Musa Jalil - biography, photo, personal life, poems, death



Recognition at the state level overtaking jalill's moss after death. The poet accused of predatory to the poet by merits due to the not indifferent fans of his lyrics. Over time, a turn and awards came, and the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union. But a real monument to the untrained patriot, in addition to the return of an honest name, has become a restless interest in creative heritage. After years, we retain the urgency of the word about the Motherland, about friends, about love.

Childhood and youth

The pride of the Tatar people Musa Jalil was born in February 1906. Rahima and Mustafa of the valley were brought up 6 children. The family lived in the Orenburg village, in search of the best share moved to the provincial center. There, the mother, being her daughter Mullah herself, took the Muslim in the Muslim spiritual school-madrasa "Husaini". Under the Soviet government, the Tatar Institute of National Education increased from the religious institution.

Musa Jalil

Love for poetry, the desire to beautifully state thoughts were handed over to Jalil with folk songs, performed by mother, and fairy tales who read grandmother at night. In school, in addition to theological items, secular literature, singing and drawing were successful. However, religion was not interested in the guy - Musa later received a testimony of technology on a slapak at the Pedagogical Institute.

The teenager Musa replenished the ranks of the Komsomol residents, enthusiastically agitated children to join the rows of a pioneer organization. One of the means of belief was the first patriotic poems. In the native village, Mustafino poet created the Komsomol cell, whose members fought with the enemies of the revolution. The Activist Zalilov was elected to the Bureau of the Tatar-Bashkir section of the Central Committee of the VLKSM, the delegate of the All-Union Komsomol Congress.

Musa Jalil in youth

In 1927, Musa entered Moscow State University, on the literary branch of the Ethnological Faculty (future philfach). According to the memoirs of the neighbor on the hostel Varlam Shalamov, Jalil at the university received preferences and love of others by their nationality. Not only is Musa - the heroic Komsomolets, so he is also Tatar, who studies in the Russian university, writes good poems, perfectly reads them in their native language.

In Moscow, Jalil worked in the editors of Tatar newspapers and magazines, and in 1935 he accepted an invitation to the newly opened Kazan Opera House heading his literary part. In Kazan, the poet with his head plunged into the work, picked up actors, wrote articles, libretto, reviews. In addition, he translated into the Tatar works of Russian classics. Musa becomes a deputy of the city council and chairman of the Writers of the Tataria.


The first poems of the young poet began to publish in the local newspaper. Before the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, 10 collections came out. The first "we go" - in 1925 in Kazan, after 4 years - another, "comrades". Musa not only led, as they would have said, party work, but also managed to write plays for children, songs, poems, journalistic articles.

Musa Jalil in youth

At first, in writings, campaign or maximalism was intertwined with expressiveness and pathos, metaphoricity and conventions characteristic of the eastern literature. Later, Jalil preferred realistic descriptions with a folklore note.

Jalil's wide fame received while studying in Moscow. Musa's creativity really liked his classmates, read the poems at student evenings. Young talent with delight accepted into the metropolitan association of proletarian writers. Jalil got acquainted with Alexander Zharov and Mikhail Svetlov, found the speeches of Vladimir Mayakovsky.

Portrait of Jalil Musa

In 1934, he saw the light of the collection on the Komsomol topics "Order Millions", and after him, "poems and poems." The works of the 1930s demonstrated a deep-minded poet, not alien philosophy and able to use the entire palette of expressive means of language.

For the Opera "Zolotovolospar", telling about the heroism of the Bulgarian tribe, which did not conquer ingenious invaders, the poet was processed into the libreto heroic epic "Jick Mergen", fairy tales and legends of the Tatar people. The premiere took place two weeks before the start of the war, and in 2011, the Tatar Theater Opera and Ballet, by the way, who brought the author's name, returned to his scene.

