Michelle Monaghan (Michel Monhans) - biography, personal life, photos, news, movies, filmography, swimsuit 2021



Michel Monaghan - American actress, whose star rose thanks to her own stubbornness. Talking about what was able to achieve in a career, the celebrity jokes that her work is heavy, because "a simple girl has to kiss with the stars."

Childhood and youth

Michel Lynn was born in March 1976 in Wintere, Iowa. According to the nationality of the actress half the German, half of Ireland. Robert's father was a farmer, Sheron's mother ran a kindergarten. The girl was surrounded not only by the native Brothers John and Robert, but also several receptions.

Michelle studied at East Buchanschool, then moved to Chicago and entered the college on a journalist. At the same time, the girl worked as a model, leaving the podium in the world capitals of the fashion industry. Not the highest growth for a 170 cm growth (with a weight of 55 kg) did not prevent the monagan to succeed in the profession, and the wonderful figure made it possible to demonstrate bold neckline and make a defile in a swimsuit.

College did not finish the girl for two reasons - did not want to go to practice in the province, from where it was just got out, and decided to move towards strengthening a creative biography. Ensured the correctness of such a step allowed the role of the assistant Richard Gira in the Triller "Invalid". However, Michelle said that he still regrets that he did not receive a diploma.


For the first time, Michelle appeared before the camera in the secondary roles of the police series "Law and Order: Special Corps" and the Drama "Young Americans" with Kate Bosworth and Jen Somerhalder.

In the film "Perfume" about the stoken of high fashion, the monagan has already received a leading role. Melodrama "Family Values" allowed actress to get acquainted with the family of Douglas - Kirk, Michael, Cameron and Diana.

Fame came to Michelle with the role of Kimberly Woods in the second season of the series "Boston School". In 2004, the young actress "lit up" in the militant "The superiority of Born", in which the main roles went to Matt Damonu, Franch potential and Brian Koksus. In the Hollywood painting, the Russian woman Oksana Akinshina, whose parents on the script killed Borne.

In the black comedy "Kiss, Michelle was the acting ensemble with Vahl Kilmer and Robert Downey - younger.

Michelle Monaghan (Michel Monhans) - biography, personal life, photos, news, movies, filmography, swimsuit 2021 14671_1

In the Drama "Northern Country" the creators reproduced the case that occurred in reality. Monagan with Charlize Theron played a mine workers who defend their rights. The real woman is the prototype of the main character - refused to promote the shooting and consult authors. Nevertheless, the film received a series of nominations for Oscar and Golden Globe.

Frames involving the actress from the mystical thriller "Konstantin: Lord of Darkness" and the Oscar-free drama "Siriana" with George Clooney turned out to be cut out, but the performer was not very upset. More than Michel worried a question, whether she will receive a check for the work done.

Monagan's sample recording in "Constantine" led the girl to the casting of the third part of the militant "Mission impossible". Jay Jay Abramsus was enough to take to understand - Michelle will look perfectly in the image of the wife of Super Tom Cruise. After spending three months in Shanghai on the set, the actress loved China so much, which promised in an interview to visit the country during a family holiday.

Michelle managed to write on his own expense work in Fantastic Ribe Stephen Spielberg "on the hook" before take a pause to cure the skin cancer.

In 2010 at the Venice Film Festival, the premiere of the Drama of Sofia Coppola "Somewhere", in which, along with Monagan, the director invited El Fanning and Johnny Marco. The jury led by the Quentin Tarantino honored the film "Golden Lion".

A year later, the "Source Code" thriller. According to the script, Michelle had to kiss him twice with Jake Gyllenhol. According to the actress, the second kiss was the longest in her life.

In 2014, the monague became part of the star caste of the series "This Detective". Michelle performed the role of the Woody Harrelson on Screen Wife, and his mistress - Alexander Daddario. Colin Farrell, Matthew McConaja and Rachel Makadams, also received the role of guarage of the order.

The actress was a couple of Chris Evans in the comedy melodrama "Heart to SHARES". The highlight of the film was the lack of the main character characters, instead of them the heroes use only the pronouns "he" and "she".

