Obelix - character biography, value, adaptation, image and character


Character History

Obelix is ​​a funny character, Gall by nationality, bursting into cinematograph from pages of graphic novels. Fat gourmet along with a militant other Asterix charts on the expanses of the world to help friends to defeat evil and injustice, and in some places and solve love affairs.

History of creation

Comic about the funny and brave Asterix, who came up with the writer Rena Gosinny and the artist Alber Holder, lived on the pages of the Franco-Belgian magazine "Pilot" without a fat man of Obelix. However, the character image was already invented.

Rena Gosinny and Alber Hold

In 1959, at the first sketches of the artist, a huge and strong Gallic warrior named Asterix appeared, but such an appearance did not suit Gosinny. The publisher saw the chief hero of Hilh and small, whose strength is in the mind and smelting. The quest also believed that graphic novels still need traditional war guili, who would inspire fear with their impressive sizes. Obelix decided to leave both companion, assistant and friend asterix. Together, the heroes appeared only in 1961 in the first independent collection of comics "Asterix from Gala".

Obelix turned out to be a complete antipode of the comrade, as, however, and wondered. A man takes not a cunning and mind, and a mighty force, besides, it is strikingly different from each other in appearance and character. Although, judging by the meaning of the name, he is still an equal steam asterix. Obelix is ​​a reeued term "Obelisk", typographic label-crusher, while "Asterisk" has a view of an asterisk.


The Canon of the Comics series developed for years, and the characters gradually changed before appearing in this form in which their fans live today. Obelix first stood in a series of secondary heroes, was rather slim, there was a sequir in the Armsman Arsenal and was not yet able to eat two or three bulls for one sitting - for two with Asterix, a single animal was enough. In the second book of graphic novels, the character finally was fully formed and became an even one to his friend, the name of the fat man appeared even in the headlines.

Asterix and Obelix

The authors of the comics have fun readers with stories about the adventures of the village of Galov, who oppose the invasion of the Romans. The giant forces of the residents of the settlement gives a magical elixir, welded by Druid Panoramix. Obelix eventually amounted to Asterixes in dangerous campaigns and travels. Friends visited different parts of the world, even in Egypt and England. Traveling around the ancient world, often crossed with the main enemy - Caesar, saved familiar from the Roman oppression.

Druid Panoramix, Asterix and Obelix

The fat man was able to gain extraordinary physical strength in early childhood, when the boy accidentally fell into a chan in a wonderful potion. The substance gives people power for a while, and Gall got it forever. Since then, a man easily moves heavy items, carries out the trees and stones from place to place, plus it throws them to long distances and moves itself at the speed of light. The hero is selflessly rushed into battle with enemies, among which, except for the Romans, pirates and vikings mean.

In peacetime, the hero will spread the ancient obeliski - Mengira.

The Obelix is ​​obliged to be a huge growth and obesestore, the Obelix is ​​obliged to be a magic potion - he also received a diverse appetite in the load to incredible strength. Every day a man comes to the dump, can eat a few bulls, and fascinated boars became a favorite dish.

Obelix with manual dog

Gallic warrior is distinguished by a good character, patient and even naive. Obelix composes beautiful poems, but only when it is thoroughly reinforced. The list of best friends Aelitsa includes a manual dog named Idefix (in another translation of Dogmatics), without any adventure of comic characters.


A couple of gallic warriors entered the history of cinema as the characters of nine cartoons:

  • "Asterix from Gaul" (1967)
  • "Asterix and Cleopatra" (1968)
  • "Twelve asterix feats" (1976)
  • "Asterix against Caesar" (1985)
  • "Asterix in Britain" (1986)
  • "Big Fight Asterix" (1989)
  • "Asterix conquers America" ​​(1994)
  • "Asterix and Vikings" (2006)
  • "Asterix: Land of Gods" (2014)
Frame from cartoon

The first cartoon became the only one, where Obelix is ​​a secondary hero. After that, the man also won the laurels of the main character.

The next debut, already in the format of the full-length feature film, happened in 1999. Director Claude Zidi presented to fans of Gallic saga Picture "Asterix and Obelix against Caesar". It is said that this is the most expensive project in the history of French cinematography. Zidi mixed up a dozen comics and invited the role of Obelix of the inimitable actor Gerard Depardieu, who fucked in striped pants. Here, the fat man first turned into a romantic hero who loved the girl Fabalu (played the letiya caste). However, unrequited.

Gerard Depardieu in Obelix

After just three years of the audience, the following picture was pleased - "Asterix and Obelix: Cleopatra Mission" (2002), where again the image of a strongman from the Gallesk village was trying on Depardieu. Heroes went to Egypt to build a palace on behalf of Cleopatra.

Obelix - character biography, value, adaptation, image and character 1460_7

The famous comedy actor was filmed in the role of Obelix in two films: "Asterix at the Olympic Games" (2008) and "Asterix and Obelix in Britain" (2012). Together with a faithful companion, a good-natured amateur of fried bulls and boars helps a friend-Galli Pullyubviks to win the location of the Greek princes with the help of sports games, and then rushes on the help of the residents of the British village, suffering from the Mneta Caesar.

Interesting Facts

  • The lover is delicious and satisfying the first place in the ranking of cartoon heroes, in the life of which food is above other values. In this regard, Obelix left behind Winnie Pooh, Snoupe, Garfield and Gomer Simpson. Such an unusual list was the edition of Miami New Times.
Obelix and Asterix became talismans
  • At the World Hockey Championship in 2017, Obelix and Asterix became talismans. Commenting on the choice, President of the French Hockey Federation, Luke Tardif, noted: "The opposition of the Gallic village and the Roman Empire symbolizes the struggle between the teams."
  • Obelix Pro font, having a "comic" design, is named after this voracious hero.
  • Obelix turned into a painting of computer games. One of the popular - "Asterix and Obelix XXL". Here, players will have to look for Golden Lavra hidden by Julia Caesar in the Roman Empire, as well as shields that increase their lives.


"Do I really burn? This is just my third boar. For the night it is impossible! "" The loving heart is much stronger than the heart of Athlete. "" Love like a flower - she needs time to bloom ". Welcome about a suitable time for writing poems:" First you need to eat, but not too tight, and then forget, What are you strong. "

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