Anatoly Blight - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



Anatoly Blights - a singer, who in the 1980s firmly took a place in Russian chance. However, the work of the artist is not limited to one genre. A peculiar voice timbre allows you to play with styles and directions: in the songs of the artist, together with thorough chords, tango sounds and elements of rock, and gypsy romance melodies.

Childhood and youth

Anatoly was born in the Perm family of slats. In the circle of friends got a nickname to the cloth, which became a later scenic pseudonym. When the boy turned two years old, the parents divorced, and the heir was sent to live to her grandmother. Returned to the mother at 9 years old, after the death of the grandmother. The house was in one of the most "thorough" areas of Perm, where, according to Anatoly, still life is built "according to the concepts".

Singer Anatoly Blotto

Street contributed to the parenting of the boy. The school studied well, but after the third class of thrust for knowledge disappeared - it is interesting outside. Up to the eighth grade, I got somehow, and then entered in vocational school.

Music with Tolik lived since childhood: Grandfather played by the harmony, the father for all holidays had fun at the bayan, mom and native aunts well sang and sangs. Little Tolik talked to relatives, and a teenager wanted to master the guitar. The tool discovered on the attic of the father's house.

Anatoly Blight in childhood with brother Sasha

But none of the relatives of the Azami Guitar Games owned, so the guy went to the neighbors-Roma. Uncle Vasi Kharitonov was a musical, father with children and relatives converged with guitars and sang touching gypsy compositions. For Anatoly, this has become the most vivid impression of early years.

Already at 13 years old, the linen made his own ensemble, where the son of Kharitonov - Geshka-Roma entered, only instead of a guitar, for some reason the drums were handed over the guy. Tolik for the first time tried the strength on a senior position, and since then it is an amplua for him throughout life.

Anatoly canvas in youth

After school, he entered the school №19. Once a teacher of the Institute of Culture drew attention to the talented musician, advising to enter the university. But Anatoly after the release of PTU called upon to give the debt homeland. They were offered to join the rows of Musvvod in their hometown, but at the insistence of a conservative mother, a young man chose a "normal" service and found himself on the shores of Lake Balkhash. Later, still entered the institute.


In Veta, the canvas brought music by creating VIA. The group quickly won the fame, which spread far beyond the scent. Soon the creativity of the guys knew the whole city. Musicians played a classic rock and roll, fixed, changed the place of dislocation to the house of culture. They performed on urban dance floorings, at the same time earning well. According to Anatoly, even for scholarships came every six months.

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In the 1980s, the songs of the new artist hooked not only Perm, all Russia gradually got acquainted with the repertoire. The canvas created another group called Lots Man. Victor Bathechenov volunteered in the builders Anatolia, another friend of Sergey Motin joined them (in the future, the executor of Chanson Sergey Kama).

The trio was surprised by the fruitfulness, in a short period of time, the Lots Meng group has accumulated a lot of material, there would be enough for several albums. The guys decided to write down the first record that demanded a serious amount of money. I had to sell the garage.

The debut album "Oh, Leli-Leli" was born in 1988. Different areas were harmoniously mixed in it: the notes of chanson and rock are guessed, the city romance and gypsy motives are woven. The plate is breathing "male" romantic - the characters of the compositions were street hooligans, disappointed in life people, fearless sailors.

This work glorified the team, learned about the group in Moscow, inviting "morning mail" to shoot. In the popular Soviet program, the canvas spoke with the song "Black Sea", instantaneous hit.

Anatoly Blight and Fedya Pockets

The discography was rapidly replenished. The music team recorded the album for the album. In 1989, the light saw three works at once - "For girls", "Pop Non-Stop" and "Street Guy". And a year later, the screenshots of the carama, the old comrade and countryman of the Poltojdshshchikov joined the group. Together, young people released the album "Hello from Lenka Panteleev."

In the mid-90s, a new position appeared in the creative biography of Anatoly Blizzard. He tried strength in producing. Karamov came to promote, which with his light hand turned into Fedya Parmannova and overgrown with albums in which the songs of the canvas entered.

