Mario Balotelli - Photo, Biography, News, Personal Life, Footballer 2021



The Italian star of World Football Star Mario Balotelli is equally known for high performance on the field and fights with teammates beyond. Even the Manchester City coach Roberto Mancini went from the temperamental scorer, when he tried to send a player to the locker room during a workout.

Childhood and youth

Balotelli biography began with drama: Mario appeared on August 12, 1990 in Palermo and the first year of life was in the hospital. His parents are spouses Barwoo from Ghana - after the birth of Mario moved to Banolo Mella, but soon it became clear that the baby needs help doctors. Due to the pathology of the digestive system, the newborn has transferred several stomach operations.

No having money for medicines and care, Barwoo's spouses turned to the service of the guardianship. Two-year-old Mario adopted Francesco family and Silvio Balotelli, in which two adolescent sons and a little daughter grew up. The brothers supported Mario, for which they are immensely grateful.

Balotelli lived in the small commune Conception, this place became native to Mario. Later, adoptive parents learned the address of the Barwoo family and brought the greeted Mario to meet with them, but no one opened the door.

As the football player later told in an interview, only when he became a sports star, biological father and mother began to "fill on television scraps with tragic expressions on the faces."

The athlete stated that there were many false information in their interview affecting the reputation of Balotelli. On biological parents, the player always responds negatively, even in an interview. When the Football Association Ghana offered him a game in the national team, he refused. According to Balotelli, he never doubted the decision to defend the honor of the Italian national team, despite the nationality of biological parents.

"I can't allow this, since my real family lives in Brescia and enjoys respect in the city; This is my only family, "said Mario.

The difficult character of the attacker and his achievements in the career sports experts are associated with his difficult childhood. Balotelli told that in childhood he was constantly faced with the manifestations of racism. If the scene took place in the school - the culprit was unreasonably considered Mario. And the peers from the neighboring houses refused to play due to the other color of the skin. At 18, the young man received a passport, and with it, finally, and Italian citizenship, but the humiliation did not end.

Salvation was football. Behind the game, the boy spent all his free time. At the age of 7, he began to study in the San Bartolomeo team.

Personal life

Footballer is not married. He has two children. Since the summer of 2011, in the spring of 2012, he met Rafaell Fico, a television and a model. In December, she gave birth to a daughter, but Balotelli's child recognized only after genetic examination.

After Rafaell Fico Balotelli met with Fanny Neghechi, Belgian and Italian model, singer and dancer. In March 2013, they were engaged, but in September 2014, the girl ruined the engagement. The main cause of the separation of Fanny Nehausha called the jealousy of an eccentric football player.

In September 2018, Mario became his father for the second time: his son Leon was born. He does not reveal the name of the child.

Italian media write about the fact that Mario is ready to support not only his children: an athlete is engaged in address charity, helping families who treat him for means for treating or formation of sons and daughters. Children are important for a football player, because he does not regret money for charity.

In February 2020, Mario had to contact the police due to the attempt to blackmail. A 19-year-old girl from the Vicenza, with whom he had a connection, declared his minority at the time of sexual contact. For silence, she demanded € 100 thousand. The footballer did not agree with the requirements and decided to contact the police. The accusations of rape of a minor prosecutor's office took off, the composition of the crime in the act of Mario did not find. The girl was accused of extortion and giving false testimony.

Mario Balotelli leads accounts in Twitter and Instagram, laying out photos in social networks with both games and training, and with meetings with friends. The growth of the attacker in different sources ranges from 189 cm to 190 cm.


Debuted in Mario's professional football in 15 years. In April 2006, he first entered the field for the adult team of the Lumezzan team. In the Balotelli, who approached the end of the season, played only once, and in the summer I decided to go to another club.

He traveled to Barcelona, ​​but did not take it. Later, when striker had already performed for Manchester City, asked him about rumors about the transition to Catalans. Mario declared sharply that she was not going to "play with girls." Barcelona for Balotelli was not so important.

The second season in the career of the striker held in the "youth drive" "Inter", and since 2007 it begins to perform for the main structure of Neradzurri. Checked a novice in a summer friendly meeting with Sheffield United. In the gate of the British, there were two balls scored Balotelli, and the author of Dubl won the right to play for the "Inter" at the highest level of the National Championship of the Italian national team.

Mentor "Inter" Roberto Mancini released a striker on the field only in December: "Cagliari won the national tournament". The first goal for the team (and at the same time in the same match) Mario scored in a meeting with "Regina" a few days later.

The next double in the framework of the Italian Cup, decorated in the Gate of Juventus, brought "Inter" to the semifinals. The main trophy, however, failed to conquer. But in the same period "Inter" won not without the help of Mario National Championship, and later won the Super Cup of Italy.

The next season brought Mario twice as more games in the championship, and he scores 8 heads against 3 goals of the past period. Inter confirmed the championship title.