Books Musa Jalille

As the composer Nazib Zhiganov told the composer, he asked Jalil to reduce the poem, as the laws of dramaturgy demanded. Musa categorically refused, stating that she does not want to remove strings written by the "blood of the heart." The head of the literary part I remember to a friend as a person is not indifferent, interested and worried about the Tatar musical culture.

Close friends told how the colorful literary language the poet described all sorts of funny stories that happened to him, and then read in the company. Jalil led the record in the Tatar language, but after his death, the notebook disappeared without a trace.

In Hitler's bunches, Musa Jalil wrote hundreds of poems, 115 of them reached the descendants. The vertex of poetic creativity is the cycle "Moabita Notebook".

This is really two miraculously preserved notebooks transferred to the Soviet authorities of the poet by the poet on the Camps "Moabit" and "Pletsenza". According to unconfirmed information, two more, in an unknown manner in the hands of a Turkish citizen, were in the NKVD and there were disappeared.

Musa Jalil and Ahmet Ishak

On the front and in the camps, Musa wrote about the war, about whulment, whose witness became, about the tragism of the situation and the Iron War. Such became the poem "helmet", "four flower", "azimuth". Eloquently describe the piercing lines who broke the poet of feelings "they were driving mothers with children ..." from "barbarism".

Found in the soul of Jalil Place and lyrics, romanticism and humor, for example, "love and runny nose" and "Insar's sister", "Spring" and a dedicated to his wife "Farewell, my clever".

Personal life

Musa Jalil was married not once. The first wife of Rauza presented the son of Albert's poet. He became a personnel officer, served in Germany, all his life kept the first book of his father with his autograph. Albert brought up two sons, but nothing is known about their fate.

Musa Jalil and his daughter Chulp

In a civil marriage with Zakyui Sadykova, Musa was born by Lucius. The daughter graduated from the Carrier Department of the Music School and the Moscow Institute of Cinematography, lived and taught in Kazan.

The third wife of the poet was called Amina. Although the network is distributed information that, according to the documents, the woman was either by Anna Petrovna, whether Nina Konstantinovna. The daughter of Amina and Musus Chulp Valilov lived in Moscow, worked as an editor in the literary publisher. Her grandson Mikhail, talented violinist, wears the dual surname of Mitrofanov-Jalil.


In the biography of Jalil, there would be no front and camp pages if the poet did not refuse to armor provided to him from service in the army. Musa came to the draft board on the second day after the start of the war, he received the direction to the Politruk, worked as a military army. In 1942, leaving the surroundings with the squad of the fighters, Jalil was injured and captured.

Musa Jalil in captivity

In the concentration camp under the Polish city, Radom Musa joined the Legion "Idel-Ural". The Nazis collected in the detachments of highly educated representatives of non-Slavic nations in order to grow supporters and distributors of fascist ideology.

Jalil, using relative freedom of movement, deployed subversive activities in the camp. The underground workers were preparing escape, but in their ranks found a traitor. The poet and the most active associates were executed on the guillotine.

Monument to Musa Jalile

Participation in the vermhtack division gave reason to consider Jalil's Musal, the traitor of the Soviet people. Only after the death of Stalin, thanks to the efforts of Konstantin Simonov and the Tatar scientist and public figure, Gazi Kashchef turned the truth about the tragic and at the same time the heroic recent years of the poet's life.


  • 1925 - "We go"
  • 1929 - "Comrades"
  • 1934 - "ORDENON MILLION"
  • 1955 - "Heroic Song"
  • 1957 - "Moabita Notebook"
  • 1964 - "Musa Jalil. Favorites Lyrics »
  • 1979 - "Musa Jalil. Selected works »
  • 1981 - "Red Chamomile"
  • 1985 - "Nightingale and Spring"
  • 2014 - "Musa Jalil. Favorites "


I know: with life and dream will leave.

But with victory and happiness

She goes around in my country,

To keep the zero. No one is dominated!


We will forever glorify the woman whose name is a mother.


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And we carry us storm passions.

No legs of people paved roads,

And the feelings and passion of people.


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