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Michelle replaced Jennifer Aniston's refused from filming at the site of the fantastic comedy "Pixels", joining the acting composition, represented only by men. In an interview, the monagan frankly admitted that being the only woman on the set is a gift of fate.

The dramatic image of a nurse providing assistance to the victims had a chance to convey the actress in the Drama "Patriot Day". The film is the screen version of the events of the Boston Marathon of 2013, during which the Johohar brothers and Tamerlan Tarnaev blew up two bombs.

In 2018, Michel Monagan's filmography has replenished the continuation of the adventure epic of Special Bent Itan Khanta called "Mission Impossible: Consequences." This is already the sixth part of the popular franchise with an unfavorable Tom Cruise in the lead role. As in the previous part, Michelle got the role of Hunt's wife.

In the biographical drama "Holy Judy" Monagan entrusted to play the main role of Judi Wood immigration lawyer. The events of the film are based on reality. A resonant case in which Wood took up refugee from Afghanistan, as a result, led to a change in the American legislation on the provision of asylum. Alfred Molina became one of the producers and perfrets of major roles in the film.

In the winter of 2020, a digital release of the political thriller "Messiah" was held, in which Michelle was reincarnated in an American intelligence officer, and in fact - a very lonely person. Monaghan, according to her, interested in the doubleness of this character. Her heroine, like many people, a man with double standards: Strong and waters, calculating, but reckless and too smart, in a good sense.

Personal life

Michelle happy in a personal life. With her husband Peter White, a graphic designer, the actress met in Manhattan, at a party. Dating said that advertises personal hygiene tools. A man attracted Michel with blue eyes and Iroquois on his head. Witness at the wedding, which young played on the coast of Australia, was an actor and screenwriter Paul Leiden.

The family lives on two continents, as Pete is from Melbourne. The spouses grow two children - Son Tom Francis and daughter Willow Catherine.

Favorite pastime monagan - surfing, traveling to their homeland, gatherings with friends for a bottle of beer. However, the actress with great attention belongs to what is lying on her plate. Before the birth of children, Michel did not attach importance to the right nutrition, but after the appearance of the daughter began to constantly go to the gym or engage in yoga at home and loved juices from green vegetables.

Actress - active user of social networks "Facebook", "Twitter" and "Instagram". In addition to photos of friends and family, on the pages of Michel places posts with social and political subtext.

In 2017, the monagon starred in a frank photo session for GL GLA. Fans got the opportunity to decide whether their favorite resorted to the plastic to maintain external appeal.

Michelle Monagan now

To seek someone else's life is the favorite part of Michel in the acting profession, what she continues to do now.

Monagan participated in the creation of tape "Witchcraft: New Ritual". Directed by Zoe Lister Jones adapted to the modern day of 1996. Michel, who played the mother of one of the main characters, in an interview to the exit of the picture spoke about the faith in the fact that the female nature by nature of his magic, and this film is visual and convincing confirmation.

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For accuracy at the site, consultants were attended by: the author of the novels about witheres Pam Grossman and professionals in the area of ​​Erin Fogel and Brie Moon.

In a psychological thriller, "he will not let you go," starting in the spring of 2021, the performer starred together with Sam Claflin and the younger brother Ben Affleck - Casey. The actress was glad to join such a castle and test herself in a difficult genre, so I considered the opportunity to be involved in the project by luck.


  • 2002-2003 - "Boston School"
  • 2003 - "Family Values"
  • 2004 - "Bourne Superiority"
  • 2005 - "Kiss the Syllometer"
  • 2006 - "Mission Impossible 3"
  • 2009 - "trucker"
  • 2011 - "Source Code"
  • 2011 - "Mission Impossible: Phantom Protocol"
  • 2014 - "This Detective"
  • 2015 - Pixels
  • 2018 - "Mission impossible: consequences"
  • 2018 - "Holy Judy"
  • 2020 - "Messiah"
  • 2020 - "Holy Judy"
  • 2021 - "He will not let you go"

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