Georgy Shtil - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



George Shtille, Honored Artist of the RSFSR, is often called the "Master of Minor Roles". The cause of such an ambiguous compliment was the colorful appearance of the actor (height 1.64 m) and the German surname, which delivered a lot of hassle in the Soviet Union. However, Georgy Antonovich himself was pleased with the way fate. The artist is guided by the principle heard once in the theatrical dressing room - even a small role can be played so that you are remembered.

Childhood and youth

Georgy Shtil was born on March 4, 1932 in the family of Russian Germans. The boy grew up in the historic part of Leningrad, next to the house of Sergei Mironovich Kirov. According to the memoirs of the Father, the political figure played a couple of times with little George.

Actor Georgy Shtil

When the boy turned 9 years old, the family was evacuated to Bashkiria, where they settled in the village of Nadezhdino. The child quickly had to learn independence. The boy of one was sent to the forest for firewood, where runaway soldiers hid. Once such a fugitive took place in George Bread and Ski.

After the completion of the war, the boy and her parents returned to Leningrad, where the teenager was taken in the Lyceum named Pushkin. After graduating from school, the young man entered the nautical school, from where the shtille was kicked out for a fight with a classmate.

Georgy County in youth

The next attempt to get an education was the flight school, in which the young man did not do because he did not pass the exam in German. Curious was that in 6 years the boy was given to raising the governess, talking to a child exclusively in this foreign language.


The next stage in the biography of the Channel was the Leningrad Theater Institute named after A. N. Ostrovsky, where a young man took from the first attempt. Debut in Movie in Georgy took place in the 1960s, a year before the end of the university. The young man received an episodic role in the film "Youth Officer".

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Immediately after the exit from the Theater Institute, in 1961, George is taken to serve in a large dramatic theater. After 5 years, the artist goes to overseas tour to the UK and Germany. During the entire theatrical career, a man will be in another 60 countries.

Fate drove the calm with unique creative personalities. For example, in 1968, Georgy worked on the same platform with Vladimir Vysotsky. True, the acquaintance of artists has happened before working on the film "Intervention".

George Calle in the theater

The calm, who came to the theater to see the performance, was late for the third call. Vysotsky, who just rushed into the dressing room to check the suit before going to the scene, healed Georgy Pink. Proud calm grabbed the enemy for breasts. The artists barely spread, and later Vysotsky and the calm became close friends. A man still carefully stores photos from joint filming.

In 1981, Shtill participates in the creation of the film "Be my husband." Andrei Mironov and Elena Podlov became colleagues on the shooting area of ​​the artist. Schtill himself got the role of the tourist - the owner of the trouser with arrows.

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Particularly remembered Georgia work on the film "Tale about the in love with Malar" (1987). The man embodied on the screen the image of a water. The shooting took place in October, and according to the script, the actor had to emerge from the water. The frame did not succeed in any way - the artist popled out of the water is not on time. Then he was tied to George. But additional severity dragged the calm to the funnel at the bottom. The dangerous position of the actor noticed the operator and managed to pull the man out of the water.

County often involved in the work on films for children. Over the shoulders of the actor of Lesmego in the "New Year's adventures of Masha and Viti" and "real fairy tale", as well as colorful characters in the "three fathers" and "old, old fairy tale".

Georgy County in the role of Lesgo in the film "New Year's Adventures of Masha and Viti"

One of the brightest roles of the calm was the character from the multi-sieuled film "Street of broken lanterns". The actor appeared in front of the audience in the image of Kufyrycha - Colonel, managing the Interdistrict Department of Internal Affairs of St. Petersburg. The man was filmed in the series for 5 years. The only thing that upset the artist is the creators of the series did not even inform the shtille on the dismissal, the man was simply not invited to shoot a new season.

In 2016, the actor released a book called "I have all the roles - the main!", In which he told the readers entertaining stories from acting activities. In the plans of a man to release the second volume of memories, because there are still so many unpassed stories.

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In the same year, a peculiar holiday was held in the life of the calm - 55 years have passed since the receipt of George Antonovich to the service in a large dramatic theater.

In 2017, to celebrate the 85th anniversary of the artist, the native theater put the play "Luxembourg Garden", which was based on the "Second Law of Jagi-Yankelyevich". The artist played the role of a single emigrant, mixed in a detective story.

Personal life

From the first wife, Georgy met on the filming of the film "Zhenya, Zhenya and Katyusha" (1967). The actor played a minor role in the film, and Rimma performed the duties of the decorator artist. Young people talked to the topic of football - both were hurt for Zenit. A couple of months after dating, lovers played a wedding. The event was noted in the room of the communal, which miraculously accommodated 40 people.

Georgy Calley and his wife Liana

In 2001, Rimma had a stroke, due to which the woman stopped walking and lost speech. The next 5 years, the calm took care of the sick wife. In 2006, and without recovering from a serious illness, Rimma died. The family never appeared in the family.

With Lian Zurabovna - the second wife of the actor - a man introduced friends. In 2007, a couple of months after courtship, the artist suggested a girlfriend to play a wedding. The wife of the younger than the calm is 14 years old, but the age difference does not embarrass lovers.

Georgy Shtil now

In a recent interview, a man told that he moved to the wife of his wife, and his own real estate gave his sister and nephew. The actor admitted that she would get to the theater on the subway and was generally not inclined to "star disease."

In 2018, the film will be released on the screens "pictures drawn at sunset and dawn clock," where the calm played a colorful minor role.

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In addition to work in a large dramatic theater, the artist is involved in the play "Operation" Divorce ", supplied by the stage of the stage. Arkady Rykin.

In June 2018, Georgy Antonovich became a party to the telecast "Who wants to become a millionaire." Ernst Romanov became partner of the actor. Men won 200 thousand rubles. And in parallel, fascinating stories from the life of theater and movies were told.


  • 1960 - "Youth Officer"
  • 1964 - "Don Tale"
  • 1966 - "12 chairs"
  • 1970 - "Demand"
  • 1975 - "New Year's Adventures of Masha and Viti"
  • 1978 - "Hanuma"
  • 1979 - "Three in the boat, not counting the dogs"
  • 1987 - "Peter Peng"
  • 1998 - "Streets of broken lamps"
  • 2000 - "Empire under the blow"
  • 2005 - "Master and Margarita"
  • 2012 - "Shaman 2"
  • 2013 - Sherlock Holmes
  • 2016 - "Mental-15"
  • 2017 - "Wings of the Empire"

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