Andrey Lunin - biography, news, photo, personal life, football player, goalkeeper "Real Madrid" 2021



There is a bit in the world football juniors, for which European Grande would not have missed millions. Ukrainian goalkeeper Andrei Lunin turned out to be so lucky and replenished the list of the most expensive acquisitions of Real Madrid among the players not older than 19 years old.

Childhood and youth

Andrei was born in February 1999 in the family, as he himself told in an interview, "banker and technical serving." At the age of 6 came to the football section, to the first coach Ivan Manko. The father supported the Son's interest, and Mom had not been confident for a long time that Andrei needs a career football player, but when the first successes came, began to ride with him for fees.

I started a goalkeeper from mini-football and from the position of the attacker, but at times the coach put Andrei to the gate. The goalkeeper suggests that this happened because of the high no over the years. Now the height of Lunina is 192 cm, and the weight is 87 kg.

In his native Krasnograd was the Football Club "Torch", but I did not want to play Lunin. With a local team, held from the boys for 2 years older, Andrei traveled for the company to Kharkov and at the weekend spoke for the local Arsenal. In 11 years, young football players were invited to Metalist, where in a couple of years he signed the first professional contract in the sports biography. The years spent in the Metalist, remember Gollyper by travel through the cities of Ukraine as part of the Championship of the Children's and Junior Football League and participation in the finals of U-14.

Football Career

In the middle of the 2014/2015 season, Andrei Rosol, the former defender of the Ukrainian team, who worked at the Dnipro club at that time, was contacted by the father of the young football player. Not without the board of the former goalkeeper of the national team of Ukraine Vyacheslav Kernosenko. Three days later, Lunina came to Dnepropetrovsk, without sparing parting with Metalist, who began financial problems. Andrei even managed to play against yesterday's teammates and defeat.

The coaching composition of the new club noted that Lunin came with good basic skills and set by the goalkeeper, noticed that Andrei competently operates with two legs. In addition, the goalkeeper possessed emotional stability, which was surprising to expect from the guy of his age.

Almost immediately came about the future prospects. Mentors believed that it was necessary to gradually go through all the steps - youthful, youth, and then the highest level team. However, no one was going to artificially restrain the growth of a football player. In the season held in the Dnieper, Lunina began to attract the young team of the Ukrainian team in the matches.

With the club, Andrei won the first victory in the Ukrainian Cup and reached the 1/4 finals, helped get a win-win series, and under the curtain he received a challenge to the national team. Adaptation, according to the goalkeeper, went well. He became friends with Andrei Pyatov and coach of the goalkeepers Pedro Haro, found a common language with the main mentor Andrei Shevchenko. In each match, Lunin tried to perform qualitatively to perform playing responsibilities on the field.

The most obumed missed ball for Lunin - in the debut match with the "Carpathians", when he could defend on the "zero". However, failures are not knocked out of the rut. After the game, the goalkeeper reflects a lot, and the next day I don't think about anything bad. At an early age, it was not perceived so easily defeat, had to talk with coaches and parents to develop peace of mind.

The financial crisis soon got to the "Dnipro", but by that time Andrei, along with one defender and two Havbeks, moved to the Lugansk "Zara". Here, the keeper was able to play against the leading teams of the country, to "touch" the lawns of the Europa League. Another question is that due to a change in approach in the organization of attack Lunin, it began to work less with the ball and more often give long transmissions. At the end of the season, the fans recognized Andrey the best player.

In May 2017, Lunin participated in the qualifying round of the FIFA-2018 World Cup. A year later, he set the age record as the youngest goalkeeper of the Ukrainian national team.

Among the colleagues from Andrei there is no one recognized authority. De Hea, I like the game on the line of the gate, on the work of my feet first place is given to Manuel Neuer. A sample of sports longevity, stability - Gianluigi Buffon. Cristiano Ronaldo - the last one, whom Lunin would like to see before the gate: "Blow from two legs, gun. And the head is playing well. "

Golkover happily avoids severe injuries. Answering questions about this, I remembered only problems with your knee, and that happened in the "Zare".

