Ember Valletta - biography, photo, personal life, news, films 2021



Star 90s Amber Valletta is known for the ability to achieve goals. The girl made a dizzying career model, achieved recognition in the film industry and defeated severe addiction. After the birth of the son of Valletta, radically changed the lifestyle. Now a woman is not meat and cares about the environment. The only thing that did not change in the Ember is sincere interest in fashionable clothing.

Childhood and youth

The future star of Podium was born in the family of Portuguese emigrants on February 9, 1974 in the city of Phoenix. Parents gave daughter to a Catholic school. The Ember, which grew up on religious dogmas, did not plan to associate life with show business. The girl was seriously prepared for the college in the specialty "Sociology".

Amber Valletta in youth

At 15, when the girl's growth reached 1.75 m, Mama Amber insisted in the daughter's classroom in Linda Linda School. Soon after the completion of training, model scouts offered a blonde contract with the Italian Agency.

Model business

After a couple of weeks after moving to Europe, the model was offered to pose for the magazine "Vogue". The next big project was to participate in the filming of the French "ELLE". No less famous was working with Peter Lidberg, called the "City Angel".

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Loud start contributed to the rapid career development. Already in 1993, the name of Amber was put in one row with world superstars: Cindy Crawford and Kate Moss.

Gradually slim (the weight of the girl reached 50-55 kg) green-eyed blonde conquered European fashion houses. The girl became the face of the brand "Elizabeth Arden" and walked on the podium in the clothes "Gucci", "Chanel" and "Versace".

Ember Valletta in a swimsuit

In 1995, a new period began in the model's biography - Amber became the leading TV show "House of Style". Realistic show talked about the stoken of the Model World and raised questions about the diverse dependencies common among beautiful girls.


Realizing that the maximum achieved in the profession, Amber decides to try himself in a new field. The models offered a small role in the independent film "Throw ten yards back". The director was so impressed by the diligence and responsibility, with whom Valletta approached the new work, which soon Hollywood was flooded with rumors about beginner actress.

In the same year, the Ember receives another secondary role in the film "What hides a lie". The girl was on one set with Harrison Ford and Michelle Pfaiffer.

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As with the model business, the work itself found an Aerber. Following the cash projects of the "Familyman" and "Duplex" in 2005, the actress received a prominent role in the comedy "Rules of Removal. Hitcha method.

Valletta embodied the image of beauties on the screen, which the inconspicuous accountant is fighting for whose attention. In the same year, the Amber was casting in the film "Carrier 2", followed by roles in the "mortgages of life", "Premonition" and a number of other cash films.

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In 2006, a successful star career overshadowed unpleasant publications in newspapers. The journalists who were known about the dependence of Valletta from alcohol and drugs during the 90s, again raised the old theme. The addiction, which appeared during the model youth, Valletta almost did not hide from the public, but, having matured and realizing all the danger of such a life, in the early 2000s tied up with cocaine and alcohol.

The reason for the re-emergence of old rumors was the appearance of the actress in the rehabilitation center. After passing the therapy, the Amber gave an interview in which he admitted that there had long been a detrimental habits, and the cause of forced vacation was a prolonged stress.

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In 2009, the actress receives the main female role in the fantastic thriller "Gamer". The girl embodied on the character of the character on the name of Nick Tilman - the wife of the main character, which was played by actor Gerard Butler.

In 2011, the Ember became the antagonist of the heroine of the series "Revenge" (another name - "Revenge"). The actress played Lydia Davis, the first victim of the cunning plans of the girl, the father of which was undeservedly put in prison. Initially, the role of Valletta was declared as a guest, but the actress created such a colorful character that the heroine entered the plot of the entire first season.

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In addition to filming for fashionable magazines, which the Ember finally left, and games in films, Valletta participated in the creation of music clips. The brightest work of the blonde was a video for the singer Fergie on the song "M.i.l.f. $.

By the way, the fans of the model often write their favorite that the Ember is suspiciously similar to Diana Kruger. Similar statements are very fun world celebrity.

Personal life

The first strong love of the embossed Ember at 20 years old. At one of the shows, the girl met the Ervi Li Bihan model. In 1994, lovers played a wedding, but Idyll lasted only 2 years, after which the couple was separated.

Amber Valletta and Ervi Lee Bihan

In 1998, the press actively circulated rumors that an attractive blonde secretly meets with Leonardo Di Caprio. The actor and model did not deny and did not confirm their novel.

Amber Valletta and her former husband Christian McCauau

In 2000, the actress became Mom. At the Ember and her beloved Christian McCua son was born. Lovers played a wedding in 2003, but in 2014 Valletta and her husband decided to give a divorce.

Amber Valletta and Teddy Charles

Oden (so spouses called the child) stayed with his mother. The boy periodically participates in the filming for glossy magazines.

Since 2016, the model has been loving with Teddy Charles - a famous stylist and hairdresser. A pair together attends secular events and travels around the world.

Amber Valletta now

In 2018, the model and actress almost never pays attention to the film industry. Woman moved to Los Angeles, but a lot of time spends on travels. The Ember continues to work the model and often appears on the covers. If Valletta does not enter the podium during fashionable shows, it is necessarily visited by secular events as a guest.

Amber Valletta in 2018

Amber is an active environmentalist. In June 2018, the model released the documentary "Reinventing Power". Film is presented in the form of a big travel around the country and tells about the ways of saving electricity. New projects, selfie, photos of the son and close friends actress regularly publishes in the personal account in "Instagram".


  • 2000 - "What hides a lie"
  • 2003 - "Duplex"
  • 2004 - "Fashion Mommy"
  • 2005 - "Removal Rules. Hitcha method "
  • 2005 - "Translator 2"
  • 2006 - "Last time"
  • 2007 - "Premonition"
  • 2009 - "Gamer"
  • 2011 - "Revenge"
  • 2015 - "Blood and Oil"

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