Sergey Stilllavin - biography, photo, personal life, news, instagram 2021



Sergey Stallavin is a Russian journalist, television and radio host, glorified in a duet with Gennady Bachinsky, the Radio Radio Star "Mayak". The circle of professional interests of a man stretched from cars to ideas for the first business. Sergey is famous for sexist and homophobic glances, for which he received from Russian feminists a premium "Sexy year-2017".

Childhood and youth

Real Surname Sergey - Mikhailov. Stallavin is a creative pseudonym that a young man got at the dawn of a career journalist, in 1993. With this, the whole story is even connected. Sergey sent his beloved telegram. It was shy directly and in Russian in the feelings, and it was impossible to write in English.

Therefore, "Stilllavin" appeared in the telegram, derived from Still Loving, which means "still love". However, the new word pseudonym became later when it was necessary to hide the real last name when writing articles of criminal theme.

Seryozha was born in Leningrad, a lot of time since childhood spent in the company with grandfather, inventor, designer of the Arsenal plant, Laureate of the Leninist Prize. From his filing also began to make crafts. I wanted to tell the whole world about the inventions, so I decided to tell you the magazine "Young technician". However, the editors did not appreciate the works of a novice designer.

Sergey Stallavin in youth

Another hobby in an early biography was a movie. The grandfather presented a teenager to the kinocamera, with which the future lead a lot has experimented.

In high school grades, Sergey got to school with a mathematical bias, where he studied badly, because the complex science was not given. I had to return to the usual school. After receiving the certificate of maturity, it joined the ranks of the humanitarian university to philfak, but did not receive higher education - he threw the university.


To make money Stallavin began journalism. Sergey took the correspondent of the "Slavic Bazaar" edition, which perestroika did not spare. After the closure, the newspaper was working as a seller in the store, and then again took over the pen. This time I wrote about the real estate of St. Petersburg. Good knowledge of housing topics led a journalist on the "Modern" radio station.

Journalist Sergey Stillavin

In the yard already stood 1996. Among the colleagues, Sergey turned out to be the stars of radio and television - Dmitry Nagiyev, Alla Dittodyova, Sergey Growth. At the same time, fate brought with a future partner and loyal friend Gennady Bachinsky.

Together with Geno, Sergey came up with a broadcast of "two in one". The morning show was gaining popularity, and in the 1998th the guys fell in love with the whole country. The duo performed the debut "subtitle", which became a parody of the composition of Stevie Wander I Just Called to Say I Love You. Russian translation - "Purely called to say that I love you."

Sergey Stallavin and Gennady Bachinsky

Separated radio hosts were taken in the cities of Russia, where they went on tour. Soon the first record with joking songs came out.

After Modern has passed into other hands, Sergey and Gennady were in Moscow. There, the guys with open arms adopted the "Russian Radio", where they, however, were not detained for a long time. More tempting conditions suggested a radio station "Maximum", which Stillavin and Bachinsky eventually gave five years. Later, entertained listeners on the Radio "Lighthouse".

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A cheerful couple managed to take care of television. Stillavin, together with his comrade, led many entertainment gears. The guys raised the ratings of the channel "TNT" programs "Removal Rules" and "Naked Walls" programs, and MTV fans met with loved radio drivers thanks to the project "Bachinsky and Stillavin show" project.

Duet lit up and on the main channel of the country. The exciting project "King of Ring", during which star men fought for the boxing title, passed on the "First Channel". Mikhail Polikamaco, Nikita Dzhigurda, Valdis Pelsh, Otar Kusnashvili and other famous personalities were noted in the show.

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A bright duo collapsed in the winter of 2008 - Gennady Bachinsky died in an accident. The favorite of the radio listeners crashed on the highway in the Tver region, trying to overtake the truck on the oncoming lane on the oncoming lane.

Sergey became the author of the show at NTV "Golden Duck", who revealed rumors about celebrities. However, the project lasted for a long time, in connection with the financial crisis, the channel covered it. But the journalist did not lose - work and on the "lighthouse" there was a lot. "Positive morning", which led with Bachinsky, renamed Sergey Stillavin and his friends, "where, together with Victoria Kolosova, Vladimir Pastukhov and Rustam Vakhidov did not allow to miss Russians in the morning.

Nevertheless, television did not let go. In 2012, Sergey came to the TV channel "Russia-2", where he led with Wahidov and Shepherd car transmission "Big Test Drive".

Meanwhile, Sergey continued to meet new days with the show "In the morning", Rustam acted as an unchanged partner. The project started the rubric "Woman: Instruction Manual", which discussed gender issues.

Personal life

Sergey's personal life is covered with secrecy. Stallavin - the guy is prominent (the growth is 186 cm, and the weight 110), acquired the image of the heart and Lovela, which for years it was purposefully cultivated onto the radio. The press is only known that the journalist tried to create a family for the first time, but the marriage soon collapsed. There were rumors that there were several wives for life. About the number of children is also not known. Sergey poses only the daughter of Masha.

Sergey Stallavin and his daughter Maria

Sergey has managed to lead pages in social networks. Hundreds of thousands of subscribers get every day with the thoughts and everyday life of the favorite TV and radio host through Twitter, Instagram and Personal Blog on LiveJournal.

Sergey Stillavin now

Sergey still leads the Morning Program "Sergey Stallavin and his friends." In 2017, a man was invited to join the composition of the Jury Realistic "idea per million idea", which disassemble curious startups and represent the efforts to potential investors. Stallavin amounted to the company's show-business stars Timur Rodriguez, Sergey Zhukov and Oscar Kucher. The jury also entered Maxim Oreshkin, Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.

Sergey Stillavin

With Rustam Vakhidov, Sergey supports the channel on Youtube "Big Test Drive", in the video guys carry out reviews of popular cars.

The journalist does not remain aside from the high-profile events of the Russian and global scale, through the social networks hurries to express opinions on a particular problem. So, in the winter of 2018 he visited Sochi and then criticized the development of the southern city. Sergey did not like the fact that the buildings close the sea view. The house was especially impressed that defeated the opening panorama from the observational site of the Sochi Arboretum.

Sergey Stallavin in 2018

And in the summer, he interceded for a young Omsk teacher who had lost its place in school due to the fact that her photo was leaked to the network in a swimsuit. Stillavin in Vkontakte even made a survey among subscribers on the topic: whether such a girl is decent to teach the younger generation. Sergey believes that the pictures are not an indication of professional qualities.


  • "Two in one"
  • "Removal Rules"
  • "Naked Walls"
  • "Bachinsky and Stallavina Show"
  • "King of the Ring"
  • "Gold Duck"
  • Sergey Stallavin and his friends "
  • "Big Test Drive"
  • "In the morning"
  • "Idea per million"

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