Yozos Brudageis - biography, personal life, photo, news, movies, filmography, actor, growth, in youth 2021



Yozos Bruditis - actor and public figure. Bruditis worked at the plant, served in the army, received a legal education, but became famous as a man of art. The artist managed to catch the war, political persecution, worked on film studios in different states and epochs, and therefore he knows how historical events on the fate of people are reflected. It is possible, therefore, by occupying a diplomatic post, an important task was to establish contact between neighboring countries - Russia and Lithuania.

Childhood and youth

Josas was born on October 6, 1940 in the village of Lepinai, becoming the firstborn of the spouses of Budraitis. Later, 4 children will appear at the Lithuanian peasants. In later interview, the artist told that the mother came from a notable Polish family. The preserved dowry testified about the prosperous past of relative. Bought in the greatness of the good-quality shoes reliably served the mistress for many years later.

The most vivid memories of childhood for Brouton was greeted with German soldiers in his own Saraj. A boy who barely turned 4 years old was not scared of strangers and even poked soup along with uninvited guests, which the Germans offered a child. Yooooz admitted that still remembers the taste of that food.

Remembers the star and about other disassembly in early years. Such is a loaf, which aunt cooked in the oven, laying out the dough on the board, eliminated by Air. Such bread, lubricated with butter, girls brought young shepherds, including Juozas. Vegetables, cottage cheese and a piece of ham.

After the war, the family with children moved to Klaipeda. The city was lying in ruins, but his father found a suitable abandoned housing. Here Selhanam had to be embarrassed. It helped and the fact that the mother, in his youth, trained home-based, perfectly owned the skill of sewing. Already in 1947, Budraitis wanted to deport, but good people warned their neighbors. I had to get together for the night and run to the province.

With school education, Josas did not hold down. Budraitis loved attending a circle of amateur in school, but uncomfortable situations in which the teenager put teachers led to the deduction. In an interview, the artist confessed that the last straw for the pedagogical composition was the question of the reproduction of a person who asked the student on biology in the 9th grade.

The deduction guy got a carpenter, and reaching the majority, went to serve. After the army in which he spent 3 years, Brouton entered the University of Vilnius. He chose the specialty "jurisprudence". In order not to depend on the parents, the future actor was enough for any suggestions about the work.


Changes in the biography of the artist occurred on the 3rd year of the university. Assistant director Vitautas Zhalakvychusa approached Josasu. The student was invited to samples to the film "Nobody wanted to die." Attractive young man immediately agreed, because in one shooting day, Bruditis promised to pay 13 rubles (the scholarship of the future lawyer was 23 rubles per month).

After entering the picture, Josoza woke up famous. Budraitis was transferred to correspondence training, as permanent filming did not leave anything else. Soon the actor began to invite the largest film studios of the Soviet Union.

One of the popular characters played by Josas, a resident of Fedor Bazyrin became one of the film "With You And Without You" in 1973. To organically look at the frame with Marina Nelaova (the performer of the leading role), Persians died for a man - only this was the inconspicuous difference in the proportions of the artists: the growth of the bridheith is 190 cm, and Nelova - 165 cm.

The actor who does not possess profile education was divided into an interview that he did not play fictional heroes, but only opening various parts of the person for the viewer. It was more difficult when negative roles had to be presented. In such situations, Budraitis endowed villains with his own positive features. It happened in the tape "Blockade", where Juozus got the image of a German major, with whom he decided to share sensitivity.

A lot of paintings attended the filmography of Budraitis, thanks to which the star had a chance to visit abroad. Juozas even flew to Cuba, where he was filmed in the criminal film "Riddle of the Pearbertov Colony". By the way, Lithuanian was amused that he was brought from afar, tinted to be like a Lopez Commissioner, whereas there were enough suitable candidates on the island of freedom.

In 1981, an artistic drama "Dangerous age" was published, which made Brouton's favorite of Soviet women. Together with the artist, the main roles in the picture were performed by Alisa Freindlich and Anton Tabakov.

In addition to full-format tapes, the actor often was involved in the series. For example, in the 4-serial film "Bogach, Pozhnyak", shot on the work of Irvina Show, Josas reincarnated in a colorful minor character. Lithuanian criticism was evaluated high enough.

Often, to hide the focus of the artist, the directors resorted to the help of doubles. Therefore, in a number of projects, Budraitis tells a stranger in a stranger. For example, in 1983, Yooooz Stanislavas played a key image in the "Carousel" picture, and Alexander Kaidanovsky voiced the artist.

The attention of fans attracted the film "Sinner" of 1988. The actor got the role of Turner with specific methods of work. Unresoluate the hero on colleagues delivered a mass of trouble.

In the new millennium, the artist also found a place on Russian screens. Josoza Budraitis starred in the comedy "DBM". The picture found a response in the hearts of the audience and earned the honorary awards.