The effectiveness of the scorer remained at the same level, and Inter won in the Champions League, and in the Italian Cup, and in the National Championship.

In 2010, Mario's debut was held for the main staff of Italy's national team - before that he performed in youth competitions. Triumphal for Balotelli was to participate in Euro 2012. Once the first black football player in the national team, he led it to the final of the European tournament, the victory in which he went to Spain. Forward admitted the best scorer of the championship.

The Mancini's "Manchester City" persuades the leadership of the Transfer club, and in the summer of 2010, Balotelli moves to the UK. The transfer value of the footballer was £ 24 million. The debut goal for the "citizens" scored in the first match - a fight with Timisoar from Romania was held within the Europa League. But in the same meeting, Mario was injured knee, which turned it out of competitions for two months.

The debut in the English Premier League was held in the match against Arsenal. Successful speeches were in parallel gradually increasing Balotelli conflicts with teammates. In December, in the training session, his fight was happening with a jury boateng. Roughly Mario behaved both on the field, earning red cards one after another.

I did not even affect the measures from the club's leadership: Balotelli fines for violation of the discipline were held from the salary. The last straw was a fight with Mancini. The scuffle between the football player and the instructor team occurred in early 2013. The club did not allow the player to remove the season and issued its transfer to Milan.

In the Italian club Balotelli successfully played a half season. He went out on the field in 43 matches and scored 26 goals. In 2013, saved the team from the departure from the Champions League, scoring a penalty in the finals of the Italian Championship "Siena". But a year later, Milan still did not get into the European Cup, and the footballer decided to change the club. At the same time, Mario did not forget about love for adoptive parents, he released boots with their names.

Forward acquired Liverpool, but a transfer was unsuccessful for the club. Playing 16 matches, Mario scored only one day. The next season Balotelli was leased to Milan, but here one followed the injury. The performance is the same - one goal, but already for 20 games.

The difficult period Balotelli ended at the beginning of the 2016/2017 season. On the rights of a free agent, he filed a request to Nice, and the club agreed to sign a contract, having agreed with Liverpool. In the first match, Mario was noted by Dubl, and in the future he scored 15 goals per season. The second season was for the striker even more successful: he scored 26 goals in 38 fights. According to rumors, the salary of a football player in Nice reached € 130 thousand.

Next season, the Balotelli team lost to Napoli in the Champions League group stage. Already on February 16, 2018, Mario has achieved the first place in the list of the best team scorers in the 21st century, helped him in this double in the game against Lokomotiv. In total, the footballer scored 38 heads for Nice.

In September 2018, the striker brought out of the main composition of the club because of its weight. The athlete swept significantly and began to weigh 100 kg, which exceeded the norm by 12 kg. Balotelli almost did not participate in seasonal training of his club, thinking about the transition to Marseille. Experts condemned striker for his antics, he argued with his colleagues and was often involved in fights. However, he managed to lose weight, and his past fortunes and goals helped soften the conflict situation.

In January 2019, Mario concluded a contract with Olympic Marcel until the end of the 2018/2019 season. During the game against Montpellier, Balotelli received a sentence. For the removal during the match, Mario was waiting for disqualification for the 4 subsequent matches. After the football player moved to Brescia. His salary in the Italian club, taking into account all bonuses, was € 4 million.

Mario Balotelli now

After the scandal with the accusation of the rape of a minor Mario criticized in the media. Ronaldo came up for the football player. Cristiano called on fans and the press to judge Balotelli only by his merit on the field. When the charges were removed, rumors and unpleasant insults to Mario did not subside for a long time.

In January 2020, Forward scored the first goal of the series A. During the game against Lazio, the fans shouted racist insults to the athlete, but the court fined the club and defended the honor of Balotelli. In April, it became known that Mario can go to "Galtasarai", although he himself spoke about the desire to play "Napoli".

In addition, Zlatan Ibrahimovich himself said Balotelli that he was not so good for Inter. In May, there were rumors about the removal of a football player from the club "Brescia", the athlete conducted separate training. After the president, the team confirmed Mario's care. The player himself wants to return to the team or receive compensation from it. Balotelli refused to terminate the contract voluntarily, missed the workout and again scored 8 kg. Now the attacker weighs 100 kg, but negotiates with "Besiktash" and "Como". On August 12, 2020, the athlete turned 30 years old.


  • 2008 - Champion ITALY 2007/08 (as part of "Inter")
  • 2008 - Super Cup of Italy
  • 2009 - Champion Italy 2008/09 (as part of "Inter")
  • 2010 - Champion ITALY 2009/10 (in the "Intera")
  • 2010 - ITALY Cup
  • 2010 - UEFA Champions League
  • 2011 - winner of the Cup of England (as part of Manchester City)
  • 2012 - champion of England 2011/12 (as part of Manchester City)
  • 2012 - winner of the Super Cup of England (as part of Manchester City)
  • 2012 - Silver winner of the European Championship 2012 (as part of the national team)

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