Irving Lozano - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Football 2021



Irving Lozano is a Mexican footballer, who is not tired to discuss after each match played by him. The fact is that this athlete is not only talented, but also very hot-tempered. Character failure constantly pushes Irving to violate the rules and even clarifying relationships with other players. However, the brilliant game causes the coach and hollows to forgive his young man crayon, especially since there is really no equal on the field of Losano.

Irving Rodrigo Lozano Baen is such a full name of the football player - born on July 30, 1995 in Mexican Mexico City. Before the birth of Irving, the parents athlete lived in Guatemala, but in 1993 a serious financial crisis broke out in this country. Father Lozano, according to the media, turned out to be indirectly involved in what is happening, therefore it was found for the benefit to go away from dissatisfied inhabitants. So the family of Lozano was in Mexico, where Irving was born.

Footballer Irving Lozano

Irving got the name thanks to the Father. He was a fan of "star wars" and called the Son in honor of the director of the fifth of this fantastic saga about the adventures of Darth Vader - Irvina Kershner. The letter "G" appeared in the name of the boy due to the accidental typos in the papers, but the parents of the future star of football did not become a misunderstanding.

From early childhood, Irving admired the elder brother Jose. And although there are only a year of difference between the boys, the family considered José the leader and the main hope of the family, so Irving remained in the shadow of her older brother. Of course, the boy wanted to become like Jose. So, Irving first ended up on a football field - brother filed serious hopes in this sport and even considered hardly one of the best players in his age.

Irving Losano

Jose was really talented, but did not miss the case of playing a hollow or elder. Once the guy decided to swallow over the coach and poured that sharp sauce. Similar to the athlete did not forgive, with shame, excluding the team from the team. This story has become known throughout the state, Hosé himself decided to leave football and now, according to rumors, earn sharks fishing.

After this incident, Irwing managed to straighten your wings. The boy began to train hard and soon achieved no smaller success than the elder brother. The 7-year-old Irving game once noticed a random observer who knows the game in the game. And soon about the talented boy spoke the coaches of promising teams. After some time, Irving Lozano was already trained in the legendary club "Pachuka".

Footballer Irving Lozano

In 2014, Irving Lozano first entered the field as part of the official club team. It so happened that the very first match with the participation of Lozano was quite responsible - played with "America", almost the most popular country club. Slim guy seriously did not perceive none of the rivals, but Lozano proved that the dignity of the title of the best, having scored the only goal in this important match for the team. From this point on, the serious professional biography of Irving Lozano began.

Funny nickname "Chuck", under which Irving is known, also come from childhood. The boy was no less mischievous than his brother. While still a boy, during numerous trips and fees in the composition of youth teams, Irving was often confused over the comrades. Losano's favorite trick was frightened by hoping, hiding under the bed in a dark room and then suddenly jumping out from there. Soon the boy began to compare with a doll chucky from the popular "horror" director Don Mancini. The nickname passed and became almost the second name of the football player.


On the field, Irving Lozano traditionally faced the attention of fans and rivals only to himself, forcing the latter notably revere. While he was a young man player, the national team of Lozano was repeatedly becoming a champion of tournaments and received the title of the best scorer.

Irving Lozano as part of Pachuka FC

In 2016, thanks to the brilliant game of Chucky, the Patchuk team became the owner of the cherished Cup of Mexico. The year later, Irving Lozano was awarded the title of the best scorer Champions League Konkakaf, and his native club became, respectively, the winner of this tournament. In addition, in 2016, Irving Lozano first made a native country national team and even participated in the Olympic Games held in Rio de Janeiro. Then the Mexico team agreed into a duel with players from Germany, Fiji and South Korea.

In 2017, Irving Lozano signed a contract for 6 years with the Netherlands PSV Club. In the first game with a new team, the football player demonstrated a talent, scoring a goal. Subsequent matches were no less successful, and at the end of the season, Irving became the champion of the Netherlands. In the same year, the footballer participated in the Cup of Confederations, held in Russia, waging against Portugal, Germany and the Russian Federation.

Irving Lozano as part of PSV FC

Sports talent of Irving makes observers and critics to ruin the young man enviable career. The coaches also express hope that over time, Irving Lozano becomes less quick-tempered and will not "fall out" for removal and other gaming punishments due to unrestrained and sometimes aggressive behavior.

Personal life

Nothing is known about the personal life of the athlete. Irving Lozano is not from those who expose heart affairs, pushing photos in "Instagram" and other social networks. This part of the football player's biography is reliably closed from fans and journalists.

Irving Lozano now

In 2018, rumors began to spread about the possible transition of Lozano to the English club "Everton". For a long time, the fans wondered whether the athlete will change the team, but in an interview with Irving stressed that while this question is not worth it. According to his own admission, now I am worried about the speech at the 2018 World Cup, and the athlete wants to focus on the national team of the native country.

And in June 2018, Father Lozano hinted that the Spanish "Barcelona" shows interest in Irwing, but all the proposals of the football player plans to discuss on the Family Council only after the end of the World Championships in Russia.


  • 2015 - Cokakaf Championship Gold among youth teams
  • 2016 - Mexico Cup
  • Season 2017 - 2018 - Gold Championship Netherlands

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