Artem Poznyak - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Actor, teacher, TV presenter and a beginner writer - Artem Poznyak implements talent in many creative industries. A man who is compared to the eyes with Hollywood artist Jason Statemom is not limited to himself in work and rest. An "Instagram" of the artist is full of colorful photos from filming, student audiences and recording studios.

Childhood and youth

The future artist was born on August 31, 1982 in Dnepropetrovsk. Artem's parents divorced when Poznyak and his brother were still small. Children stayed with her mother who served in the police. In order not to upset a loved one, the boys early became independent and tried not to violate the established rules.

Actor Artem Poznyak

Artem liked public speeches already in primary grades, the child loved to speak in front of classmates and teachers. Another enthusiasm was danced by dancing. Immediately after receiving a diploma, the young man went to the army. The urgent service of the young man took place in the Crimea. By this time, the growth of Poznyak was 1.76 m, and approximate weight - 60 kg. The grandfather went around the future actor.

After returning to Motherland, Artem wondered about to continue working in the army. Changes in the biography of Poznyaka occurred by chance. The young man looked at the film "Dad" and realized that the acting activity was really interesting for him.

Artem Poznyak in youth

Artem gathered things and went to Kiev to enroll in the Kiev National University of Theater, Cinema and Television. I. K. Karpenko-Karoy. Poznyak did not even prepare the introductory exams. The young man remembered the poem from the school program and was enrolled in the workshop of Natalia Nikolaevna Gusakova on the first attempt. In 2010, Artem received a diploma, where the "specialty" column was "director of theater and cinema".


To be filmed in popular TV series Artem began, while still a student. The first episodic role was received by the young man in 2006 in the TV series "Women's Tears". And the first full-fledged role, the actor was embodied in the Division 44 multi-sieu film. The young man played Igor Tolstunova, working as an expert in the investigator and displacing complex crimes.

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Unlike his classmates, after receiving a diploma, Artem did not even try to settle in the theater. In his interview, the man stated that he loves too much money, and the service in the theater is badly paid.

However, after 2 years after the end of the University of Poznyak founded his own theater studio "Licum", in which he served as director, artistic director and one of the leading actors. The young team put the plays of different directions: "The tram" desire "," too married taxi driver "and others.

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Poznyak himself reached the monospectant of "Bludney", who performed on the stage on his own. The basis of the play was the work of Lion Tolstoy "Creicerova Sonata".

In parallel with the organization of their own theater, Artem took up teaching activities. The man gives the lessons of acting skills in the production center "Show-Mah" and in the Kiev pop-circus academy. According to Ponnyak, he is a strict teacher and after the first lesson the number of students always decreases.

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In 2016, the "Sorry" melodrama was released on the screens, in which Poznyak played the role of the wrong husband. Olga Pavloviec and Alice Lukshina became colleagues on the series. In the same year, Artem, who periodically operating leading in large events, was invited to the "Memory" project, launched by the Inter TV channel. Each transmission of the cycle is devoted to a separate crime that occurred in the territory of the USSR.

In 2017, the premiere of the melodrama "I never cry". The actor got the main men's role, the plot line of which is built around the relationship with the girl Tina (Irina Tarannik).

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Shortly after the premiere, a man was invited to the place of the teacher to the university, where Artem himself received an education. To meet the post office, Poznyak decided to receive a second diploma. This time the actor studies producer.

In addition to studying and teaching, Artem took part in the creation of a melodrama "The Second Life of Eve". Poznyaka got the role of Vlad Belsky - a businessman who fell into a heavy accident and lost his wife. Instead of his beloved spouse, friends lead to a man a girl, very similar to the dead (the role was performed by Anastasia Evgrafova).

Personal life

Artem's wife is also related to cinema. Alexandra (in Major - Goncharov) works by director. During family nights, the girl often gives her husband tips, including explains the actor, in which of the love scenes Artem did not make himself or seemed to be insincere.

Artem Poznyak and his wife Alexander

Before registration of marriage, young people met for 5 years. The actor and director have long been planned to register relationships, but could not find time to walk before the registry office. Lovers decided to go to the public institution during the spontaneous walk through the city.

After 3 days, on May 4, 2018, Artem and Alexander registered marriage. The wedding celebrated 2 days: the first day of the newlyweds spent with friends, on the second day they collected close relatives. A young family will grow up the daughter, about which the spouses do not tell the press.

Artem Poznyak now

In 2018, the actor expanded significantly. In May, the premiere of the series "Journey to the center of the Soul" was held on the Ukrainian TV channel. A television history covers a 20-year-old segment of two girlfriends. Together with Artem in the film, Maria Baeyeva was filmed, Anastasia Ivanov and Igor Skripko. Poznyak himself appeared in front of the audience as the main character named Bogdan, chained to the wheelchair.

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No less expected premiere of 2018 became the movie "Dentist". Artem reincarnated in a businessman with the criminal past, which helps the best friend dentist unructing love problems and investigate detective stories.

In June, the artist reported on social networks on the launch of the filming "Mental Wars. Kharkov". The series is designed for 40 series and will be broadcast on the TV channel "2 + 2".

Artem Poznyak in 2018

Shortly on the shelves of bookstores, a book will appear, the author of which became Artem. Collection called "Abstract Director-Double" can be purchased only online. In addition to the writing, Poznyak developed the "Casting first time" seminar, created to help young artists successfully leaving.


  • 2006 - "Women's Tears"
  • 2011 - "Kostoprav"
  • 2012 - "Return of Mukhtara-8"
  • 2013 - "Heal Fear"
  • 2014 - "Personal Business"
  • 2014 - "Find me if you can"
  • 2015 - "Officer Wives"
  • 2016 - "Katerina"
  • 2016 - "Sorry"
  • 2017 - "My best enemy"
  • 2017 - "Love Notes"
  • 2018 - "Grapes"
  • 2018 - "Wife for Exchange"
  • 2018 - "Journey to the center of the Soul"
  • 2018 - "Dentist"
  • 2018 - "Bukovel"

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