Kolind Grabar-Kitarovich - biography, photo, personal life, news, President of Croatia 2021



Colinda Grabar-Kitarovich won the love of its voters and representatives of other countries due to openness and sincerity. Politician has time and enthusiastically follow football, and reservedly hold diplomatic meetings with the heads of other states. President of Croatia, who dreamed of becoming a flight attendant, easily cope with the role of leader, wife, mothers and just a happy woman.

Childhood and youth

The future President of Croatia rose in the village of Lubask, located near the city of Rijeki. Colinda appeared on April 29, 1968. The girl was born in the family of butcher and housewives. Initially, Chut Grabar planned to call the daughter of Ksenia, but the joyful head of the family, painted by the long-awaited event, sang a serenade under the windows of the hospital. The impressed mother's mother decided to call the baby in honor of the main character of the song performed by her husband.

Colinda Grabar-Kitarovich

The girl grew up with a summit. Colinda spent a lot of time for games with boys, went with her father on fishing and hunting, and also climbed trees. Colinda dreamed of becoming a flight attendant and did not even think about a political career.

At the age of 17, the round excellent won a grant for education abroad. The girl has already ended in the city of Los Amos, located in the United States. And in 1986, Colinde returned to Croatia and entered the University of Zagreb. As profiling science, the student chose philosophy, as well as English and Spanish.

Having received a diploma in 1993, Grabar-Kitarovich, who was already fond of politics by this time, continued to education and entered the magistracy at the Faculty of International Relations. The second diploma girl wrote about the Cold War and the relationship between the USSR and America during the reign of Reagan.


The first political successes were overtaking Grabar-Kitarovich in the same 1993. A girl who only graduated from the University is hired to work in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. After a couple of months, Colinde is occupied by the chair of the adviser to the Deputy Minister. At the same time, a novice politician enters the Party "Croatian Democratic Union". Later, the girl is translated into a department specializing in learning North America's policies.

Consciously, as a specialist of international relations, in 1997, Grabar-Kitarovich is transferred to the position of political adviser at the Embassy of Croatia in Canada. Abroad, a woman serves 6 years, and after returning to his homeland becomes a parliament deputy.

Dmitry Medvedev and Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovich in Russia

In December 2003, Colinde becomes the head of the Ministry of European Integration (later the division is renamed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration). After a year, politics will trust the head of the delegation involved in the negotiations on the entry of Croatia in the EU.

Having kept in the chair of the Minister for 5 years, Colinde again returns to diplomatic activities. In 2008, the woman becomes the ambassador of Croatia in the United States and does not leave post until 2011.

June 2014 was marked for the policy entry into the pre-election race - Colinda becomes a candidate for the presidency of Croatia. On January 11, 2015, Grabar-Kitarovich is bypassing the state of the state in voting with a transfer of 1.48%.

In 2015, a scandal broke out on the territory of Croatia. On the pages of yellow newspapers, a photo of a seductive semi-naked blonde appeared, very similar to the president of the country. After the investigation conducted by journalists, it turned out that the girl in a frank bathing suit is actress Nicole Austin.

In a couple of months, the magazine published real photographs of the president on the beach. However, the ambiguous situation did not damage the policy reputation, but only caused admiration for the form of the head of state (the growth of women is 1, 73 m, and the weight is 68 kg).

Colinda Grabar-Kitarovich and Vladimir Putin

One of the important aspects of the Political Program of the President of Croatia is to expand the rights of women. As part of this project, in 2017, Grabar-Kitarovic organized a meeting with Zuriel with a young American who dedicated himself to the struggle for the rights of the female population, and the author of the Dream Up, Speak Up, Stand Up program.

In the same year, politician visited Russia to meet with Vladimir Putin. One of the main issues of the meeting was the submission to the President of Russia "Initiatives of the Three Seas", designed to strengthen the transport and energy infrastructure in Europe.

Personal life

The husband of President Croatia is called Yakov Kitarovich. Spouses met in 1989 at the Student Assembly. A young man studied at the Faculty of Engineering Computer Engineering and a lot of times spent in political disputes with friends.

Colinda Grabar-Kitarovich and her husband Yakov Kitarovich

In order to interest the lover, Colinda also became interested in the international and internal situation in the country. So the political career grabar began.

Colinde and Yakov got married in 1996, and after 4 years the first child appeared in the family - the daughter of Catalina. The second child of the couple - the son of Luke - Born in 2003.

Colinda Grabar-Kitarovich now

Croatian President postponed all political affairs and flew to Russia to support the country's national team at the 2018 World Cup. The woman attended the game, mainly occupying places on the usual stand.

For the game Russia - Croatia Colinde went inexpensive commercial flight. During the match, the president was located next to Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. Politicians reservedly shook hands each other after the goals scored.

Colinda Grabar-Kitarovich at the World Championships in 2018

Sincere joy Grabar-Kitarovich expressed after the victory of Croatia. The President visited the locker room of football players, where festive songs sang. The team's fan posted a video in Twitter, where a woman congratulates the players of the national team in an informal setting.

Politician, adhering to innovative views on his own image, and itself is often divided by images and videos on the page in "Instagram". Representatives of Grabar-Kitarovich lay out on the social network photo from official events and personal pictures on which Kolinda does not positive photographers.


  • First female President of Croatia.
  • The author of the Committee of Representatives of countries with access to the Baltic, Adriatic and Black Sea.
  • The author "Initiatives of the Three Seas".
  • The author of the program to create jobs for socially unprotected segments of the population and comprehensive support for women's entrepreneurship.
  • The developer of the Fifth National Political Program on the Equality of Floors.

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