Natalia Ignashevich - biography, photo, personal life, news, instagram 2021



Natalia Ignashevich - Football Player's wife Sergei Ignashevich, Master of Sports in rhythmic gymnastics, TV presenter, journalist, Sports commentator. Mother two sons. Engaged in charity.

Childhood and youth

The life of Natalia Ignashevich was closely related to sports since childhood. Young Natasha was engaged in rhythmic gymnastics, and in his student years, already working on the NTV-Plus Channel, led the heading on the spouses of football players there.

Natalia Ignashevich

Interest in sport was handed over to Natalia from his father, he was engaged in several sports and worked as a coach. In one interview, Natalia recalls, as in the 1980s spent the summer in the Pension "Klyazma" for high-ranking members of the CPSU Central Committee, where the Father was invited to work.

To engage in artistic gymnastics Natalya began at seven years old and the first school, where I gave the girl, it was, according to his own expression Ignashevich, it looks like a "real concentration camp".

Natalia Ignashevich as a child

The girls carried the collective responsibility for the disorders of the discipline, were exposed to excessive and painful training, they were left without dinner and suffered a cruel and indifferent appeal from coaches, who absolutely did not follow the health of their wards. Already at this young age, Natalia earned gastritis.

Later, the parents were transferred to Natalia to another school, and at the age of 15, becoming a master of sports of an international class, she had to leave a sports career for medical testimony.

Natalia Ignashevich and Sergey Ignashevich

The life of the girl by that moment was devoted entirely to the sport, Natalia trained at 8 o'clock a day and for more than a year she did not go to school, there was also no time for friends.

The rejection of the sports career was for Natalia shock, however, the girl was quickly oriented and decided to enter the faculty of journalism in Moscow State University. The time freed from workouts devoted preparations for exams. A new way of life associated with the profession of a journalist, Natalia fell like.


Natalia received the first job after the tournament in rhythmic gymnastics, the NTV-Plus TV channel, became acquainted with Denis Kosinov, the leading news of sports. Denis at that time commented on rhythmic gymnastics, but he planned to find a niche for himself more interesting and acquaintance with Natalia, a former gymnast and a student Zhurfak, by the way. For some time, the presenters worked in a pair, and then Denis Kosinov left the project. So Natalia became a commentator of rhythmic gymnastics.

TV presenter Natalia Ignashevich

Later, Natalia began to lead the morning ether news, and then released the author's "petroleum history" program, where the players told about personal lives and hobbies not related to sports. Another author's program of Natalia - "Diary of his wife" is devoted to the wives of football players who are talking about their own spouses. The transmission was the spouses of such football players, like Sergey Perhong, Pavel Pogrebnyak, Andrei Voronin and others.

Personal life

Maiden name Natalia - Pakuva. Prior to acquaintance with Sergey Ignashevich, she had a relationship with sports commentator Vasily Utkin. Vasily and Natalia met in 2003 on the program "School of Crossing", where Utkin was present as a guest. Utkin was fascinated by Natalia, but the heart of the girl at that time was not free.

Natalia Ignashevich and Vasily Utkin

Later, Natalia still answered Vasily reciprocity, but the novel lasted for a short time. According to Utkin, Natalia was married to him a little over a year, then the spouse broke up due to mutual misunderstanding and turn of turmoil.

Natalia met with the future spouse Sergey Ignashevich, when he took the interview to the transmission of "oil bolna stories". Natalia recalls that, going to the meeting, I forgot to see the photos of Sergey and did not even know how he looks like.

Natalia Ignashevich and Sergey Ignashevich

Ignashevich had a reputation as a secretive and unavalious person who does not like journalists, but Natalia easily managed to talk football player. Sergey willingly responded to personal questions and even removed the T-shirt to show Natalia Tattoos.

It turned out that Ignashevich saw Natalia on TV and imbued to that sympathy before the interview. Further relations developed on the initiative of Sergey. Natalia at first found his lifestyle too far from his own and sincerely believed that they did not fit each other with Sergey, but over time they fell in love with him, and in the end, Natalia and Sergey began to live together.

Children of Natalia and Sergey Ignashevichi

Natalia Ignashevich two children. Senior Son Sergey with great pleasure engaged in football at school CSKA. Interest in this sport I woke up at the boy in the kindergarten, and the ball of Sergey Jr. from early childhood was the ball. The second son, Timofey, Football is not carried away, but it shows a great interest in technology and communicating with people. In an interview, Natalia admitted that she dreams of seeing the younger son by the director.

Natalia is seriously concerned about the fate of orphans and was engaged in charity for several years, but over time she came to the conclusion that it came to this not from the side. Natalia believes that the only way to actually help children is to find families for them. To this end, the journalist removes a series of documentary short films about orphans, as well as herself plans to take in the family of the adoptive child.

Natalia Ignashevich now

Natalia continues to engage in charity and works in the Foundation "Need help" as Chairman of the Board of Trustees. Among other things, the Foundation is engaged in a project dedicated to the remote training of orphans, which is supervised by Natalia.

Natalia Ignashevich in 2018

Natalia Ignashevich appears on the first channel in the program "Good morning", where you can see her trained with the ball or demonstrating exercises to strengthen the muscles of the legs.

Natalia Ignashevich has an instagram account where you can learn about the last turns in its own biography and a husband's career. In 2017, Natalia, together with her husband, took a journey through Japan and was actively shared by photographs and impressions of this country with subscribers on his page in "Instagram".

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