Mikhail Zvezdinsky - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs 2021



Mikhail Zvezdinsky - Eminent Chance, whose biography is comparable to the plot of the classic "Bloomy" song: The singer had to survive a prison sentence, the life of life behind bars and joy from rare dates with his beloved woman. However, despite all the peripetics of his hard share, the artist found the strength to compose songs and fulfill them, pleaseing the numerous fans of the genre.

Childhood and youth

Mikhail Daenekin is such a real name of the singer - Born on March 6, 1945 in the Moscow region Lyubertsy. The name Zvezdinsky cannot be called a pseudonym: The fact is that I was worn by the Polish ancestors of Mikhail Mikhailovich, however, she was somewhat different - Gwwejdinsky. The grandfather and father of the future star chanson repressed and shot, and Mom, in various information, or was forced to leave the child and leave, or also hit the repression of the time. Therefore, brought up a little Mikhail Grandma.

Shanesny Mikhail Zvezdinsky

This woman brought up in the noble traditions, managed to instill love for ancient romance. In addition, since childhood, Zvezdinsky was interested in the events of the 1917 revolution and what was happening later.

Mikhail was especially close to the fate of the White Guards - this topic will later repeatedly appear in the artist's works. As the singer later recognized in an interview, grandmother's stories about the Tsarist Russia and the defeated grandfather determined the attitude of Zvezdinsky to the period.

Mikhail Zvezdinsky

However, despite the care and hard attention of the grandmother, the lack of parental education affected the behavior of Mikhail, who grew up a naughty teenager. Zvezdinsky has repeatedly excluded from schools, the young man spent a lot of time on the street in dubious companies.

Interest in music from Zvezdinsky also appeared in adolescence. First, the young man mastered the guitar, and then graduated from the music school by choosing the class of drum tools.


Already at 15, Mikhail Zvezdinsky began to earn speeches in cafes and restaurants, as well as in local DK and on open areas. At first, the singer chose the works of famous executors of Chanson, however, on his own admission, always dreamed of more: the dream of Zvezdinsky was to perform songs of their essay, which he considered much more interesting than the traditional "restaurant" repertoire of that time.

Singer Mikhail Zvezdinsky

Many copyright compositions Mikhail Mikhailovich of that period raise the topics of emigration, as well as the heroism of the White Guard movement: the fate of the singer's family, as well as the work of Mikhail Bulgakov "White Guard", beloved by Zvezdinsky.

The most famous songs of the so-called "White Guard Cycle" were "you are waiting for Paris" and "Lieutenant Golitsyn", which remain popular so far.

The last song for a long time was also considered the author's work of Zvezdinsky, but afterwards the artist confessed that he was borrowed from George Goncharenko, General Kolchakov army. There are disputes on the authorship of this composition to this day, and hear "Lieutenant Golitsyn" can be performed by both Mikhail Mikhailovich, and Alexander Malinina, Zhanna Bichevskaya, Willie Tokarev and other urban romance stars.

In 1962, Music Career Zvezdinsky almost cutbed: a man for one year entered into custody for theft. Four years later, the singer again received a prison sentence, this time for desertion. And in 1973 it once again found himself behind the bars, accused of rape of Italian citizen.

Mikhail Zvezdinsky on stage

As Mikhail Mikhailovich was recognized later, he had a novel with this Italian beauty, but at that time communication with foreigners was monitored by state security authorities. Therefore, Italian soon straightened to his native country, and the singer was charged with rape.

Being in conclusion, Mikhail Zvezdinsky continued to work on new compositions, and released, released several albums. It seemed free life was settled. In the 1980s, the artist began to speak with the Joker ensemble and the Favorite group.

However, in the will, chanson stayed for a long time: in the same year, Zvezdinsky received the next six years of imprisonment in a correctional camp - for the cottage of bribes and unlawful private entrepreneurship. During the "rejection", Mikhail Mikhailovich significantly replenished his own discography and wrote many songs that were popular among the fans of the genre.

In 1988, the singer was released and, returning to Moscow, continued to engage in his favorite thing - to give concerts, write down new compositions and take clips. The photo of the artist of the urban romance returned to posters and reversal of newspapers: Mikhail Zvezdinsky again became popular.

Personal life

Despite all the difficulties and informances of fate, the personal life of Mikhail Zvezdinsky has developed happily. With the future wife of Nonaya Gennada chanson, met in 1979, and the year later, the prison lattice was separated later. Nevertheless, the woman gained determination and in 1981 achieved a date with his beloved.

Mikhail Zvezdinsky and his wife Nonna

Happiness lasted only five days, and after Nonna and Mikhail, a son was born. The boy was given the name of Art - "Art." But, as the singer is recognized, relatives more often call him with the usual hearing Artem.

In an interview, Mikhail Zvezdinsky does not get tired of repeating, which is grateful to the spouse for support. For 16 years, throughout the long-term solards of the eminent husband, Nonna Gennadyevna as he could helped him and continued to love and wait. Mikhail Mikhailovich, laughing, compares the beloved with the wives of the Decembrists.

Mikhail Zvezdinsky now

Now Mikhail Zvezdinsky, despite the honorable age, continues to delight fans with the appearance at concerts. Most often, chanson appears in the anniversaries of colleagues in the genre and at the events of Radio Chanson.

Mikhail Zvezdinsky in 2018

In addition, the immortal composition is "charming, beyond" (on the verses of Nicholas Zabolotsky) are constantly performed by other artists. So, in 2018, she chose her singer Alexander Show for performing at the TV show "Three Chords".


  • 1986 - "At the zone in two guitars"
  • 1990 - "DON'T LOSE Your Courage"
  • 1991 - "For Cordon Russia"
  • 1993 - "Trail of Love"
  • 1994 - "Charming, Okoldovana"
  • 1996 - "Wolves"
  • 1997 - "We are born in Siberia"
  • 1998 - "And the path and a long, and far"
  • 2000 - "Russia XXI Century"
  • 2002 - "Moscow-Peter"
  • 2004 - "Forward and Up"
  • 2006 - "Phoenix"
  • 2011 - "Believe in bright dreams"
  • 2012 - "Ingeok"

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