The film "Down House" turned out to be less popular. But the phrase of the hero of Broutonis "Fabulous to ... Fuck, why he was released only from the hospital," scattered over the network and gained the status of an Internet meme.

A friend of the bright work of the period - the New Year's melodrama "Winter Romance", where the partner of the Bruditis on the film photographer was made by Ad Rogoltsev. Artists fulfilled the role of pensioners who throw children and grandchildren for the sake of unexpectedly broken feelings.

A funny case occurred during the filming of the series "Apostle", in which Joslas Stanislavas once again depicted Germans. In the Kirillo-Belozersky Museum-Reserve, where the work on the picture was followed, tourists approached Budurations with a request to make a photo. The actor agreed, after which the fans extended bills. As it turned out, the celebrity was not recognized and accepted for the animator.

In 2013, the artist got a small role in the TV series Nyukhach-3. Yooooz Bruditis appeared on the screen in the form of a Lockmus professor. Another noticeable work of Brouton was the drama "Son". Film served as artistic rethinking stories about Russian families who collided with the Norwegian system of juvenile justice.

In 2020, Josozas Stanislavas appeared in the American Pogue of Queen. The project was successful, just fans of Budraitis the role of the Master seemed insignificant.


Free time, the actor paid reading books or walks with a camera through the city streets. This way of capturing reality, a man carried away on the set of "shield and sword" and did not leave the favorite hobby so far. "The camera is a personality that is constantly with me, like a hat or gloves," Brouton told in one of the interviews.

Often, the artist liked to remove colleagues. And over the years, a lot of cubs has accumulated a lot. In 2018-2019, an exhibition of the photo project of Bruditis "My Cinema took place in St. Petersburg. 1960-1980. " The exposition was organized with the support of the Consulate General of the Republic of Lithuania.

Social activity

During a decline in the acting career, in 1996, Josas Stanislavasu received the proposal of the Lithuanian government to take the position of attache for the culture of the embassy of the native country in Russia. Brouton was slow with the answer, but agreed, assuming that he would serve in the embassy no longer than 3 years. As a result, the star occupied a diplomatic chair until 2011, periodically removed in the movies.

Yozos Brudageis - biography, personal life, photo, news, movies, filmography, actor, growth, in youth 2021 14570_1

The Attache Office for Culture organized in the house of the poet of Jurgis Baltrushattys, whose memory Brdantis paid a lot of attention. A bright representative of the symbolists, according to the artist, was undeservedly forgotten by the Russian-speaking reader.

After the resignation in connection with the retirement, Budraitis moved back to Vilnius. To Russia, the actor comes to filming or to visit friends. However, like-minded people remained a bit. Someone soil, others left the abroad, and with someone, as with Nikita Mikhalkov, the artist broke up in views.

Personal life

From the 60s, the fans were interested in the personal life of the idol, but quickly upset, learning that the heart of Josas is inconspicuous. With the future wife, the actor met in his youth on a dance evening. Vita, so call the spouse of the artist, studied at the same institute, but at another faculty. Seeing the eyes of the girl, Juozas realized that they fell in love.

In 1968, young people got married. The wayward bride, the chemist by profession, did not even put on the celebration a white dress. Soon the children appeared - the son of Martin and the daughter of Justina.

In an interview, Budraitis said that the most valuable person is a family in life, so spending a lot of time with his son and grandson. Cook your daughter is less likely. Now Justina lives in the UK and rarely comes to parents in Lithuania.

Yooooz Bruditis now

The actor continues to film. In March 2021, the premiere of the film "Anton and Red Chimera" took place with the participation of Budageis in Ukraine. Ribbon is the last work of the Georgian director of Uruschadze, who died back in 2019.


  • 1966 - "Nobody wanted to die"
  • 1968 - "served two comrades"
  • 1970 - "King LIR"
  • 1980 - "Karl Marx. Youth"
  • 1982 - "Honeymoon in America"
  • 1989 - "Under the sky blue ..."
  • 1991 - "Mad Lori"
  • 1994 - "House on Stone"
  • 1961 - "When rivers are merged"
  • 1968 - "served two comrades"
  • 1970 - "King LIR"
  • 1981 - "Dangerous age"
  • 1989 - "Under the sky blue ..."
  • 1991 - "Mad Lori"
  • 1997 - "Mytar"
  • 2000 - "DBM"
  • 2004 - "Winter Roman"
  • 2004 - "Empire's Death"
  • 2007 - "Wolfhound from the genus of gray pieces"
  • 2008 - "Apostle"
  • 2013 - "Case Come"
  • 2015 - "Garden of Eden"
  • 2017 - Nyukhach
  • 2020 - "Queen's Structure"
  • 2021 - "Anton and Red Chimera"

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