Elizabeth Bowz Lion - biography, photo, personal life, death



Before the United Kingdom met with Lady Di, Elizabeth Bowl Lyon enjoyed the greatest among the representatives of the royal family the location of the people. It is not by chance that after the modernity of her daughter, the subjects reduced the official title of Elizabeth-Elders to the Queen-Mother.

Portrait of Elizabeth Bowl Lyon

The second half of Prince Albert was loved for sincerity and optimism; The country remembered how during the Nazi bombardment, she refused to leave the ruined London. The mother of the current Queen of Great Britain left the 102nd year of life. 200 thousand subjects came to say goodbye to the queen in Westminster-Hall, and about Million British participated in the funeral.

Childhood and youth

The future Duchess York and the favorite of the country was born in 1900. Date of birth - August 4. She became a ninth child in the family of Lord Glamiis and his spouse. Both are descendants of aristocrats, which allows you to trace the pedigree Elizabeth to the Middle Ages. Father Claude George was the eldest son of Count Strathmore and Kinghorn Claude Bowl Lion. Mom Cecilia Nina was born at the wife of a priest who came from the genus Cavendish Bentink.

The baptists of the newborn took place in the fall, seven weeks after the girl appeared. For the child chose the name Elizabeth Angela Margarita. It was not possible to solve the reason for choosing this option to choose from the researcher, but there is a version that the last name is associated with a real mother.

Elizabeth Bowl Lion in childhood

The author of the biography of Princess Diana and other books about Monarchi Colin Campbell declared that both Elizabeth, and the tenth child made a surrogate mother, as the Countess had health problems. According to the writer, the family persuaded the kitchen worker who served in the castle, and called her Margaret. This theory is not confirmed, but not refuted.

The primary formation of Elizabeth received at home, and at the age of 8 he entered the capital school. On the eve of the Oxford local exam, he returned to the governess, which prepared a 13-year-old student for the test. And the next summer put the cross on the cloudless childhood of Elizabeth. The United Kingdom entered the First World War to protect European neighbors from Germany.

Elizabeth Bowl Lyon in youth

The sons of Lord Glamis went to the front. In 1915, the family received the news that one of them was killed in battle. Two years later, the Germans captured another brother of the girl. It was possible to return it only a year later when the bloody war ended. For the period of battles, the family provided part of the castle to the armed forces. The building is located a hospital for victims, where soldiers could undergo rehabilitation after the end of the course of intensive treatment. Elizabeth as the staff helped staff and entertained patients.

Personal life

The prince of Elizabeth first saw in five years. The future king Georgi VI was then 10. As the evidence says, the children of the monarch often seen in the Castle of Bose-Lion, and the youngest daughter of the owner treated a new friend with cherries from the cake.

Elizabeth Bowl Lyon and Georg VI

The friendship of Albert and Elizabeth turned into deep affection. In 1921, during the next visit to the castle, Glamis Prince asked her childhood girlfriend to go for him. However, the girl sorrified Cavaller with refusal. Elizabeth was afraid to be custodized conventions in which representatives of the ruling dynasty lived. Father, who saw the desire of the daughter to preserve independence in the actions and statements, supported the refusal: his attitude towards monarchum remained dual.

Solutions Elizabeth did not even change the queen's visit. The failed mother-in-law decided to get acquainted with the lady, because of which the Son announced the reluctance to marry anyone at all. The queen Maria was pleased with the acquaintance and found Elizabeth's beautiful parties for Albert, but left the initiative to his son.

Wedding Elizabeth Bowl Lyon and George VI

Albert took two more attempts to conquer the girl, and the second was crowned with success. In early 1923, Albert arrived at Saint Pals Walden's Castle, where at that time was a beloved, and asked her about conversation alone. The couple went for a walk, and the prince for the third time suggested Elizabeth to become his wife. The girl finally agreed. The wedding was appointed for September.

The solemn ceremony took place in Westminster Abbey. Honeymoon steam spent in Surrey County, as well as on the journey around Scotland. Title Elizabeth began to sound like "Her Royal Highness Duchess Yorkskaya."

Elizabeth Bowl Lyon with daughters

Together with Albert in 1923-1927, Queen went to Ireland, African countries, Australia. Duchess participated in the diplomatic trips to the dominion of the United Kingdom. In 1926, travel had to be interrupted: the daughter was born, which was called in honor of the mother. In 1930, her younger sister Margaret Rose appeared.

The story of Love Albert and Elizabeth is filled with warmth, respect and mutual support. It was the spouse that helped the prince to deal with stuttering. Duchess found an Australian speech therapist who developed therapy specifically for Albert. This fragment of the biographies of Elizabeth lay down the script of the historic tragicomedy of Tom Huper "King says!".

Governing body

In 41, the spouse Elizabeth took the throne, having received the name of George VI, and she became the queen. When the former monarch died, Albert's father, to inherit the crown was to be the elder brother Alberta - Eduard VIII. But he signed a renunciation, because, being the bound obligations of the king, could not marry without approval of the church on US citizen Wallace Simpson.

Elizabeth Bowl Lyon and Georg VI

Coronation took place in May 1937. Against the background of growing aggression on the part of Germany, the Royal Chet visits France, and then departs to North America to strengthen the interaction of states in case of a negative scenario.

During the Second World War Royal Family remained in London. Elizabeth did not even send children to evacuation. She attended houses and institutions affected by bombing helped organize assistance to victims. For fellow citizens, she and her husband became a symbol of increhensible fascism resistance.

Elizabeth Bowl Lyon in old age

The queen appreciated the feat of the residents of Stalingrad, who stopped the invasion of the Nazis and forced the enemy to retreat. Under its beginning, finance was collected to restore the heroic city. In 2000, Gordeum is already Volgograd (the city was renamed in 1961) assigned Elizabeth the title of "Honorary Citizen".

After the restoration of the world, the monarch of Chet went to the south of Africa, and the visit to Australia had to be postponed due to the state of Albert. In 1951, the monarch died. A few months later, his place on the throne took Elizabeth II. Her mother continued to perform some duties.


The queen died at the age of 101, having survived the beloved more than half a century. For two years before this Elizabeth received three fractures with unsuccessful drops. The cause of death is not called, but it is known that shortly before the death of the queen slotted with a cold.

Funeral Elizabeth Bowl Lyon

The mourning ceremony was appointed on April 9, 2002, more than 900 thousand subjects visited the funeral. Elizabeth's grave is located in Chapel of St. George in Windsor Castle.


  • In 2009, the Bronze statue of his wife appeared in the center of the capital of the UK near the Memorial of George VI. Author: Philip Jackson.
  • Busts of the famous monarch of couples are open and in Toronto.
  • In the life of the queen, her name was called the ship. Liner descended into the water in Scotland.
  • The image of Elizabeth in the cinema is embodied in the films "Queen" (2006), "King says!" (2010), "Crown" (2016).

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