Friends began to go to concert sites together, becoming a full duet in the eyes of fans. Although the singers themselves consider themselves two independent performers, and the duet is only a mini-version of the Lots Man Group. Musician cooperation broke out in the album "Kiss Me, Luck" (2007), where both voices are sounded for the first time. Sometimes other artists join the duet. For example, Olga Obolenskaya was sleeping well with them.

Anatoly canvas often devotes the records to familiar and idols. So, in 2007, the disk "Eh, Russian ...", which "presented" by the spouse of Natalia. A year later, the light saw the album "Hello, my honor", created in honor of the 70th anniversary of Arcadia North and in the memory of this artist. In it, the singer performed the famous compositions of Chanson's legend, including Marseille, Narva, Lokat.

In the second decade of the new century, Anatoly Polently slowed down the turnover, it is already glad by the album fans. Noteworthy disk "Rublik" (2010), the main song of which was born on a dispute right during the feast in honor of the birthday of a friend. Then three more disks came out - "Do not regret" (2011), "Our Party" (2015) and "Shore" (2016).

The "Lots Man" group was at least strewn, but left alive, managed to stand in the restructuring and to power many crises. Half composition, however, the team lost. But the main backbone remained - Motin-Kama, pockets and, of course, the canvas.

Personal life

In 1986, in the personal life of Anatolia happened to Mount - a wife died. A little daughter Lisa remained on the hands of the artist. Helped to raise the child parents of the left spouse. The singer admits that he could not stand the trouble, washed. But over time, he took himself in hand.

Anatoly Walnut Feed

Later it was possible to create a second family, in which two more children appeared - the daughter of Olga and the Son Kirill. The elected girl named Natalia, with which Chance met on the Black Sea in Yalta. The couple was releasing, but fate again brought young people. Natalia came to the concert Anatoly, who was held in Moscow, and with a bouquet of flowers for the artist rose to the scene. For three years, the musician dropped out of pop life, all the time devoting to the arrangement of the family nest.

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Anatoly Blight has, in addition to music, in the piggy bank of hobbies there is a game of prefers, backgammon and debers. Loves to go fishing or go hunting. And a man writes pictures. Natalia's wife comments on the passion of his spouse to draw:

"Painting is a completely different Plast of Tolina Consciousness. In this, it is similar to a polyhedron. How sketches are born, sketches - I saw: Sits, something looms, all is immersed in myself. It seems to me that the paintings even more correspond to his inner world than songs. It has some tensions as if continuous work is in the head. "

Anatoly Blight Now

The canvas continues to wheel with tours in Russia. Together with Fedor Karmanov, concerts are arranged, participate in the evenings, where the whole color of the Russian chanson speaks.

Anatoly Blizzard in 2018

In the spring of 2018, the performers held a number of concerts in honor of the anniversary - 30 years already "boiled" in this musical direction. In February, Anatoly Sergeevich presented a new album, which called Russian Fate. About the work and the latest news of the artist tells his official website, a militant photo and video from concerts and everyday life.


  • 1988 - "Oh, Lelie Leli"
  • 1989 - "Street Guy"
  • 1989 - "For girls"
  • 1989 - Pop Non-Stop
  • 1990 - "Hello from Lenka Panteleeva"
  • 1991 - "In the kitchen"
  • 1992 - "Baba Lyuba"
  • 1993 - "Share number 8"
  • 1995 - "Golden Care"
  • 1999 - "Survive"
  • 2001 - "Against the Wind"
  • 2003 - "Shpana Start"
  • 2005 - "North"
  • 2005 - "Steamer"
  • 2007 - "Eh, Russian ..."
  • 2008 - "Hello, my honor"
  • 2010 - "Rubliki"
  • 2011 - "Do not regret"
  • 2015 - "Our Party"
  • 2016 - "Coast"
  • 2018 - "Russian Fate"

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