Andrei did not have time to relieve in the national team, as the door to the young goalkeeper knocked the representatives of Napoli, who offered a contract for € 8 million, Liverpool, Inter, Juventus and Everton. But everyone blocked the generosity of Real. For the goalkeeper "Zarya" received € 8.5 million. In addition, the club promised that if the Lunin show a worthy result, the bonuses will raise the amount of transfer to € 14 million. Threads, in price, the Ukrainian will surpass Gonzalo Iguaina, whom the Spaniards purchased from River Pleute "for € 12 million

Andrei, who already famous for balance, soberly appreciated the situation. He did not seek immediately become the first number at the gate of Real, but he expected to do this in the near future. And the club was not chosen from mercantile considerations - Lunin realized a children's dream. And besides, he wanted to get acquainted with the "super-man and a super-player" Cristiano Ronaldo, and also write to his victory in the Champions League.

According to rumors, such a rapid take-off of the goalkeeper's career could not take place due to the conflict between the head coach of Zingenin Zidan and the President of Real Florentino Peres. The latter was not satisfied with the statistics of Caelower Navas, instead of him was considered the candidate of Kep Arrisabalagi. Zizu believed that the new chacher would not help, because the problem is not in the defender of the gate. Evil languages ​​were explained by this ratio Zidan in the fact that his son Luke was the third number of the goalkeepers of "creamy". Of course, the Father wanted to see the heir in the main composition.

The parties came to an agreement with mutual conditions: Zidane wins the Champions League and the country's championship, and Perez postponed personnel changes for the summer. The coach fulfilled the conditions half and left the "Real", who changed him with Hool Lopegegi turned out to be compliant and did not object against the new goalkeeper.

In addition to the purely applied Lunina, the role of the symbol of the new era in Real was anxulated. The press put forward assumptions that the owners no longer want to spend money on stars and not be sure that spending will pay off and justify the nickname "Galaktikos". In addition, the current players are at all expensive. So it was removed Perez to rebranding "Real" by attracting young, ambitious, but not nominating the transcendental requirements of the players until the club retains Renome.

At the moment, Andrey is the second goalkeeper "creamy".

Personal life

About the life of the goalkeeper of the national team of Ukraine outside the field is known a little. The girl of Andrei is name Anastasia Tomazov, photos are placed in the "Instagram" of a football player. Nastya comes from Dnipro, for 3 years older than his second half, studied at the National University named after Olesya Potter.

At the end of December 2020, Andrei made a beloved offer. The girl said the cherished "yes!" And put on a finger luxurious ring. She reported this on her page in "Instagram". Details about when and where a wedding celebration is appointed, not disclosed.

Andrey is happy in his personal life. It constantly indulges his favorite flowers and suits surprises. And once on February 14 gave her a car. Couple, if possible, try more time to spend together.

Andrei Lunin now

In October 2020, it became known that Andrei Lunin became Coronavirus. Because of this, he could not take part in a friendly match with France. The fight was completed by the defeat of the national team of Ukraine with a score of 7: 1.

In January 2021, Andrei Lunin debuted as part of the Madrid "Real" in the outbound match of the 1/16 Final of the Spanish Cup against Alcoyano. It happened after 30 months after the shutter. Prior to this, the two past seasons, Madrids gave a goalkeeper for rent "Legenes", "Valladolid" and "Oviedo"

Debut, unfortunately, painted bitterness of defeat. Match account - 1: 2 in favor of Alcoyano. In the first half, the goalkeeper had a little work. But in one of the episodes, he demonstrated an excellent reaction. In the second half of the "Real", most of the time was owned by the ball and spent unhurried attacks. But at the end of the main time "Alcooano" turns the result. The first goal of the goal Lunina scored Solbes, the second flew to the 115th minute in a counterattack, the ball scored Huanan. As part of this meeting, Lunin also earned a yellow card. She was issued for the unsporting behavior of the goalkeeper.

Salary in Real Lunin for the year, according to media reports, is a strand of € 1.8 million.


National team of Ukraine

  • 2019 - World Champion (up to 20 years)


  • 2017 - winner of the Golden Talent Prize
  • 2019 - the best goalkeeper of the world championship up to 20 years
  • 2019 - Order "For Merit" III degree

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