Daniel Peakshkin - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Daniel Peakshkin is an actor who, despite the rather young age, has already declared his talent. The peaceshkin managed to participate in the top ten of popular TV projects, make an enviable filmography and conquer not one hundred fans and fans. It is obvious that the young man is not going to stop at what has been achieved and in the near future will delight the audience with new characteristic roles.

Childhood and youth

The future actor was born on June 12, 1991. From early childhood, the boy was distinguished by artistry, so the choice of Daniel further was obvious. Immediately after the school, the Peakkin went to Kiev Theater University named after Ivan Karpenko-Karoga.

Daniel Peakshkin in 2018

Introductory tests did not cause difficulties at the young man: the admission committee of Daniel seemed quite talented. And in 2013, the young man kept in his hands a cherished diploma of the professional artist of theater and cinema.

After graduating from the University, Daniel, like many beginner hypocrites, began his career on the wind winding. The young man was lucky enough to join the body of the Theater of the Russian Drama named after Lesia Ukrainka.

Full Daniel Peakshkin

The spectators were remembered by the performances "Mad Blood" and "Games in the backyard". These settings fully revealed the talent of the world, giving the actor of the first fans.

Daniel could easily get granted in any image, literally in front of changing behavior, facial expressions and gestures and forcing the audience to empathize with the characters. Also working in the theater helped and the fact that peacekeeper can play the piano and sings well.


The first role in the movie Movieshkin received, while still a student, in 2012. He got a secondary character in the criminal series "Powder and fraction". The image was really quite insignificant, but a talented guide was noticed, and soon the worldwin was already in demand by the actor.

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Following the first work, new shooting followed. Daniel appeared in the personnel of multi-sized projects "Personal Business", "Anyway, you will be mine" (with Valery Khodos and Alla Martynyuk), "Last Yanychar". In the last series, directed by Alexander Mokhov and Anton Goyda managed to collect a truly star team. Igor Petrenko, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, Theon Dolnikova became partners of Daniel. And although the role of the peaceshkina was also secondary, the shooting was a serious experience for the future film director of a young man.

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2016 was for the actor saturated in the career plan. The young man played immediately in several shows. The brightest operation of this time was the multi-sieuled project "Threads of Fate". This picture telling about the fate of two sisters, which were separated in childhood, did not leave the audience indifferent.

The fate of the sisters replaced again many years, but the girls have to go through a series of trials before it turns out the truth. Danielova Muskina in the series got the role of a guy named Lech. Also in the series played actors Mila Sivatskaya, Evgenia Rozanova, Oleg Gas.

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2017 pleased the fans of Daniel with new actor roles. The peaceshkin starred in the cult series "Mental Wars. Kiev ", as well as in a multi-veneer comedy project" Top Tormeshkami "(here, the actors Oles Fedorchenko, Lily Rebr, Natalia Sumskaya, became partners in Daniel on the shooting area.

The most bright in 2017, of course, became the Motheric film Alina Chebotareva "I swear to love you forever."

Daniel Peaxkin

The touching friendship of two guys and a girl who later will force the participants of this triangle to pass the test for strength and honesty, forced viewers with interest to monitor what is happening on the screen for four episodes.

Danielova Muskina got the role of a classmate of the chief hero. Alexander Sizonenko, Alexander Kryuchkov and Ivan Solovyov played the main images.

Personal life

A cute actor (Growth of Daniel - 174 cm, and the weight - 69 kg) never complained about the lack of attention of the opposite sex. However, unfortunately fans, a marital page is already open in the biography of the world.

Ksenia Danilova, wife Daniel Peakshkin

The personal life of Daniel Peakshkin has developed happily. The young man managed to meet not just a favorite woman, but also like-minded, who understands him in everything. Daniel's wife - Ksenia Danilova is also an actress.

Daniel Peakshkin now

Now the attention of actor fans is riveted immediately to two projects. In 2018, the premiere of the dramatic series of director Dmitry Matov "Journey to the center of the Soul" took place.

In the center of the narration - the friendship of two girls, who of close people because of the circumstances created by the circumstances turn into the sworn enemies. Daniel here played a young man named Cyril Romanov. Also in the series you can see the game of actors Mary Bayeva, Anastasia Ivanova, Igor Skripko.

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Also in 2018, the series Anna Afrace "Deception" was released on the screens, in which Anastasia Panin, Dmitry Belyakin, Victoria Klinkova became partners on the set.

Perhaps, soon the actor's filmography is replenished with another role, while the audience remains to follow the news on fan pages in "Instagram" and other social networks, where fans share photos and information about the life of the idol.


  • 2012 - "gunpowder and fraction"
  • 2014 - "Personal Business"
  • 2014 - "Anyway, you will be mine"
  • 2015 - "Last Yanychar"
  • 2016 - "On Life"
  • 2016 - "Fights of Fate"
  • 2017 - "Menting Wars. Kiev"
  • 2017 - "Up Tormashkami"
  • 2017 - "I swear to love you forever"
  • 2018 - "Journey to the center of the Soul"
  • 2018 - "Deception"

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