Holen Lopegegi - biography, photo, personal life, news, coach 2021



Hulen Lopegegi will be remembered not only for the former merit - victory in the European Football Championship and the onset of the Spanish national team to the main grid of Mundial-2018, but also for the fact that sudden excuses from the post of head coach of the National team brought to the general atmosphere of joy from the beginning of the championship The world is notching shock and sadness.

Childhood and youth

Holen Lopegegi Argote - the first for half a century Basque at the helm "Real Madrid", in his native language, the name of the coach sounds like a melan or yulele. The future football player and the entrendor was born in a champion family to raise José Antonio Lopenegi. Since childhood, Holen and sisters and brother helped parents in a family restaurant and football could only do in his free time.

Holen Lopenets in youth and now

The family business continued Brother Hulen - he holds two places in Madrid. When there were periods without football in the life of Lopethegi, the goalkeeper participated in the management of them.


Unlike its predecessor, Zintedina Zidan's "Real" is a football player of Holen stars from the sky. From the Academy "Real Sociedad" Lopethegi moved to Castille to Vicente Del Bosque, in the second composition of the club "Real Madrid". There, the young goalkeeper played 3 years and much more time spent on the bench spare than in the target of the gate. For the "basis" played the only match against Atletico.

Holen Lopegegi and Florentino Perez

In 1991, the goalkeeper was leased "Logronesu", where he managed to play with Havi Navarro. Then Hulen took in his ranks the principal rival "Real" - "Barcelona". The goalkeeper recalled that the period was the worst in his sports biography. The goalkeeper suffered injuries, Lopegers struggled to carry loads and the presence on the field remained only to dream. During the performance for "Bars", the footballer participated in just 5 games.

The next point in the sports route Hulan was the second league club Rayo Vallecano. In the 1999-2000 season, the team made himself in the example, later played in the UEFA Cup, reached the quarterfinal of the Spanish Cup. At the end of the 2001-2002 season, the goalkeeper decided that it was time to teach others to protect the gate.

Football Trainer Holen Lopemets

Former goalkeeper accepted the invitation of Juan Santistriban to assist this in the junior team U-17. Then helen headed his former "Rayo Valkano", but neither him nor the followers of Gustavo Benitez and Chechu Rokho could not save the team from departure from the second division.

For the period of the 2006 World Championship, the Spaniard has become an analyst and telecommunicator. Lopegegi remembered by the audience fainting live. With this case, one Spanish bank took advantage of promotional purposes, and Hulen on the received fee built in Bolivia a sports boarding school for 85 children.

Holen Lopegegi - Club Coach

Subsequently, the goalkeeper worked as a scout for "Real Madrid" and in parallel studied, produced his own coaching strategy. In 2008, Real Madrid Castilla invited a former player to the post of coach, but he could not boast of any achievements. A year later, the post of President of Real "left Ramon Calderon, Hoolo and left the Galacticos system at all.

Lopegegi entrusted the guidance of the youth team with which he won the European Championship for players is not over 19 years old. The team of winners included future football players "Barcelona" Denis Suarez and Paco Alkasar, "Bavarian" Juan Bernat, Gerard deulfeu, which is now playing "Watford".

Football Trainer Holen Lopemets

On the wave of success, the mentor hit the coaching headquarters of the Spanish youth team and brought the team to the victory in the European tournament. In 2018, 5 members of the team went with Hulen to Russia for the World Cup.

In 2014, the Spanish coach rose at the steering wheel of the Portuguese "Porto". In the new club, Lopenets again made a bet on young people. The youngest in the history of the club came up to ¼ finals of the Champions League season 2014-2015. However, due to failures in the tournament next year, Hulen was fired.

Holen Lopenets with the youth team of Spain

In 2016, the Spanish national team did not pass the 1/8 finals of the continental championship, and the football federation changed Vicente del Bosque to Hula Lopemeteg. Before the new head coach, there was a task - to pass the qualifying sieve of the world championship, with which the mentor brilliantly coped.

However, Spanish fans were extremely surprised when Lopethegas announced the composition of the national team, which was removed to carry to Russia. It did not turn out to be Serge Roberto, Etora Bellerina, Sesch Fabregas and Marcos Alonso. For another six months before Mundial, it became clear that Fernando Torres was left without a place.

Personal life

Holys strictly keeps privacy for personal life. Photo on pages on social networks - Facebook, Instagram and Twitter - highlight the topic of football, charity, all kinds of working moments.

The curtain of the mystery was opened at the submission ceremony of the Lopegian as a new coach of Real. It turned out that the wife of the mentor is called Rosa Med, and children - John, Daniel and Maria.

Holen Lopemethegi now

Spanish national team a day before the start of the World Cup 2018 lost the main mentor. Lopemegei was fired from the post of coach "Furi Roha" for premature, as the leadership decided, the announcement of the appointment to the post of head coach "Real Madrid".

Holen Lopetheg removed from the team leadership

The President of the Spanish Football Federation Luis Rubilees, just a month before the Angel Mary Villar, who had ever changed Angel, found unacceptable flasher negotiations of Lopegegi and "creamy", in which he did not take into account his point of view. Neither the resistance of Andres Injiete and Sergio Ramos, neither the previous merit of the national team coach - 20 win-win matches did not affect Rubiales.

The richest club of the world offered Houlen salary at € 6 million, which twice the salary of the coach in the national team.

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In June 2018, the new coach Real Madrid replenished the composition of the club the youngest in the history of the Ukrainian national team goalkeeper Andrei Lunin. The contract with the goalkeeper is calculated for 6 years, the transfer amount amounted to € 9 million.

At the same time, about the desire to leave the Royo Club, Mateo Kovacich's midfielder, who does not suit the amount of playing time. Another point in the plans of Lopemege - the acquisition of Mexican Errera Errera. Hool saw the midfielder even during the leadership of the Portuguese "port" and, according to rumors, was already shared by the intentions with the President of Real Florentino Perez.


Like a football player

  • 1990 - Champion of Spain
  • 1989,1990,1994,1996 - Winner of the Super Cup of Spain
  • 1997 - Winner of the Spanish Cup

As coach

  • 2011,2012 - Winner of the European Championship for boys to 19 years
  • 2013 - Winner of the European Youth Championship

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