Christian Slater - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Hollywood actors are also people - they can make a mistake, make the wrong choice and get away from the way. But everyone has a second chance - they used Christian Slater, who managed to overcome alcoholic and narcotic dependence on time, as well as return to the cinema after many years of silence.

Childhood and youth

The biography of Christian Michael Leonard Slatera began on August 18, 1969 in New York. The boy was born in the creative family of Actor Michael Hawkins and Casting-Director Mary Joe Slater, so his further professional choice was not for anyone a surprise.

Christian Slater in youth

When the child turned 7 years old, the parents diverged - Christian stayed with his mother and took her surname. Later, in 1983, the woman had another son, which Ryan was named - he, like an older brother, found himself in acting.

The future artist is still in early youth began to lay the road to a big movie, playing in television shows and stages of Broadway from 8 years.


Christian performed his first episodic role in the artistic cinema of Christian in 1981 (he was 12 years old) - the young actor appeared in the form of Billy boy in one of the screening about Sherlock Holmes. The next, more serious work appeared at the young man after 4 years later - he starred in the militant "Legend of Billy Gin", the main role in which he performed his name-named Helen Slater.

Sean Connery and Christian Slater in the film

A truly advantageous offer was waiting for Christian ahead - a year later, he took part in the historic thriller of European production "Name of Rose", removed by the cult work of the writer Umberto Eco.

The film narrated the serial killer, wrapping in the medieval Italian monastery. 17-year-old Slater fulfilled the role of a young assistant experienced detective and part-time monk, which Schon Connery played. Despite the fact that the author of the novel did not approve the screening, film critics and viewers met her positively. Valentina Vargas played in the picture, Helmut Callinger and Ilya Baskin.

Christian Slater and Winon Rider in the film

The next role of Christian, who began to mature noticeably, appeared in 1988. She became diametrically opposite to his past work - this time the guy played Sorvigolu Jay Di in the criminal thriller "fatal attraction". Winon Ryder and Schonnen Daerty.

In the new decade, Slater joined the DJ of the Hunter's central roles to the musical drama "Return the volume" and Will Scarletta in the militant "Robin Hood: Prince Thieves." Both paintings were warmly met with critics and expanded the filmography of the submissive artist with diverse work.

Christian Slater in the film

The next work of Christian has gained ambiguous glory - the actor earned the nomination for the anti-refreshment "Golden Malina" for the worst male role of the second plan, taking part in the Criminal Drama "Gangsters". Later, Slater was a little rehabilitated after the victory in the nomination "The most desirable man" in 1992 from the MTV channel, starring in the Kaffs comedy together with Milla Yovovich.

A year later, the actor received a profitable proposal to fulfill the central role in the thriller Tony Scott about the marginal couple "True Love". Christian played Clarence Warli, who fell in love with the girl on call Alabama (Patricia Arquette was performed) and enclosed in a criminal history with pimpets, murders and flight.

Christian Slater and Brad Pitt in the film

1994 brought Slate, one of the most significant and brightest roles in his already saturated filmography - he played a reporter named Mello, who takes an interview with this vampire in the stylish horror movie "Interview with the Vampire". The picture was removed on the novel by the writer Ann Rice and earned more than $ 200 million in the hire. Two other central roles played by the notorious Hollywood sex symbols Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise.

After the success of the last picture, the popular actor has practically disappeared from the screens, by performing minor roles in low-budget full-lengths and serials. During this period, he was carried away by drugs and alcohol, which almost cost Christian Career.

The 2010s changed the situation, proving that Slater was still full of creative enthusiasm and am ready to surprise her fans. He took part in two parts of the scandalous film of Lars von Trier "Nymphomanka", and in 2015 he joined the acting of the criminal series "Mr. Robot". Christian even received the "Golden Globe" in the nomination "Best Actor of the Second Plan" for the same character. The title role of the Sociophoba programmer Elliota Aerderson performed by Ramie Malek. Shooting the project continues now.

Personal life

The actor boasts a saturated personal life - he was married twice and met with several Hollywood sex symbols.

Christian Slater and his first wife Ryan Haddon

On the set of "Deadly Inclusion" Slater met the young Winona Rider and immediately fell in love with her. The couple met for a long time, but in his later interviews Chris recalled the actress with trepidation and admitted that he still could not forget her.

After that, the artist met with his colleague on the shop of Christina Epplgate, and then with the fatal Patricia Arquette, partner on the film "True Love".

The first wife of the artist was the reporter Ryan Haddon. Their wedding took place in 2000, at that time the newlyweds had a common son named Jaden. A year later, Christian and Ryan appeared another child - Eliana girl. However, it did not help strengthen the marriage - the couple divorced in 2006.

The next Roman actor, flowed into marriage, began in 2010. His choices became Brittany Lopez, which is under the sense of 17 years younger. There are no shared children from spouses yet.

Christian Slater now

The actor is low-active in social networks, he rarely posts on the Internet personal photos and information about himself, so it is hard to say that Christian lives in 2019.

Christian Slater in 2019

It is clear only that he continues to work in the series "Mr. Robot" and is open to new creative proposals.


  • 1985 - "Legend of Billy Jean"
  • 1986 - "Rose Name"
  • 1988 - "Death Investigation"
  • 1990 - "Return the volume"
  • 1991 - "Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves"
  • 1993 - "True Love"
  • 1994 - "Interview with Vampire"
  • 2013 - "Nymphomanka: Part 1"
  • 2013 - "Nymphomanka: Part 2"
  • 2017 - "Wife"
  • 2018 - "Public Library"

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