Lois Lane - Superman girl biography, actress, quotes, age


Character History

Entering the history of comics together with the superman, the journalist Lois Lane became not just a girl and his wife and his wife in a red raincoat and a blue suit. Over time, the character has become the same legend of graphic novels, as well as the man from the steel. In honor of this dark-haired beauty, the streets are named in some cities of America, Lois settled in cartoons, cinema, songs of popular groups (for example, SPIN Doctors, System of A Down) and computer games.

History of creation

Lois, the classic Character comic about Superman, decorated graphic novels at the same time, which made himself and the man from steel, in 1938. The fearless journalist was involved in the most dangerous alterations with the participation of influential people. After all, behind her back there was a powerful superhero, who saved and pulled out of any hopeless situation.

Joe Schuster and Jerry Sigel - Creators of Lois Lane

The image of the heroine is the fruit of the work of the screenwriter Jerry Siegela and the artist Joe Shuster, who worked for the "DC Comics" publishing house. Inspiration for the embodiment of the appearance of the girl became the photo model Joan Carter, who became a siene in the future. Lois - a pretty green-eyed girl with brown hair just below shoulders. In the clothes prefers free style, loves to wear jeans, trouser costumes, jerseys and tops. Does not tolerate skirts, but its athletic figure looks gorgeous in the evening toilet.

Lois Lane survived all the centuries of comics and even survived before rebooting the Universe "DC", which happened in 2011. The supergel remained with a constant character, only changed the biography.

In comics about superman

A young journalist (appears in comics at the age of 24), behind the shoulders of the reportER experience, seasoned with dominant features - cunning, resourcefulness and ability to go to the end to the goal. The girl extracts information for the publication of the city of Metropolis "Daily Planet". However, knock out the necessary details to spit once for it, because everywhere its sources. Lois knows how to find a common language with both a simple trader or fisherman and with the top of power.

Lois Lane

Often the journalist has to risk, but the game is worth the candle. At work, the heroine surrounds mostly men, she is constantly trying to prove that not just a woman, but a clever professional with a capital letter, so tries to work perfectly.

Lois is the only permanent character of the first releases of comic about the adventures Clarker Kent, hiding under the superman mask. Early graphic magazines, where the girl unfolded rapid activities, composed according to the standard scenario. The journalist is investigating another dark matter where a dangerous person is involved, it turns out to be in the epicenter of the rapid life of the events, but the superman is invariably saved.

Lois Lane and Superman

However, the heroine is able to independently stand up for himself, because Lois is the daughter of the harsh military Sam Lina. From the young age he confidently holds firearms in his hands, it is not bad for the foundations of a hand-to-hand combat.

In love affairs Lane is selective. A woman attracts the "mysterious" men, so for some time she fifth a passion for Superzloda Lex to Lutor. But, having learned about betrayal (the character shamelessly used a lady for her own purposes), quickly cooled.

Lex Luthor.

Superman for Lois Lane for a long time remains a mystery, so, naturally, it is enthusiastic engaged in the disclosure of the mystery of his personality. We certainly have evidence that it is her colleague, a timid Clark Clark Kent, but the superhero always turns out to be inflicted by the meticulous reporter. Lois's heart gave a mysterious superman, who also had a gentle feeling for a woman, but wished she would love and Clark Kent, the secret person of the crypton.

In the end, the superhero opened the card, but the girl came to horror and escaped from the city. Having come to himself, returned home and agreed to become a girl Superman. The relationship was covered with a gorgeous wedding, and in two years the lovers became the parents of the baby named Junior Al. A married couple, until recent times, was considered the strongest in the "DC" universe.

Clark Kent.

Over the years, Lois has become an independent, strong woman who does not need to protect Superman. Drink in the fight against superzlodes serve the skills of crypton martial arts. However, the heroine almost died when the Glajolitis undermined the building of the publisher, where she worked. Then the help of Superman was again needed.

Interestingly, during communication with Kent Lois and herself turned into a supergel, as they say, who will happen. The superconductors of Lane were expressed in telepathy, as well as the girl for a day could find the physiological features of Cryptonians who surpass people of strength, endurance and memory volumes.

Sam Lane

With his own father, the girl could not find a common language, especially when Sam Lane destroyed the planet, where the city of Cryptonians moved. The daughter was aware of the plans of the general, but he threatened heiress imprisonment for disclosing his intentions to the world. As a result, Sam committed suicide.

After restarting the Universe "DC" in 2011, fans of inseparable Loyce and Clark were surprised that heroes no longer consist in relationships. Moreover, the characters are not even connected with a tender feeling. They just work together, be friends, compete in a journalistic practice, and only. The girl died from the explosion during the battle of Neil Sinclair with Calle. The latter performs the suicide request of Lois - save people - and turns into a superman.


Lois Lane decorated painting superhero art ribbons and cartoons. Everywhere where Superman appears, followed by a girlfriend journalist. Odin from early shields - "Superman" (1978). In the picture, the hero falls in love with his colleague according to Peru, saves it in the helicopter accident and gives the first interview in the superhero image. The role of journalism appeared actress Margot Kidder, and the costume of the Savior was put on Christopher RIV. This couple passed hand in hand through the story canvas of three more films. And in the sequel of the original series called "Return of Superman" (2006), the artist changed Kate Bosworth.

Kate Bosworth in Lois Lane

Fantastic series "Lois and Clark: Superman's new adventures" stayed on the blue screens of Already for four years, starting in 1993. Charming reporter played Teri Hatcher.

In 2001, the Television of America started the show of the scientific fiction series "Secrets of Smallville," telling about the follower of Superman and the path of becoming an invincible hero. Lois Lane performed by Erica Durans three seasons was not shown in the film, however, it appeared in all its glory in the image of an important character - the girl appeared to investigate the murder of a cousin.

Eric Durans in the form of Lois Lane

Actress Amy Adams broke into the era of the new cinema in the image of Lois. The director Zack Snyder invited her to the role of a journalist in the militant "Man of Steel" (2013), where the girl played in Tandem with Henry Caville (Superman). Amy had to pass a hard casting, because dozens of actresses claimed this tempting place, including Rachel Makadams, Dianna Agron, Kristen Stewart, Kristen Bell, Olivia Wilde and others.

Amy Adams in the picture

Adams continued to be filmed as a superman girl in the sequel of the sensational picture - in 2016, the fans of the Superman film films received the next accelerator Snider "Batman against Superman: at the dawn of justice." A year later, she again gets involved in journalistic investigations - already in the tape of the League of Justice. The fans of the Universe "DC", perfectly comprehended by the ideology of a superhero company, followed by the creators of films to spoil the next filmmakes. For example, in the picture "At the dawn of justice", Flash opens the secrets of the next ribbon, throwing the phrase "Lois - the key to everything."


"Darkness is a real darkness is not the lack of light. This confidence is that the light will never return. But the light always returns that we see what is familiar to us: a house, family ... but also what is completely new to us, or what we do not notice at all. He shows us new opportunities and ways to achieve new goals. "Only jealous woman is jealous, and I'm not jealous." "Just someone shot at me an arrow, almost hitting my heart, and, it's noted, it was not Cupid! "" Only hard people are truly cute - and strong. "" If you break her heart, I will come back and break your legs. "" After all that was with me? Amours can shout me arrows, and I will not feel anything. "" The secret is a trick to which they are resorted to not lie. "" Homeless dogs and naked guys are my weakness. "

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