Laura Palmer - Character Biography, Twin Pix, Actress, Quotes


Character History

Character TV series "Twin Pix" directed by David Lynch. The girl who led a double life. On the one hand, he used universal love in the town, participated in the life of the city - on his own initiative he worked in the program "Lunches on wheels", was considered in the school of the queen of beauty, was loved by his parents. On the other hand, Laura Nyuhal Cocaine was in the brothel and was brutally handling. The murder of Laura becomes the string of the series.

History of creation

The TV series "Twin Pix" created a screenwriter Mark Frost and director David Lynch. On April 8, 1990, the premiere of the series in the United States took place. The place of action was the fictional town, which is located near the Canadian border surrounded by pine forests, in the northwest of the American Washington state.

David Lynch and Mark Frost

In the series three seasons. The first two were removed at the beginning of the 90s of the twentieth century, the third season came out after an almost 13-year break - in 2017. Personally, David Lynch in the original TV series six episodes are redeemed, the director's invited to the project were engaged in the rest. The first season went short - just eight episodes, and was perceived by the audience better than the second, long season of 22 episodes.

The original series went on the American channel "ABC". The third season was demonstrated on the American cable TV channel "Showtime". This time, Lynch personally removed all 18 episodes in the season. Between the second and third seasons in 1992 was still released by the film-prequel "Twin Pixes: Fire, Go after me", which the audience did not appreciate.

Laura Palmer.

The life of the provincial town in the series is imbued with surrealistic spirit and mystery. During filming, Lynch willingly included random scenes and linings in the plot, which arose on the site. For example, in the episode, where the Cupper agent examines the body of Laura Palmer for the first time, the faulty daylight lamp flickes over the table. This is a random pad, but Lynch preferred not to cross the episode, because the constant flickering of the lamp according to the director successfully created the confusion effect.

Author of the soundtrack for the TV series - Angelo Badalamenti, American pianist and avant-garde film composer. Badalamerty began working with Lynch in the film "Blue Velvet" and wrote musical accompaniment to many Lynch ribbons.

"Twin Pix"

Already in the pilot episode of the series Laura Palmer is dead, and the investigation of the murder of the heroine dedicated to all thirty-series of the original series. To clarify the circumstances of the death of Laura and find the guilty, the main hero of the series arrives in the city - a special agent Dale Cooper from the FBI. The entire first season of the whole and part of the second in the series develop events directly related to the death of Laura - the consequences of this incident and how it affected others.

Investigators found the body of Laura Palmer

Laura's death turned out to be associated with many secrets of this little provincial town. During the investigation, some secrets not related to Laura were opened. For example, a plot around Papard sawmill.

Laura led diaries, and it also significantly affected the plot. One of the heroine diaries was found in the pilot series. However, in the second season, the second, secret diary of Laura Palmer appeared, and after that the new details of the girl's life came up. It turned out that Laura became a victim of rape. He bit down the girl is not a local "criminal element", but an evil spirit with a simple American name Bob. This evil spirit was going to enslave mortal, using Laura's attractive for the surrounding way.

Evil spirit bob

In the first season, the main mystery of the series remains undisclosed, but in the second the audience will finally find out who killed Laura Palmer and how the evil spirit of Bob is connected with the father of the heroine.

In the third season, the Biography of Laura is revealed from a new, unexpected side. Spectators see Laura Palmer in Black Wigwam, where the Agent Dale Cooper communicates with the heroine before getting into the real world. In the seventh episode, Laura's diary again pops up, where the heroine describes his own sleep, from which it follows that the Copper agent stuck in Black Wigwam and fledged in addition. Later, the ghost of Laura is some heroes, and the lady with Polen calls Laura Favorites. In the final agent, Kuperu manages to move to the past, to prevent the murder of Laura Palmer there, but it's hard to say whether the heroine will remain alive.

Father Laura Palmer.

To learn more about the last days of Laura Palmer and see the heroine alive can be in the bed "Twin Pixes: Fire, go with me." In the film, Laura goes to the older school and uses cocaine. Someone snatched the pages from the heroine diary; Returning to the aptural time home, Laura finds in his own room of terrible bob. Laura sees the dreams, in which the Cooper agent, Black Wigwam and the mysterious ring, walks along the bars, aroused debauchery with men, and tries to protect the girlfriend Donna from his own mistakes.


The role of Laura Palmer played American actress Cheryl Lee. In 1990-1991, Cheryl appears in this role in the original TV series "Twin Pix", which also plays another role - Maddy Ferguson. This is a cousin of the deceased Laura, similar to Palmer as two drops of water. In 1992, the film-covered to the TV series "Twin Pixes: Fire, Go with me," where the audience sees Laura Palmer in the last seven days of the heroine life. The same actress plays the main role in the first time, as in the third season TV series "Twin Pix", which was released in 2017.

One of the features of the third season is that Lynch invited to starve in the same actors who were involved in the original series almost thirty years ago. So, along with Cheryl Lee in the project was aged Kyle McLakhlen (Agent Dale Cooper), Sherilin Fenn (Audrey Horn) and other well-known fans of the facial series.


"- Laura turned to you, because she had problems?" Yes. "These problems were taken sexy?" - Agent Cooper, all the problems of our society are sexual character. "" I love Donna very much, but I think that she worries me. It turns away from me if I find out that I have inside. Black, darkness, penetrated by dreams about men. About how they could squeeze me in the arms, submitting me to their desires. " (from the secret diary of Laura)

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