Apollo cords - biography, photo, personal life, news, instagram 2021



The fact that Sergey Shnurov has an adult son, for many fans has become a surprise. With the heir to Apollo Cord, the musician introduced fans only a few years ago.

Apollo Corn

Journalists are hard to learn to learn the details of the biography of a young man. The overall picture of the press collects along the grains, the main assistant in this difficult case was the leader of Leningrad.

Childhood and family

Apollo - While the only son of the musician. The boy was born in 2000 in marriage with Svetlana Kostitsyn, who worked as the Music Director of the Pep-SI Group. Two years after the birth of the child, the parents divorced, and Apollo stayed with her mother.

Sergey took a name for the heir "not from the ceiling." The child is named after the ingenious Russian poet of the 19th century Apollo Grigorieva. But when baptism, he received another name - Paul. Even nickname in "Instagram" is a mix of these two names.

Apollo cords and his mother Svetlana Kostitsyn

A boy from a young age admired teachers by non-Gentleful mind. To the pride of a star parent, once the teacher even compared Apollon with the young Kolykovsky young Kiolkovsky, he expressed so rich thoughts. A child studied in the prestigious school of St. Petersburg.

After received a certificate of maturity, he became a student of the university. What exactly left the mystery, because his father does not reveal this mystery. Press and Internet users rushed to calculate an educational institution.

Sergey Shnurov and Apollo Cords in childhood

They repelled from the photo, which Sergey Shnurov posted in "Instagram" - the son poses in front of the building of the St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, Abbreviated ITMO. Curious subscribers tried directly to ask a singer's question about the place of teaching the heir and plans for the future. To this "cord" missed in his repertoire:

"As a great-grandfather, there will be an artillers or a revolutionary."

The son with his father had a warm relationship, unlike her daughter. Apollo has the eldest sister of Seraphim of Cord, born in the first marriage. Mom girl - the former classmate Sergei Maria Ismagilov.

Seraphim of Shnurov, Sergey Shnurov and Apollo Cords

To the daughter, the singer did not show a special interest before that time, but with his son talked closely. Even called the child, the heir to the throne. From the temptations of the boy's youth was not limited. Father adhered to the opinion that everything should go as her toeh. The man is obliged to go through "mandatory" tests:

"Everything should happen - and broken nose, and everything else."

A bright illustration of a democratic education became photographs posted on the net in 2016. The cords spent a Friday evening in a circle of children. Apollo poses with a cigarette and beer in his hands. In the signatures in the pictures it was said that the beer for children can already be on Fridays, on the other days - only vodka. Such an approach to raising offspring, of course, caused a wave of indignation from the musician fans.

Personal life

In the personal life of the son of the shoe, white spots are still to fill. It is not known who the young man met or is found. From time to time, photographs appear in social networks where the young man poses with girls. But which of them Passia Apollo is a mystery.

Apollo cords loves hats

The young man has already acquired his own memorable style in clothing. For example, it feeds love for headdresses, especially the hats of a peculiar style. Because of this, friends compare it with the "juvenile Jew". And the young man on appearance is reminiscent of Harry Potter - the same thin, low and wearing glasses in black rim, followers.

Apollo cords now

In the summer of 2017, Sergey Shnurov continued to acquaint fans with children. She showed a photo of a matured son, under which he stated that the heir not smokes yet, little fade, but already drinks.

Apollo cords in 2018

The leader of Leningrad complained to omiss in the upbringing "in terms of maintaining family values" and expressed the hope that Apollo has a life ahead - I will still catch up with your father.

Stories "Cord" subscribers were currently less aggressive. Part of the Follovier even asked to adopt them - such freedom of morals had to do.

Apollo Cells with a Camera

A year later, the singer showed family "progress", placing a picture of heirs with a provocative signature "Drunk children". Allegedly adult (in 2018, Apollo celebrated the 18th birthday), according to the law, alcohol is permitted.

In the spring, the press appeared the news that the junior cords participates in the art exhibition. It turned out, the young man dreams of a career of the artist, perfectly draws. The opening day was held in mid-April as part of the annual festival of music and arts in Barcelona.

Pictures of Apollo Cord

For Apollo, it was debut in the events of the art world. It seems that the son still went in the footsteps of Star Pope, because Sergey Cords, in addition to music, is fond of drawing. In February 2018, I made a personal exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art Erant.

Apollo Pavel loves to travel. In July, the young man rested in Georgia: met the sights of Tbilisi and the surrounding area of ​​the city.

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