Kepa Arrisabalaga - Photo, Biography, News, Personal Life, Footballer 2021



The Spanish goalkeeper Kepa Arrisabalaga is young, but already managed to shine talent and please the fans of the country with beautiful savings. When moving to Chelsea in 2018, he became the most expensive goalkeeper in the history of football.

Childhood and youth

The full name of the football player is Kepa Arrisabaganga Revuelta. But on the homeland of a young man is called just Kepa. A athlete was born in the provincial Spanish town of Odarroa and by nationality is a bas. As a child, the future goalkeeper "Chelsea" chased the ball in the courtyard with peers, and at the age of 10 became the pupil of the Athletic Bilbao Academy.

Together with the club, the Spaniard passed a series of children's and youth tournaments, and in early 2012, a big football began in the biography of a teenager - a professional career started at the club "Basqueonia".

Personal life

Kepa met for a long time with a girl named Andrea Perez, they were with nine years. Young people often flashed together in the tape "Instagram" football player. Lovers traveled and tried to spend their free time together.

The athlete does not advertise his personal life, and therefore there is no accurate data on the time of parting the pair. In the summer of 2020, Kep published a photo from a holiday on a tropical beach, where it was sitting alone. According to loved ones, the guy is very suffering, and the recent parting with her friend has become one of the main reasons for the fall of the goalkeeper form.

The sports interests of the goalkeeper are not limited to football, it is also not averse to play volleyball, the complex allows (height 189 cm with weight 84 kg). In the list of idols, Ronaldigno and David Beckham are laid. Kepa is a fan of cinema and loves to watch the series.


With the Basquence team Kepa played 12 matches, and already next season was in the ranks of the reserve "Bilbao Athletic", which remained without a goalkeeper, which was injured. In this club, the goalkeeper was not lucky: he broke his hand and so I missed the games.

In the 2014/2015 season, he played 17 matches, skipping 11 heads. The young goalkeeper was sent to gain experience in the second division of FC Ponferradin. Then the native club passed the player for a year to "Real Valladolid", where Kepa went out on the field in 40 games.

The Valladolid coach Giritano wanted to keep the talented athlete for another season, but received a refusal. Arrisabaganga stayed at Athletic Bilbao and justified the hopes of the club owners, brilliantly proven themselves to several matches. The first speech in Athletic happened in September 2016, the team fought with "Deportivo La Coruna."

Together with the Cup "Athletic Bilbao" won "Valencia", Granada and Seville. The injury of the right leg was knocked out a young man from the rut for 2 months, but, returning, the athlete declared himself with a new force. In March 2017, he spoke in the Basque Derby, defeating the "Real Sociedad" with a score of 2: 0.

Later Arrisabaganga was perfectly reacted on the most powerful blow of David Lopez in the style of another goalkeeper - the legendary José Angel Iribara. In general, the first season in the club can be called very successful: Kepa came to the list of the best young players according to UEFA.

As part of the Spain team, the football player also distinguished himself. Debuted for the youth team (up to 19 years) of the native country in 2012. Arrisabalaga became the champion of Europe, appearing on the field in all matches. Especially fans remembered the game with France.

Then goalkeeper called the hero: Kepa distinguished himself in the series of post-match penalties. In the finals, the Spaniards met with the Greeks, Arrisablag managed to keep the gate and bring the team to victory. In the main team made his debut in a friendly game with the players of Costa Rica.

At the end of the fall of 2017, rumors appeared in football circles that Kepa will soon go to the Madrid Real. Fans wagoned, but the news for a long time remained only by the speculation.

I aggravated the situation of Andrea Perez, placing a photo in the "Instagram" account, where posing in the Madrid Park. The fans regarded this as a confirmation of rumors, allegedly Arrisabalag with a girl is already looking at the new place of residence. A wave of questions collapsed on Andrea, and she hurried to remove the picture.

"Creamy" really conducted negotiations on the transition of a talented player, but the deal was broken. In the media there are two versions of why the Spaniard did not work out in the famous European club. Some say that negotiations were too delayed and Kephe had to extend the contract with Atletics. Others argue - the goalkeeper refused himself.

The leadership of the native club did not want to say goodbye to the goalkeeper, it was ready to take all the terms of Arrisabalags, only that he stayed in the team. The salary on a new contract, which has been extended to 2025, increased to € 2.2 million, and the amount of the explicit decreased twice - from € 80 million to € 40 million. Journalists in an interview were often asked by Kep, whether he regards the refusal " Realu. " The athlete claims that, on the contrary, it is happy to stay in Atletics:

"I then had to think about everything. It was a solution to my whole life, I thought a lot, what way to go on. I needed time to discuss it with family, close friends. I wanted to be confident in choosing, so I stuck everything thoroughly. "

In June, Kep went to Russia for the FIFA World Championship - 2018, making the company to Goalary Davar de Hea and José Reine. Before this main event of the football world, the athlete gave careful forecasts about the game of the national team. The goalkeeper noted that the team knows the price and is confident in the power, but it will try to resist from unjustified risks.

Spain became the winner of the world championship only once, in 2010, when South Africa acted as the host party. Until that time, she did not get to the last stages. Therefore, I noticed the goalkeeper, Nimba above the head of the national team, there is no, in the plans - a careful game. Moreover, among the rivals, the strongest teams of the planet, ready to prevent surprise.

"We need to go from stage to the stage, without looking far ahead, because you can stumble," Cepe concluded.

And the Spaniards received a surprise. Combustively coming out of the group (with Portugal and Morocco played a draw and scored 1 goal in Iran's gate), in the playoffs lost to Russia in the post-making penalty. For the Spaniards, it was a real blow to suffering defeat from the weaker team at the stage of the playoffs of the world championship, as the Russian team was still called.

From August 8, 2018, Arrisabagala is a Chelsea player. The duration of the contract is 7 years old with an annual salary of € 10 million. With regard to the transfer amount, it amounted to € 80 million.

The team of "Blue" Kepa came to the position of Tibo Courtois. Athlete's debut with a new team took place on August 11, 2018. And already on February 24, 2019, during the final match of the League Cup (the opponent "Manchester City"), the goalkeeper refused to leave the field to replace before the penalty series. Arrisabalag reflected 1 blow, but the final account was not in favor of Chelsea.

After the game, the athlete brought the pressed apologies to both the coach and fans. The conflict did not go beyond the club, and the gear of the goalkeeper in social networks and the media began to subside. The management kept the week's weekly salary as a fine.

Kep Arrisabalaga now

Following the season 2019/2020, the statistics of achievements of the athlete depresss. He even became the winner in the sad nomination "The worst goalkeeper of the season in the submarine." Due to the large number of mistakes, the goalkeeper missed 109 goals and lost its place in the main composition.

According to media information, Chelsea plans in the offseason was the purchase of a new goalkeeper instead of Arrisabalag. At least it was with such a request to leadership the mentor of the London Club Frank Lampard. But Kep still remained in the ranks of the "blue", as the Sun reported at the end of August.

On September 12, 2020, the English Premier League started, in which the goalkeeper participates with his club. But this season also failed. For example, during a meeting with Liverpool on September 20, Kepa wanted to give a team to a teammate, but Sadio Mane not only took the ball from the goalkeeper, but also scored a goal.

During the games within the framework of the League of Nations UEFA Kepa sat on the bench back. And on September 25, 2020, it became known that the London Club as the first issue considers the goalkeeper Edward Mendi from Renna. As for Arrisabalag, his aristocrats will be leased.


  • 2012 - Winner of the European Championship (up to 19 years)
  • 2018/19 - UEFA Europe League Winner

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