/2020 season, the striker participated in UEFA Europa League matches, UEFA Champions League, Series A and Cup Italy, putting a team of 34 goals in the piggy bank.

Collected Belgium

At the 2018 World Championship, the striker of the Belgian national team made competition to Cristiano Ronaldo himself in the number of scored heads. But the Mission of Romel, according to the head coach of Roberto Martinez, is not to become the best tournament scorer, "he is here to help the team win Mundial." The Belgian national team defeated the teams from Panama and Tunisia, while the striker was noted in every meeting, thereby repeating the achievement of Diego Maradona and Gary Lineker, established at the 1986 World Championship.

In June 2018, Lukaku, scoring the ball into the gate of the Egyptian national team in a friendly match, became the record holder of the Belgian football.

According to the results of the World Cup, Belgium occupied the 2nd place, beating the English team in the final. Romel as one of the best scorers of the championship received "Bronze Butsu".

Personal life

The first and chief friend and the adviser Romelu - Mom. A woman dissuaded his son from the extension of the contract with Everton, despite the proposed salary at £ 130 thousand per week. Adolfin, in essence, manager Lukaki, although the athlete cooperates with the Roc Nation Sports Agency belonging to the Jay-Z musician.

In 2016, the footballer began to meet with a girl - a model of Sarah Mens, her daughter Harry Mesa, the Netherlands broker and a popular TV presenter. The couple met in the United States during the holidays.

In December 2018, the chief of the athlete gave birth to the Son, which was called Romeo Emmanuel. The couple broke up, which the father of Sarah declared the press, about the details of the personal life and the reasons for the gap did not communicate. The mother of Adolafine's mother is engaged in the child, while the athlete focuses on his career.

Romel does not take gifts and trophies in the form of alcoholic beverages and even refused to leave an autograph on a can with a beer, explaining that he would not touch alcohol due to religion. The British media considered that the Belgian football player of Congolese origin is Muslim, but he is a pious Catholic.

On his page in "Instagram", a football player lays out a photo from the matches of training.

Romel Lukaki now

According to the portal "TransferMakt", now the price of the player is € 100 million. In the season 2020/2021, the Intra striker took part in the Matches of the A, the Cup of Italy and the UEFA Champions League, scoring for a team of 30 goals.

Milan Inter won in the Italian Championship 2020/2021, but experiencing financial problems. To solve them, the club is ready to sell Lukak at least for € 120 million. The striker was already interested in FC Chelsea and Manchester City.

In 2021, Romel was part of the Belgian national team at Euro 2020. In the group in the Belgian team met with the Russian team and won with a score of 3: 0. Forward opened an account on the 10th minute of the match and dedicated his goal to the gate of Russia to his teammate on the "International", the Danish midfielder Christian Eriksen.

Awards and achievements

  • 2009 - Football Player of Belgium, winner "Bronze Butsa"
  • 2010 - the owner of Golden Boots of the Belgian Championship
  • 2012 - winner of the Cup of England
  • 2015 - the best Europa League Scorer
  • 2018 - Bronze Word Camera
  • 2020/21 - the most valuable player of the series of series A
  • Best scorer in the history of the team of Belgium

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