Raul Castro - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Fidel Castro, Age, Cuba, Lean, Brother 2021



Raoul Castro - the head of the Cuba state and commander-in-chief of the country's armed forces left in 2018. He took a post after the older brother-revolutionary, the former leader of the Isle of Freedom Fidel Castro. Political scientists noted that Raul actually acted carefully Fidel, and the decisions and views of the younger Castro turned out to be more realistic and practical.

Childhood and youth

Raul Modesto Castro Rus was born in 1931, June 3. In the village of Biran (the province of Olgin in Cuba) there was a largest plantation with an area of ​​92 square kilometers, which belonged to Anhel Castro and Argis, father of the family. Mother Lina Rus Gonzalez served as a kitchen in Angel's house. The man suggested a beloved hand and heart only after the birth of the 5th child. A total of 6 brothers and sisters were brought up with the boy.

The future revolutionary studied in Jesuit educational institutions located in Santiago de Cuba and Havana. Higher education received in Havana University in the specialty "Public Administration". In the student years, Raul Castro has already consisted in the Union of Socialist Youth. Fidel shared his brother's eyes later, and in his youth adhered to national liberation ideas.

Career and politics

Fidel and Raul Castro Rus, wanting to improve the quality of life in Cuba, as part of the movement of the "orthodox" party, decided to overthrow the Magazine Magazine Batista. However, the organization did not show political activity, so brothers with a group of like-minded people in 1953 went to the assault of Moncada barracks (Santiago de Cuba).

During the operation, Raul showed courage. When the patrol surrounded the group in which the younger Castro acted, a desperate young man took a gun at the head of the guard, which tried to delay the riskers. The act helped participants hide after an unsuccessful storm. However, subsequently Fidel and Brother were still arrested, sentenced to a long prison (more than 10 years).

In 1955, relatives were amnestied. Castro decided to emigrate to Mexico. In 1956, the Armed Revolution against Fulhensio Batisti began in Cuba. Fidel stood up at the head of the rebel army, appointing Raul Comandante.

In Mexico City, a fateful for biography acquaintance of the Castro brothers with Ernesto Che Haroya. In 1956, Granma's yacht with the rebels went to Cuba. Part of people died from the hands of government servants. However, the remaining managed to settle in the mountains of Sierra Maestra. Raoul led a powerful revolutionary movement. The number of supporters was about 4 thousand people.

The Cuban Revolution brought the result - Batistist overthrew in 1959. In February of the same year, Raoul was appointed to the post of commander-in-chief, and later, the Minister of Revolutionary Armed Forces of the Republic of Cuba. The competent management style helped to increase the number of the army to 50 thousand people. The chair of the Castro Minister has retained until 2008, establishing a world record in time of stay on such a position. Brew Fidel's brother and other important questions.

1991 became for Cuba the time of the economic crisis associated with the collapse of the USSR. By decision of the government in the country, investments from other countries and foreign currency turnover were now allowed. Financial changes were regulated by Raul. In the created conditions, the solutions adopted by Castro led to a sharp market jerk. Cubans were finally able to develop agriculture, grow any cultures, trade in private or government markets.

The head of state Fidel Castro in the last years of the Board was openly announced, who will replace him with the post in case of resignation. In 1997, the 5th Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba was held, where Raul was named Fidel's successor. In 2006, the older brother announced the addition of the powers of the leader, and in addition, presented a new chairman of the State Council and the ruler of Cuba Raul. After that, the duties and care about the country lay on the shoulders of a relative.

The first step of Raul in the new status is an administrative reform and a reduction in state structures. The initial stage of the Board of Castro Jr. is marked by significant liberalization: permission to use a mobile phone and microwave, free internet access. Farmers have acquired the right to dispose of land independently, and public housing owners could privatize (not sell) real estate.

In 2013, a commemorative meeting of Raul was held with Barack Obama at Nelson Mandela's funeral. Castro first shook the hand of American president. However, 3 years later, an incident occurred, the photo and video of which was widely replicated in the media. The fact is that Obama tried in public to pat on the shoulder of Cuban. The action did not like the Fidel's brother, and the former revolutionary twisted the hand of the barrack up.

In 2017, the leader declared an accurate date of resignation, saying that a new leader will appear in Cuba. In April 2018, Raul said that he was going to leave the post of Chairman of the State Council. The 19th politician announced the name of the successor - Miguel Diaz Channel.

In June, there was information that under the start of Raul, the Parliamentary Commission on the reform of the Constitution works. The Commission convened a new chapter of the country Diaz Channel. The plans to rewrite the main law of the state of Castro reported back in 2016, after the death of the elder brother.

However, Raul left the party leader's chair. However, in 2018, Castro declared that in 2021 he plans to abandon the first secretary of the CCP Central Committee.

It is worth noting that the former revolutionary did not have a relationship with the subsequent US president - Donald Trump. In September 2019, Raul Castro and family members of the Politics banned entry into the United States. In addition, the American returned a number of sanctions canceled by Obama than aggravated the economic problems of the island of freedom.

Personal life

Raul's personal life has developed successfully. With the future wife, Wilma Espi Castro got acquainted during the revolutionary movement against the batcher. In 1959, a wedding took place. Choir gave birth to three daughters and son: Marielo, Deboor, Nilsu and Alejandro. For several years, Willma was the first lady of the Republic of Cuba. In 2007, Raul Castro's spouse died. A woman was buried in the mausoleum of the Frank Pais Frank Frash Foots, in the ranks of which Espin fought at a young age.

Alejandro Castro Espin is engaged in issues of politics, defense and security of Cuba. The author of articles and monographs in which the United States criticizes. From the daughters of Raul and Willma stand out Mariela. Now the heir has active public activities in the field of sex education and health. The network is often found photos of Fidel's niece with rainbow flags of the LGBT community.

Raul Castro now

On April 16, 2021, at the 8th Congress of the CCP, Raul said that he had from the post of the first secretary of the party. Position went to the current ruler Diaz Kalkla. Experts argue that the decision of Castro was liked and a difficult situation in the economy, which aggravated even more after the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. Political scientists believe that, removing the authorities of the revolutionary family from the upper echelons, the government of Cuba hopes to establish relations with the United States.


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