Fernando Musler - biography, photo, personal life, news, instagram 2021



Fernando Musler has been guarding the gate of Turkish "Galatasaraya" for several years, and the Turks are still in no hurry to part with a talented goalkeeper. Before coming in the ranks of the football players of the former Ottoman Empire, the goalkeeper managed to gain experience in his native Uruguay and play the Italians four seasons. There were times when the young man was deprived of the title of the main goalkeeper, but managed to return the "position" and even become the hero of the team.

Childhood and youth

With the birth of Fernando, a curious story is connected, which Mother of the football player Mussel's norm loves to tell. The boy was born in Buenos Aires on June 16, 1986 - at the midst of the World Championship held in Mexico. During the birth of Argentine Pedro Pablo Pascolley scored the victorious goal Uruguay in the match 1/8 of the final. "Albiselesste" reached the quarterfinals.

Football player Fernando Musers

The doctor who took heavy childbirth, told the woman about the dizzying victory in a difficult game and at the joy suggested calling a newborn in honor of the distinguished player. The midwife did not know that the baby was a purebred Uruguian. Of course, the feminine flatly refused such a "tempting" sentence.

And yet the child was called in honor of the athlete, only their own, native. Mom was a fan of Fernando Moraine, the famous Uruguay bombarder.

Goalkeeper Fernando Musler

When the boy has not yet been fulfilled and the year, the family returned to the historic homeland, to the city of Montevideo. Since then, reminds of Argentina only the passport - Fernando remained a citizen of this country, the relevant nationality is spelled in the document. However, the citizenship of the young man is triple: he is Argentine, Uruguian and Italian.

As a child, Musler was carried away by football, and a 15-year-old teenager joined the MONTEVIDEO Wanderters Club Telecom. Later, migrated to the main composition.


Club "Montevideo Wanderters" defended the third place among the strongest in Uruguay. Soon the talent of the athlete noticed representatives of the "star" football organizations of their native country, and began to receive proposals for the transition.

Fernando Musler at Montevideo Wandertors Club

In 2006, the famous Uruguayan Nacionalist rented a football player, where Fernando spent only one season in the fields. Clubs from other countries began to look at the young man, "Benfica", Juventus, Arsenal, were among those interested. And Chose Musler Roman Lazio, replacing the past "retired" Angelo Peruszi.

Football biography broke out with new faces after the transition to the Italians who have won the goalkeeper for € 3 million. The season began with success, significantly replenishing the army of fans. However, soon the fans were disappointed - in the home match with Milan, the goalkeeper allowed five goals into the gate "Lazio". For what he paid: the coach put the Uruguayan for a long time on the spare bench.

Fernando Musler in Lazio Club

From the reserve Fernando watched the game of a new goalkeeper, which Lazio had long dreamed of. But the desired acquisition in the face of Golkaper-Argentine Huana Pablo Carriso did not meet hope, the footballer played disgustingly, besides, he was not shy to demonstrate a bad character. Musler suddenly got a chance to conquer the past position. The gate was entrusted in the 2008/2009 season. In the game with Sampdoria, she flashed with beautiful savings and managed to reflect the penalty spot.

The status of the main goalkeeper walked confidently. Excellent showed skill in games with "Roma", "Napoli" and "Genoa". And then at all brought the team of the Italian Cup. After the ball reflected the ball in the decisive series of a post-match penalty, Fernando was wary and called the hero.

Carriso left the club, and Musler, finally, became the main goalkeeper Romans until the summer of 2011. Then the football player got "Galatasarai" (Turkey). The contract signed for five years. From Fernando Musler, the Istanbul club became the champion of the country, conquered three Turkey Cup and four Super Cup. Here the Argentine managed to beat the Brazilian record Claudio Tauffare: for 18 matches, Never hit the goal Fernando.

For the national team, the Uruguay young man debuted in the fall of 2009, and a year later the game at the World Championships. The team reached 1/8 finals without heads, but at this stage Fernando failed to keep the gate. However, the national team was still in the quarterfinal, where the athlete reflected a couple of penalty - Uruguay was found in the semifinals.

Fernando Musler in the Uruguay national team

At this World Cup Musler became the owner of a record among all goalkeepers in the history of the Uruguay national team on the duration of the "dry" series in the matches of the FIFA World Championships - 337 minutes. A young man in this status came to replace the great Ladislao Mazurkevich.

Fernando Musler also helped the national team of the native country to get the America's Cup, the fourth place at the Confederation Cup, reach the 1/8 final of the World Cup 2014.

Personal life

Fernando Musler is a dream fanok: beautiful, biglase, high (growth of a football player 190 cm, and weight 84 kg). And his wife should be.

Fernando Muselier and his wife Patricia

Burning brunette Patricia Callero is considered to be a distinguished beauty, she is a fitness model, likes to play golf and yaraya fan of football. In 2017, the girl gave a son's spouse. Judging by the photo in "Instagram", Uruguayan goalkeeper was present in childbirth.

Fernando Musler now

In the middle of the summer, 2017, it became known that Galatasaray extended a contract with Uruguayan goalkeeper for another four years. The goalkeeper salary in 2018 is € 2.75 million per season. In an interview, the football player admits that she calms the dream to score the ball head. Speaks:

"You know, from the category of those balls that are clogged in the last seconds in a desperate attempt to get away from the defeat. Goalkeepers often take such raids. "

The Uruguay team received a ticket to the 2018 World Cup. Fernando Musler entered the team. Uruguayans came out of the group by defeating the matches against Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Russia.

Fernando Musler in 2018 at the World Championships in Russia

In the 1/8 finals they scored two goals of Portugal, and only one goal miss themselves. In the quarterfinals met with the team of France.

It is noteworthy that the meeting with the Russian national team for goalkeeper became the jubilee - for Muslera it was a hundredth match for the national team. The young man took the first place among Uruguayan goalkeepers, to whom the mark of 100 games will be submitted.


  • 2008/09 - ITALY Cup
  • 2009 - Super Cup of Italy
  • Four round champion of Turkey
  • Three Cup Turkey
  • Four Super Cup Turkey
  • 2011 - America Cup
  • 2010 - fourth place at the World Cup
  • 2013 - fourth place at the Confederation Cup

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