ROLLO - Viking biography, Ragnar Ragnar Brother, actor, image


Character History

Vikings united in themselves three nations: Nugov, Danov and Nights, the progenitors of Norwegians, Danes and Swedes. People existed in terrible conditions. They did not cultivate the harvest and did not graze the herd because of the harsh climate, but were extremely prolific. The only type of activity for the harsh northerners remained, and they built dragkars to, armed with axes, sail to other edges. Religion was a significant part of the Viking Life. Faith in the mighty Torah and Valkyrie was transferred from generation to generation. The warriors who fell in a fight were considered the messengers of the greatest God - Odin.

History of origin

Robbing raids became a problem for residents of Europe, which could not establish communication between states. Attacks of the northern tribes represented a serious threat to them. Danish author Sakson Grammar in the 11th century wrote a literary work "Act of Danov", consisting of 16 volumes. It described in detail the events of the era, although it contained a lot of fiction and legends.

The heroes of the narration were Viking Ragnar Labok and his wife of the camp. The popular series "Vikings" of 2013 describes two of these characters, demonstrating the public an adventurous storyline. There is no historical confirmation of the existence of a warlike pair. But another character of the multi-sized tape is believable. We are talking about roll.


Brother Ragnar Librian Hrolf is a real person. He was born in 846 in the family of the Yarl of Regvald Estainsson. The boy's father was killed during the attack of the Norwegian King. Like younger son Rollo. Posted by unenviable prospects. The title was delivered to the eldest brothers, so the fate of the warrior was waiting for him. In search of Fortune Viking was in Normandy. Bogatyr got a nickname pedestrian, because because of the large body did not ride, and in the attack it was walking or on Drakkar. Rage and courage brought him respect for tribesmen and glory. Gradually, Military Career Roll went to the mountain and, attacking Paris in 885, he led many thousands of detachments.

During the long siege of the French capital, the army split. Rollo separated from the Northern Army and, while those attacked Paris, robbed French outskirts. After the bouts of 889, Brittany and Nantes were under the control of the Viking. The king of France Karl rustic, fearing behind the throne, in 911 he concluded a contract with Rollo.

Rollo and Warriors

The document states that the Vikings can live in Normandy, Viking will gain the title of Duke and the daughter of Charles as a spouse in exchange for the adoption of Christianity. In 65, the warrior, called Rollo Norman, replaced the name to Robert first and began to rule the Norman lands. Wanting to increase the boundaries of possessions, Duke Robert Norman, constantly attacked neighboring counties until death in 932.


In modern narratives, the leader of Vikings appears a brave, strong and almost invulnerable fighter for their ideas. Ambitious Viking marked the beginning of the Norman dynasty and was famous for fearless. The ruinous raids of the Vikings robbed into the fear of Europe, causing it to be conquered, pay tribute and expect the next invasion of robbers with horror. Rollo was a hot-tempered and fondant person. It is characteristic of impulsiveness and some wildness. The popular series describes the desire of Rolly to compete with his brother in success, which leads to an intralroposcent conflict of the hero.

Roll and Ragnar Labro

The voltage between the brothers was heated not only the competition, but also the statements of Ragnar on the absence of the desire to share anything with his brother. Many were sure that the for the power of Rolly would go to betray. The betrayal was able to provoke the feelings for the Ragnar's spouse, camp.

The name roll means "the famous wolf". The hero was destined to prove that the temperament corresponds to his name and he achieved welcome heights.

Viking makes a decision to remove from your people and prefers Christianity to recover with the location of the West Frankish rulers. Having received a position at the court of Karl, he remains alone with thoughts. The love story of the hero is connected with the beautiful Siggy, which will die during the action, and Gizeli, Karl's daughter. In the Union with the legitimate wife, Rolly will be the father of William, Celsius and Marcello.


The nuances lit in the series are implausible. The only fact turned out to be truthful is the adoption of another faith. During the negotiations, few people approve the proposal of Charles. Among the union unusable for the prospect of the Union and Flocks. In reality, Vikings were inclined to take Christianity to achieve their own goals, but in the TV series Flocks offended by Rolly for the choice.


In 2013, the Vikings television series, released on television screens, talks about the life of the Scandinavian peoples. An interesting story, uncommon characters and unexpected collisions made a multi-sized film in demand from the public. The characteristic atmosphere of the project was recreated thanks to the inventory shooting held in Ireland and in Northern Europe. Directed by Johan Renka, Kiaran Donnelli and Ken Jerotti.

Actor Clive Standen

The first season of the series demanded a budget of $ 40 million. Each project series cost produced at $ 4 million, which attracted the attention of critics and audiences. The project was distinguished carefully worked out costumes, prepared scenery and setting serious mass scenes.

Rollo on the screen embodied actor Clive Standen. An expressive character, being in the shadow of Ragnar, feels superfluous. Passion for Cartle periodically burst his mind. Favorite hero is faithful, but sometimes it demonstrates inappropriate, getting into the alterations, from whom his brother will argue.

Rollo and Gizel

The main leitmotif of the plot was the relationship of two Viking Brothers. Rodation does not give the confrontation to end bloodshed, but relatives borders with bitter envy. What will end the enmity of Ragnar and Rolly - the question of the audience is interested in the same series.

The love line associated with Rollo is embodied in the series in the intricacies of relations with Emma and the legal spouse, which Princess Gizel will be in the plot.

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