Andy Samberg - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



In the life of Andy Samberg from an early age there were two passions - movies and music. But the actor and the musician is not enough to sing enough and remove - it is necessary that the final product is fun to be funny.

Childhood and youth

Andrew David Samberg was born in California Berkeley in August 1978 in the family of teacher and photographer. In addition to him, parents raised Darrow and Joanna daughters. Since childhood, Andy was carried away by the TV show "Saturday in the evening live" and dreamed of being on the same stage with artists participating in it.

Andy Samberg in the trio the lonely island

In the senior class, Samberg entered University of California in Santa Cruz, from there I was transferred to the school of arts Tisch at the New York University.

In the Berkeley High School Andy with his friends Akiva Shaffer and the Yorma Takon, who studied for a year older, created the comedy trio The Lonely Island. The guys laid out records of songs and fun parody rollers to the network. There came to them first fame.

Films and creativity

In 2005, Samberg implemented a childhood dream, starting cooperation with Saturday Night Live. Loud glory brought the "Lazy Sunday" series, where Andy played on one stage with Chris Parnell. Also performed a duet with Justin Timberlake a song with a very decent name "Dick in a Box".

Clip for the song "Jizz in My Pants" on YouTube scored over 110mm views. No less successfully expected the composition "I'm on a boat", which The Lonely Island sang together with Raper Tyin. In 2011, the trio presented the song "The Creep", performed with Niki Minazh. With Justin, as well as with Mila Cunis, Woody Harrelson and Richard Jenkins Samberg will meet later in the film "Friends with Privileges".

Shortly before the end of the contract with SNL, the actor starred in release with Nicolas Cage. The directors found some similarity of Samberg with a star thanks to the hairstyle and approximately equal growth and weight (Andy 177 cm and 89 kg respectively).

Comedian Andy Samberg.

The roller, which became meme, was then brought as an example in Internet forums when discussing the FakeApp mobile application. With this technology, I was able to "rejuvenate" Carrie Fisher for the role of the princess lei in Spin-Off. Star Wars: Stories. "

Andy's cinematic biography began with directing, scenario and produce participation in the films "Regarding Ardi", "White Strength". The main roles played participants in the group "Lonli Island". In the comedy "Likhach" Samberg performed in the image of a guy who believes that he is the son of the famous Cascaderal who died during the execution of the trick. It is not always possible to continue to continue the profession of the Father's Father's profession, but it does not give up.

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The role of Kameo went to the singer in the romantic tape "Be my boyfriend for five minutes" and in the series "Studio 30" with the participation of Alec Baldwin, Salma Hayek and Matt Damon. Heroes of Hollywood celebrities are spoken by the Heroes of the Cartoon: Antichrist in the American Dapache, Chimpanzee Ham in "Martyrs in Space", a representative of mankind Jonathan in "Monsters on Vacation".

In 2009, Andy played the brother of the main character in the comedy "I love you, Dude." Poland Radda Character - Peter - appeals to Samba with a request to find a witness to his own wedding. He acts asking himself and introduces the groom with Sidney, in the form of which Jason Siegel appeared. And nothing, but a new acquaintance questioned the feasibility of Peter's entry into marriage.

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Rental fees of paintings with DVDs collected more than $ 90 million. Critics were awarded the work of John Hamburg BMI Film & TV Awards awards, nominated on Teen Choice Awards and Golden Schmoes Awards. In Russia, the comedy was demonstrated under the motto "I am looking for a friend. Gays, please do not worry. "

In September 2013, the screens came out on the screens "Brooklyn 9-9". The authors of the series with humor came to the hard work of the police. Samberg got the role of non-clear kopa, which could not be serious even on the task.

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In numerous trips, it sometimes supports the colleague and girlfriend Emily performed by Melissa Fummero. Andy's character appeared in the episode of the series "New" with Zoe Diagel in the lead role, like the other Brooklyn detective Charles Boyle, whom Joe Lo Trillo played.

For the image of the order of Andy Samberg, the Golden Globe, the Amber Comedy Awards and the nomation on People's Choice Awards and the nomination for People's Choice Awards received in 2014.

Samberg's comedy talent is used not only in films, but also on official events to award for successful roles. Andy was the leading annual MTV Movie Awards ceremony 2009. In 2015 he sang and joked before the guests on the Emmy Awards, at which the cherished figurines received Peter Dinklage, Julia Luis Drift and Tony Hale, as well as the "attorney killer" Viola Davis.

The New Year's holidays of the 2018 Humorist was invited to announce the winner of one of the nominations of the Golden Globe. Dakota Johnson was helped to open the Envelope Samba, and the leading ceremony was a network Myers.

Personal life

With his wife Joanna News, the actor met in 2008 through common friends. The wedding was played in September 2013 at the Post Ranch Inn Hotel, located in the resort California district Big Sur.

Andy Samberg and Joanna News

In an interview with Larry King, the spouse said that Samberg for her is the most beloved person in the world, with him Joanna is ready to "hang out" at any time and anywhere. The woman and the singer itself and the musician, as well as a little actress - starred in the comedy "Pop Star: Do not stop, do not stop."

In August 2017, Andy became the Father. Couple to the latter held the birth of her daughter in secret, the name of the baby was still a secret. "Instagram" of the head of the family is also not an assistant in clarifying details. Samberg joking:

"With this new project - a child - we sleep very little, but feelings are wonderful."

Andy Samberg now

Samberg was noted in a secondary role in the Drama "Brigssby Bear", the producers of which were members of the Lonli Island Group. BrigBSy Bear is the name of the show, which for the boy James shot a married couple, giving out himself for his parents. Returning to the real family, James meets the misunderstanding of his dear desires to complete the shooting of the fairy tale. Nevertheless, the hero succeeds in attracting even a police officer who leads his abduction. In the final, the work of a new director meets ovations.

Andy Samberg.

In the spring of 2017, on The Lonely Island page in Twitter, a message appeared that the Trinity in the Commonwealth with the Canadian actor and the director Net Rogen are going to shoot a comedy based on the events of the Bahamas Fyre Festival. The event was planned for December 2016, a number of star participants were announced, the tickets cost thousands of dollars, and it ended with a grand failure and scandal. The organizers accused of fraud, and the compensation of viewers and speech did not go.

The beginning of 2018 was marked for Andy and his friends on the trio joint work with Natalie Portman - the actress and the musicians removed the clip "Natalie's Rap 2.0". The first part of the Hollywood Diva video introduced in 2006 on the TV show The Saturday Night Live.

In May 2018, he received a continuation of the comedy series "Brooklyn 9-9" with the participation of Andy Samberg and Akiva Shaffer. Fox channel after 5 seasons refused to be further broadcast, as well as NetFlix and Hulu. The rights to display were transferred to NBC, on the order of which another 13 episodes are removed.

Andy Samberg in 2018

A little later, The Lonely Island took part in the Comedine Music Festival Clusterfest in San Francisco. The company of Trio accounted for celebrities such as Amy Sumer, John Stewart, Trevor Noah.

In the middle of the summer of 2018, a sequel "Monsters on vacation 3: Sea calls" was released, in which Andy Samberg still voiced by Jonathan.


  • 2003 - "White Strength"
  • 2007 - "Likhach"
  • 2008 - "Be my boyfriend for five minutes"
  • 2009 - "I love you, dude"
  • 2011 - "Friends with privileges"
  • 2012 - "Portland"
  • 2013 - "Brooklyn 9-9"
  • 2015 - "Seven days in hell"
  • 2016 - "New"
  • 2017 - "Brigssby Bear"
  • 2017 - "Break"

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