Fetis - Biography Marine Nymphs, Myths and Legends, Marriage


Character History

Young nymph, inhabiting at the bottom of the ocean, was distinguished from his own sisters. In addition to the unprecedented beauty, which all Nereides possessed, Fetid was famous for persistent character and independent temper. Despite the fact that the fate of the beauty itself and even her offspring was predetermined, the goddess put a lot of effort to save his beloved son. Such faith in a bright future deserves admiration.

History of origin

According to the researchers of ancient Greek mythology, in initially Fetis played one of the key values ​​in the pantheon. Sea nymph belonged to the first gods that appeared in beliefs after Titans. But with the formation of the main rings of deities, the image of the goddess retold to the background and stopped carrying a special importance.


It is believed that in the doolympic mythology, the girl bind not with water elements, but with the kingdom of the dead. The confirmation is the family story of the fetis. Grandfather Nymphs before the appearance of Aida was considered the lord of the dead.

Over time, the fetid began to identify with the waters of styx, and later attributed the goddess the power over the waters of all Greece. Like most of the ancient cults, the worship of fetide gradually calmed down, leaving in the memory of the ancient Greeks only the story associated with Achille.

Myths and legends about fetide

Fetis was born in the family of naval deities spars and dorid. However, if Dorid's motherhood does not cause doubts, the paternity of the nearest is questioned. There is a theory that sea nymph is the daughter of the Kentaurian Hiron.

Centaur Chiron

The girl grew under the patronage of the ger and did not need anything. Beautiful time spent a lot of time for games with their sisters with oceans, until once came across Zeus's eyes. Lord Olympus estimated a beautiful figure and a gentle voice of a girl. In the heat of passion, the man descended to the ground and pounced on sea nymph.

Not wanting to finish the throat, Fetis rushed away. In the insane pursuit, a man and his young Beloved reached the Caucasian Mountains to which Prometheus was chained. Titan, tired of suffering, discovered Zeus prophecy: Fetida will give birth to a son who will surpass his own father. Similar words were cooled by the dust of Zeus. No matter how much threshing Nymph wish, I didn't want to lose the Olympus to God at all.

Studrosz Zeus

The young goddess remained innocent. Soon the rumors reached Zeus that Poseidon also drew attention to the beauty. Fearing the potential challenger on the throne, Zeus gives fetid to marry a simple mortal. The choice of God fell on a man named Pli.

But the sea nymph was not going to give up without a fight. In order to conquer the beauty, courageous peel sneered into a secret grotto and signed a sleeping girl in his arms. The fetide broke out of the shackles for a long time, taking the form of various animals until he was finally tired. It was necessary to obey the will of men and gods.

Fetis and Peel

Soon after the wedding, the girl gave birth to a boy, whom happy parents called Achilles. Wanting to make a child with immortal and invulnerable, Fetida kept her son over fire and rubbed Divine Ambrosia.

Under the end of the ceremony in the room broke the peel. Seeing the Son on fire, the man took the Achille from the mother. So the future warrior received a vulnerable place - ankle that Fetis did not have time to graze. This attitude did not like the goddess. The woman left her husband and returned to the sea to the sisters. Achilla also entrusted Centaur Chiron.

Fetis and Achilles

The woman did not find happiness in marriage, so all love sent on the only son. From the very birth of Fetida knew that Achilles would have to die under the walls of Troy, so he put the maximum effort to save the Son. The goddess sent a boy to the king of the liberty and forced the child to wear women's clothing.

However, all the tricks did not help. The Great Warrior still got into the height of the conflict. I realized that myself would not save my son, the goddess went to Zeus, but the Thunderpiece did not interfere in the conflict of ordinary mortals. Desperate, Fetida went to Hephasta so that God would create the fastest armor for Achilla.


But again the precautions did not help the woman to save the only son from fate. Accidentally killing the children of the God of the Sun, Achille brought the anger of Apollo. After the death of the hero, Fetid poured the body of a man and moved him to the island of blessed, where she alone was settled and where Peley suffered, to whom the goddess gave immortality.

But while the young Achilles grew and brought up a centaur, Fetis became famous among the gods and residents of Greece as an assistant and patroness of suffering. At the request of the receiving mother of the ger, the nymph, along with his sisters, helped the argonauts. The girl sailed on the dolphin and suggested as Jason to overcome the marine mandes of Scylla and Charibda.

No less respect for the goddess deserved from the gods. Young Dionis found a refuge in the beloved grotto fetis, when he was escaped from the distraught king of Likurg. Yes, and Zeus himself must be a goddess. During the rebellion, when Gera walked to take possession of Olympus, the girl went against the patroness. Fetis went down to Tartar and released the Briaria, who saved the thumbs up. However, later Zeus preferred to forget that he is obliged by the nitheth throne.

Fetida and Volcano (Hephaest)

No less keenness from the fetide was the salvation of Hephasta. The man's hero was chrome and weak. The ambitious goddess, who saw his own son, threw a child in the sea. Beauty did not want to raise a weak child. Hephaesta's mother replaced the sea nymph, picked up God and hiding the kid at the ocean day.


Ancient Greek goddess, alas, not a frequent heroine of cinema and cartoons. In 1981, a picture of the "Battle of Titans" came to the screens. Ribbon tells about the adventures of Perseus. Fetis is presented in the film as a mother of Kalibos - the main rival of an ancient Greek hero. The role of the goddess received actress Maggie Smith.

Maggie Smith in the form of fetis

In 2004, Fetis appeared in the Troy blockbuster, dedicated to the legendary battles due to the beauty of Elena. The role of Mother Achilles, who tries to save the Son, got actress Julie Christie.

Interesting Facts

  • There is a theory that Zeus and Fetid, the myth of which is presented above, did not come together because of the gera. The prophecies did not exist, just the sea nymph refused the thumbs up, so as not to upset the patroness. God did not bother this and issued a goddess married to death.
Fetis and Jupiter
  • The scene, where the fetis begins Jupiter to save the Son, has become the basis for the painting of Jean Augstea Engra "Jupiter and Fetida". The myth about Achille affects this moment casual.
  • The most significant for the cult of the goddess temples are located in Sparta, Farsal and Messia.
  • In honor of the dedicated nymph named asteroid, which was discovered in 1852.

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