Shamil Basayev - biography, photo, personal life, liquidation



Basayev Shamil Salmanovich - Chechen terrorist who died in July 2006. In early 2000, the name Basayeva rumbled for the whole world, he was one of the most dangerous criminals wanted.

Childhood and youth

Basayev Shamil Salmanovich (Abdallah Shamil Abu-Idris) was born on January 14, 1965. From birth, I lived in the village of Dyszna-kept, in Vedensky district, Chechen Republic. Since 1970, the family moved to the village of Yermolovskaya.

Terrorist Shamil Basayev

Parents - Salman Basayev and Nura Basayev - brought up four children. In 1999, the youngest of boys, Islam, died from poisoning. Another, Shirvani, participated in the first Chechen war, was involved in hostilities against Russia, attended negotiations between representatives of Chechnya and Russia.

After the defense of Grozny, information about the serious injury to the Shirvani Basayev, which led to a fatal outcome. Officially, this information is not confirmed by anywhere. Later, the sources wrote that the wound was not fatal, and Chechen himself lives in Turkey.

Shamil Basayev in youth

Shamil Basayev studied in high school until 1982, and then worked as a handyman, having moved to the Aksai village (Volgograd region). In 1983, Shamil Salmanovich was called for an urgent service in the Soviet Army and served two years. After the army, Basayev came to Moscow to enroll in Moscow State University.

Three attempts to become a student of the law faculty were unsuccessful. In 1987, Shamil has already studied in the first year of the Moscow Institute of Land Management Engineers, but in a year was expelled.

Shamil Basayev at the White House in Moscow in 1991

In the capital Basayev, he worked as a controller and guard. He headed the department at the Firm "Vostok-Alpha". According to some reports, since 1989 Shamil was a student of the Istanbul Islamic University. In 1991, he was seen in the operation of protecting the White House in support of Boris Yeltsin during the coup of the GCCP. Later returned to Chechnya.


Since 1991, Basayev has been listed in the KNK troops (conferences of the Peoples of the Caucasus). In the summer of the same year, he became the founder of the Armed Group "Went", which guarded the buildings during the meetings of the Caucasian Peoples Confederation Congresses. Later Shamil Salmanovich made his name to the list of candidates for the presidency of Chechnya. In 1991, Johar Musaevich Dudaev became the first president of the self-proclaimed Chechen Republic Ichkeria (CRI).

Shamimml Basayev and Aslan Maskhadov

After declaring election results, under the start of Shamil Basayev, a grouping functioned, protecting the interests of the new head of the CRI. In November 1991, the name Basayev Shamil Salmanovich appeared in the case of the hijacking of the passenger aircraft "Tu-154". The apparatus was transferred to the territory of Turkey from the airport of mineral waters.

In 1992, at the post of commander of the company of the National Guard Johar Dudayev, the formation of the views on the independence of Chechnya Basayev took place. It is known that with the position of President Shamil Salmanovich, I did not agree, taking a neutral side.

Shamil Basayev and Joseph Kobzon

The war in Nagorno-Karabakh and the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict of Basayev with an army of 5 thousand people passed with a special cruelty and a large number of victims. However, the world found out the name of Shamil Basayev in 1995 due to events in Budennovsk.

A terrorist with an armed detachment captured the hospital building in Budennovsk (Stavropol Territory), 1600 people were in captivity. Basayev achieved from Viktor Chernomyrdin's decision to release a group from the city. At that time, 415 people were injured, died - 129.

Shamil Basayev captures the hospital in Budennovsk

In 1999, Dagestan's squad was visited by Dagestan, which marked the beginning of the second Chechen campaign. The biography of the terrorist could break into the early 2000s during the transition of the group through a mined field from the city of Grozny. Basayev amputated to the leg and were able to save life. After this case, a series of new terrorist acts was followed in Russia.

The grouping of Shamil Salmanovich is involved in the seizure of hostages in the theater center on Dubrovka (2002), organized an explosion at Dynamo Stadium in Grozny. At the same time, on May 9, 2004, Ahmat Kadyrov died during the terrorist act, acting by the President of the Chechen Republic.

Tragedy in Beslan

The loud terrorist attack, involvement in the organization of which did not deny Shamil Basayev, became the tragedy in Beslan. In 2004, September 1, terrorists attacked the first school. The number of dead - 333 people.

In 2005, the Basayev group tried to capture the city of Nalchik. The fierce battles led to the losses and defeat of the squad of Basayev, who immediately began to prepare a new sabotage.

Personal life

There is no reliable information about the wives of Basayev Shamil Salmanovich. According to Wikipedia, it is known that the terrorist had five wives and five children. The first time Basayev married the Abkhaz girl who gave him a boy and a girl. Before the second Chechen campaign, the mother and two children left in an unknown direction. It has been reported that the location can be in Turkey, Holland or Azerbaijan.

Shamil Basayev and his last wife Elina Ersonoyeva

The second spouse - Indira of Jout. In marriage, she gave birth to his daughter, and then the house of Shamil Basayeva left before the second Chechen campaign, returning home, in the village of Lohnna (Abkhazia). In 2000, the terrorist had a third wife. After five years, data about two other wives were known: the Kuban Cossack and Elina Ersonoyeva from Grozny.

Death of Shamil Basayev

During the long period of the existence of terrorist groups under the leadership of Shamil Basayev, the media was looking for information about their leaders and more than once came across information about his death, but the deaths of death refuted Basayev himself. From 2005 to 2006, security workers (FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs) managed to find and neutralize the leaders of dangerous organizations and go to the trail Basayev.

Shamil Basayev

In 2006, FSB employees organized a special operation, as a result of which the militants and the leader Shamil Basayev died.

In 2010, the passages of the letter Basayev were made public to Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, in which the terrorist denies the correctness of the ideology of the Russian people. Dmitry Babich, Observer RIA Novosti, who once happened to take an interview with Basayev, believes that the actions of the terrorist are aimed at expanding the territory of Chechnya in exchange for the safety of the Russian people.

The journalist believes that after numerous terrorist acts, Shamil Basayev no longer had complete control over the "uninterrupters". This is due to the tragedy in Beslan. After the attack of the school building, many defenders Basayev recognized him with a terrorist.

For a long time after the death of Shamil Basayev, the staff of the power structures expected the next announcement that the terrorist survived. However, the 2006 events really put the point in the activities of the Basayev group.

Act of terrorism

  • 1995 - Capture of the city of Buddenovsk
  • 2001 - Kenene Kennet Chapter
  • 2002 - Capturing the hostages of the theater center on Dubrovka
  • 2002 - a truck explosion near the Government House in Grozny
  • 2004 - explosion of several supports "LEP"
  • 2004 - an explosion at Dynamo Stadium in Grozny
  • 2004 - Explosions of two passenger liners "Tu-134" and "Tu-154"
  • 2004 - School seizure in Beslan

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