Franz Ferdinand - biography, photo, personal life, murder



Franz Ferdinand von Habsburg - Austrian Erzgertzog and the heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary. He was killed in 1914 in Sarajevo Serbian terrorist-nationalist Gavrilly Principle. The murder of Franz Ferdinand has turned into a formal reason for the unleashing of the First World War.

Childhood and youth

ERTSGERSOG Franz Ferdinand von Gabsburg was born in Graz on December 18, 1863. His father was the brother of the Austro-Hungarian Emperor Franz Joseph, the Ertzgercog Austrian Carl Ludwig, and the mother - the daughter of the Sicilian king Princess Maria, the second spouse of Charles Ludwig. The first marriage with Margarita Saxon did not bring ERCGERSGU Austrian children, and Franz Ferdinand became his firstborn. Franz had two younger brothers and sister Margarita Sofia.

Franz Ferdinand in youth

Franz's mother died early from tuberculosis early, and Carl Ludwig married for the third time - on young Mary Teresa Portuguese. Steph was just eight years older than Franz. A slight difference in age contributed to the fact that a warm friendly relationship established between Maria Teresa and her young stepsom, which was converged only with the death of Franz Ferdinand at the age of fifty years.

Heir to the throne

Franz Ferdinand began preparations for the throne of Franz Ferninand, after the Mainerling castle ended with him the only son and direct heir to the emperor of Austria-Hungary, Kronprintz Rudolph. So Franz Ferdinand turned out to be next after his father in line for the inheritance of the throne. And when in 1896, Carl Ludwig died, Franz became a contender for the throne of Austria-Hungary.

Portrait of Franz Ferdinanda

The future of young erzgertzog demanded good awareness of what is happening in the world, so in 1892 he went to a long round trip. The route ran through Australia and New Zealand to Japan, and from there, changing the ship, Franz Ferdinand went to the Western coast of Canada, from where he sailed to Europe. During the trip, Herzgertzog did notes, on the basis of which a book was published later in Vienna.

The role of the Emperor on the Supreme Command on the High Command on the High Command. By the will of Franz Joseph Erzgertzog, from time to time he went abroad with representative missions. In the residence of Franz Ferdinand - Belvedere Palace in Vienna, the Own Office of the Ertzgerce, consisting of advisers and approximations.

Personal life

Ertzgercog married Sofia Hotels, Countess from the Czech Republic. Future spouses met in Prague - both were attended by the ball, where their love story began. The chosen one was below the erzgertzog on the origin, which entailed a difficult choice - Ertzgerci had to refuse either from the right to the throne, or from plans for marriage. According to the Law on the Prepolyasing, the members of the imperial surname, which suffered an unequal marriage, lost their rights to the crown.

Franz Ferdinand and Sofia Hotels

However, Franz Ferdinand managed to negotiate with the emperor and convince him to leave the right to the throne for himself in exchange for a renunciation of these rights, which the ERCGERSOG will give their own children from this marriage. As a result, Emperor Franz Joseph gave permission to marry Sofia Hotels and Franz Ferdinand.

Two sons and daughter, like Mother, were born at Ertzgertoog, which was called Sofia. The family of the Archduke lived in Austria, then in the Czech castle southeast of Prague. The court elite was unfairly reacted to Sofia Hotels. Stressing the "genus inequality", Sofia prohibited during the official ceremonies to be near the spouse, which had a negative impact on the relations of Franz Ferdinand with the Viennese yard.

Murder and his consequences

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the revolutionary nationalist organization "Young Bosnia" was operating in Serbia, whose members decided to kill the Austrian Erzgertzog during a visit to the city of Sarajevo. For this, six terrorists armed with bombs and revolvers were chosen. The group was headed by Gavrilo principle and Danilo Ilch.

Gabrilo Principle

Franz Ferdinand arrived in Sarajevo together with his spouse morning train. Chet sat in the car, and the motorcade moved along the route. Throughout the path of Ertzgerce, the crowds of the people were welcomed, and the protection for an incomprehensible reason was not enough. Terrorists waited for their victim on the embankment.

When the car, inside which Franz Ferdinand was located, approached the place where the conspirators were hided, one of them threw into a grenade tuple. However, terrorist missed, random passers-by, police officers, as well as people who drove in another car were injured.

Franz Ferdinand

Happily avoiding the first attempt, Franz Ferdinand and his wife drove to the city town hall, where Ertzgerce was waiting for a meeting with a burgomistrome. After the official ceremonies were finished, one of the approximate erzgertzog advised to disperse people who were still crowded on the streets.

Ertzgercog planned to go to the hospital, and from there - to the Sarajevo Museum. After the attempt, the approximate ERCGerzoga seemed unsafe to move along the route surrounded by the crowd. On these concerns, the Hungarian governor of Bosnia and Herzegovina Oscar Potiorek replied that Sarajevo does not have a murderers at all and nothing to be afraid.

Car Franz Ferdinanda

As a result, Franz Ferdinand decided to go to the hospital to visit people who were injured during the attempt, and the spouse wished to go along with him. On the way there was a strange incident: the route was decided to change, but for some reason I went on the previously agreed route, and not immediately noticed this error. When he demanded that he turned to the embankment, he sharply slowed down and stopped the car at the corner of the street of Franz Joseph, and then began to slowly unfold.

Exactly at that moment, the terrorist gaburo was out of the store near the store, which ran up to the car with a gun and shot in the belly of the wife of Franz Ferdinand, and then fired in the neck of the Herzgertzoga himself.

Killing Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo

Having done a double murder, the terrorist tried to poison Cyania Calizy, but nothing happened - he only pulled out. After that, Gavrilo, the principle tried to shoot, but did not have time to do this, since the running people disarmed him. It is believed that the driver in the ERCGERCOG car was a certain way associated with the conspirators and helped, but there is no reliable and convincing information on this score.

The spouse of Ertzgerce died in place, and Franz Ferdinand himself died a few minutes after the injury. The bodies of the spouses were delivered to the residence of the governor. After the death of the ERCGERSOG due to the fault of Serbian revolutionaries-nationalists, Austro-Hungary put forward Serbia an ultimatum. The Russian empire was supported by Serbia, and this conflict marked the war.


Now the Erzgelce is reminiscent of the Sedm Kuli beer brand, which produces Ferdinand brewery. The ERCGERSOG himself was at one time the owner of this brewery, and the name of the beer sends to seven bullets, which he released a terrorist in Erzgertzog.

In 2014, noting the century of the First World War, the postal offices of the War member countries issued thematic stamps on this event. Several brands depicted portraits of Ersgertzog and his wife.

The name of Franz Ferdinand was called the rock band from Great Britain in 2001.

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