Catherine Pierce - Character Biography, Vampire Diaries, Quotes, Character


Character History

Caviar beauty Catherine Pierce became a diamond of the mystical series "The Vampire Diaries". The girl forced 500 years to save his own life, hiding from the persecution of ancient vampires. Skitania elapped the character of the heroine, but she did not lose the ability to strong and passionate love. The tragic character of the television vampire saga gained loyal fans: Catherine is called the most multifaceted character of the film, who wants to empathize and certainly justify the brutal acts.

History of creation

In the early 1990s, the writer Lisa Jane Smith presented Fantasy lovers, mystics and fiction trilogy about young vampires - Salvatore's brothers. Readers so excited the confusing love story that they demanded a continuation. The mystical work was supplemented with new books, having received the common name "Vampire Diaries". In the novels, the daughter of German Baron Katerina Von Schwarzschild, who turned the main characters in the vampires in her lovers, and later committed suicide.

Writer Lisa Jane Smith

Vampire Saga fell into the field of view of Williams Williams and Julie's scenarios, who created the works of the Vampire Diaries, and then short to the film - "Stephen's diaries." Representatives of the film industry reworked the book material (however, leaving the main promise), suffered the time of action for five centuries ahead and adjusted the characters.

The image of Katerina complicated, the girl turned into Catherine Pierce, and her role in the adventures of vampires was much brighter. Egoism and cruelty The author of the Romanov explains the influence of the Vampire of Claus, in the series the disgusting character of the girl is formed due to a huge psychological trauma received at a young age - she took away the child, and then the whole family was killed.

Actress Nina Dobrev

The first appearance of the heroine happened in the "Lost Girls" series. In the multi-sieuled film, Katherine's beauty, and at the same time, another main character - Elena Gilbert - played low, fragile Nina Dobrev (the growth of the girl is 1.69 cm, and the weight is 53 kg). By the way, the actress, like her character, was born in Bulgaria.

Early biography

The biography of the girl begins in 1474. She was born in Bulgaria in a wealthy family under the name Katerina Petrov. In 17 years, life has changed cool - the heroine gave birth to a child than her parents did: a newborn daughter was selected, and she was sent to England.

Catherine Pier in the dress of the 19th century

Two years later, the girl brought fate with the ancient vampires of Claus and Eliges Michotsons, who chose a new girlfriend as a victim to destroy the curse of the sun and the moon. Having learned about the insidious plans, Katerina disappeared, but still the vampire fate failed to avoid. With the help of Vampire Rose, the girl turned into an immortal bloodflower named Catherine Pierce, thereby becoming unsuitable for the ritual. Claus Michalson news led to rage, and the vampire decided to kill a recalcitrant victim. So the centuries-old running of Catherine began.

"The Vampire Diaries"

In 1864, settling in the American town of Mystic Falls, the heroine became acquainted with the young brothers Stefan and Damon Salvatore, who was silent. Between young people, the opposition to the heart of beauty was broken. The girl pursued the goal to finish with eternal runs, staged death. So it happened - in Mystic Falls began to persecute vampires, they were exposed and burned. Brothers Salvatore, who tried to save the beloved, shot his father, but since the young men drank Catherine, they were soon addressed to vampires.

Stephen and Damon Salvator

Damon Salvatore did not know the rest of 145 years, refusing to believe that the girl died on fire. According to his ideas, she was locked in the tomb, and it remained for small - to find a way to free your favorite. But when the hero fell inside, Catherine did not turn out in the tomb.

Upon learning that Elena Gilbert appeared in the town, her exact copy, Vampire returned to convey to Claus moonstone and twin. According to the calculations of the heroine, it will be released, finally, from persecution. In the act of adventure, the heroine became the man again thanks to the medicine from vampirism, but decided to kill himself, unable to endure the side effect - aging.

Elena Gilbert

Prevented the plans of Stephen Salvatore, the older feelings were broken out between the heroes, as 150 years ago. Soon Catherine is almost dying, but in time moves into the body of Elena Gilbert, who became a vampire. The life of Catherine Pierce breaks down with the life of Stephen: the young man sent her spirit to hell, and their bodies swallow hellish fire.

Image and nature

Catherine Pierce - a complex and multifaceted character. The spoiled selfish girl sweats, playing the feelings of the Salvatore brothers, and with the development of the plot into the sophisticated scenario, the intrigue manages all the heroes of the film. The feature of the girl lies in the ability to enjoy every day, take all the proposed pleasures from life. For Catherine there are no rules and frames. The dual nature makes it both a faithful ally, and the ruthless opponent, the main thing that goals coincide. As soon as disagreements begin, Catherine chooses its own way.

Catherine Pier in full growth

Vampire is an excellent strategist, any event turns around in her favor. The girl is observing, so all the little things get into the field of her chain look and then become instruments for achieving the goal. But heroin was first waiting for the failure: she allowed himself to succumb to emotions, jealous of the "normal fate" Elena, so he paid a high price - lost immortality.

Catherine's heart belongs to Stefan Salvatore, this particular young man loved the girl truly.

Hair Color Catherine Pier

Of course, cruelty and purposefulness became dominant features of character, but in fact Catherine is deep inside unhappy and alone. Its life is filled with tragic events and turned into a race for survival, and all this in half a millennium shaped her evil character and turned into a strong person.

The appearance of the heroine will envy any woman. Catherine is cute, with the correct features of a person who can conquer the hearts of men. Hair with chestnut chip curls. When it is pretended by Elena, the curls straightens. View of almond eye slightly clouded.

Makeup Catherine Pierce

Girl makeup, in contrast to the grima of her twin, brighter. Catherine prefers the style of sexual seductive, she knows a lot about fashion, prefers black in clothes, high heels, fitting outfits.

Especially remembered the image of Catherine when she appeared on a masquerade in a black openwork mask. Among the fans broke out boom on this festive detail of the wardrobe. A cold and elegant young lady wears a necklace with a lazorite, which reliably protects from the sun's rays.

Catherine Pier in Mask

The abilities and strength of the vampire are incredible. The older the representative of these mystical creatures is, the stronger, and Catherine, as-nothing, is already 500 years old. The girl demonstrates a high speed, for example, easily dodges the bullets. It is almost impossible to kill a vampire, for a while deprives her ability to move a wooden bullet or a damaged neck. Catherine can read the thoughts of others, as well as influence the mind hypnosis. Becoming a wanderer, the heroine gained the ability to instill in other people's bodies.

Interesting Facts

  • The characters of the series were honored to enter the pop culture. So, Katerina is dedicated to the song and clip for her "Catherine Pierce - Angel or Demon".
  • Fans of crossovers "Supernatural" and "Vampire Diaries" often use Pearing Din Winchester / Catherine Pier in their work. Love between characters happens in fan fiction "Light me", "perfectly killed feelings", "sapphire ring".
  • Catherine Pierce is listed in the list of the main serial branches that have something to learn. Bear Waldorf is standing next to Wapirers ("Gossip") and Mona Vonderville ("Cute Lesaizers").


"Dear Nadia, I'm sorry that I had to kill your boyfriend, but it was a gesture of the mother, but I won't call Suicide so much ... I ran from my enemies 500 years, but once stopped hiding." "I'm not petty, I'm just gloating "." Love forces to do crazy things. "" We are threesome again, as in the good old days. Brother who loved me too much, and brother who did not like me enough. "" Paralyzed below the belt. And dead. Moonstone, Stephen. Tik-so.

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