Nika Turbine - biography, photo, personal life, poems, death



Nick Turbine has become a real phenomenon in the literature. To write poems the girl began in early childhood. And the theme for works was adult and mature lyrics, Nick wrote about love. The turbine struck the whole world: poetess-geniuses can not be attributed to some direction, they are a mansion. Biography Niki looks like her poems: short and complete drama.

Childhood and youth

Nika Georgievna Turbine was born on December 17, 1974 in Yalta, in the family she was the only child. Her mother is a popular Maya turbine artist, the girl was the granddaughter of the writer Anatoly Nikanorkin.

Nika Turbine and her Maya turbine mom

The early years of life overshadowed the disease, Nick suffered as Asthma. As the relatives spoke, the girl almost did not sleep at night. At the same time, American doctors told her grandmother who traveled everywhere with a nickname that, with such loads, the child should attend the consultation of the psychologist.

Nika Turbine and her grandfather Anatoly Nikanorkin

In 1985, the turbines moved to live in the capital, there the girl visited the school number 710. In Moscow, Mom Niki married the second time and gave birth to the second daughter - Maria.


At the age of 4, she asked her mother and grandmother to record poems, which, according to her, God spoke to her. The first recorded poem is "Alay Moon." In 1981, Nick went to grade 1, gradually glory about the "miracle child" was separated from the peninsula. When Niki poems got to Julian Semenov, they were printed by Komsomolskaya Pravda.

Nika Turbine in childhood

At the age of 9, the turbine in Moscow has already released a collection of poems "Chernovik". In the future, this book was transferred to 12 languages. Evgeny Yevtushenko wrote a preface to this work. The poet actively participated in the life of young poetess.

Thanks to his support, the girl ones entered the literary circles of the capital, and at the age of 10 at the festival "Poets and Earth". There, Nick awarded the main prize - "Golden Lion".

In 1989, Nika turned 15 years old, and she played a role in Ayan Shakhmatyeva's art film "It was by the sea." The picture tells about the pupils of the boarding school, where cruel morals reigned. At that time, the girl did not read his poems for a long time.

Nika entered VGIK and tried to launch a television project about failed suicides. After, in 1994, the turbine was accepted without exams in the MGIK, Alyona Galich, who became not only a favorite teacher, but also a close friend.

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At that time, the psyche nickname was very violated, but despite this, the first semester turbine learned very well. Again began to write poems, led diaries. She wrote Nick on each piece of paper, including a lipstick, when there was no pencil at hand.

Then the girl went with his beloved in Yalta, and did not return to the exams. Recovery at the Institute did not immediately, and only at the correspondence department.

Personal life

In 1990, the poetess had a nervous breakdown, after which she went to Switzerland. The official reason for the departure was indicated, but in the fact of Nick was treated in a psychiatric clinic in Lausanne. In the same place, she entered into an official marriage with her attending psychiatrist, Signor Giovanni: before that they were familiar to correspondence. He wrote that allegedly "treated patients with her poems."

Nika Turbine and her husband Giovanni

The girl's husband was a professor, at the time of the conclusion of marriage he was 76, and Nika is 16 years old. He did not offend the girl, but constantly disappeared at work. The turbine was fascinated by alcohol and in a year suddenly returned home. About Professor A young girl never remembered again.

Upon returning home, Nick fell in love with the first look at Barmen, who worked at the Hotel "Oreanda", at that time the girl was 17 years old. Literally on the second day of dating, the girl was already married. Konstantin was well to Nick, but immediately said that he was not going to marry.

Nika Turbine and Alexander Mironov

Then the young man had a friend in Japan, and the guy was going to go to her per spectacle. But Nick was so in love that it was impossible to pay off her feelings. This complex novel last 5 years.

Niki's personal life is difficult to name successful, Alexander Mironov became the last cohabitant of talented poetess.

Last years and death

In May 1997, a tragedy occurred. That day Nick and her friend Alexander drank, young people had a quarrel. The turbine rushed to the balcony, as herself later admitted, "in a joke," but was not keen and hung. Both immediately rubbed: the guy grabbed her hands, and Nick tried to climb back. But fell. The girl saved only a tree for which she, falling, caught.

Nika turbine

Nicky had a lot of serious damage, including the damage to the spine and the fracture of the clavicle. Thanks to Alena's agreements, Galich Turbin should have been put into a special American clinic. To obtain discounts, many signatures were collected, but when it came from the Americans, the mother of Nicky suddenly took her in Yalta. There, the girl fell into a psychiatric hospital after a raying seal: it never happened before.

The circumstances of the death of the girl are reliably unknown. On May 11, 2002, Nick with Alexander Mironov was visiting the familiar Inna, who lived on the same street. Friends used alcoholic beverages. When Sasha and Inna went to the store, Nick expected them, sitting on the windowsill of the 5th floor, the becking legs down.

Tombing turbine grave

This pose was her beloved, the turbine was not afraid of height. At one moment, most likely, Nick turned unsuccessfully, she always had a bad coordination. Passer, walking near the dog, saw the girl hung on the window, and heard a cry:

"Sasha, help me, I'm going now!"

But the tragedy was inevitable.

To reveal the nickname in the church, Alyona Galich requested police officers not to record the death of a friend as suicide. Therefore, the graph about the cause of death remained blank: there is a dash. Alona has also achieved so that the dust of Nicky burned on the Vagankovsky cemetery. The funeral poetess took place on June 25, 2002, exactly 40 days after the tragic death of the girl. Niche, where the dust of the nickname of the turbine is reproached, is in 72 sections.

A year before the death of the girl, Anatoly Borisyuk removed a documentary called "Nika Turbine: a history of takeoff". Then he reported that everyone forgot nickname, her talent and genius. Anatoly in one of the interview said:

"She is 26 years old, all life ahead, and such a feeling that she has already lived almost to the end."

Fans created the Internet site Nicky Turbine, there you can find poems and photos of poetess.


  • 1984 - "Chernovik"
  • 1991 - "Steps up, steps down"
  • 2004 - "In order not to forget"
  • 2011 - "I began to draw my fate: poems, notes"

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