Jerdan Shakiri - biography, personal life, photo, news, football player, growth, legs, nationality, weight 2021



Jerdan Shakiri already a teenager called the best player of the youth tournament. On the field midfielder exudes confidence. Coaches noted that the key to the professional success of the football player is in his peace. No matter who plays against him, an athlete easily adapts to any situation regardless of whether he presents the club or the Switzerland team.

Childhood and youth

The biography of the future football player began in Yugoslavia. A boy was born in the city of Gnilan, but in a year old, together with his parents, by nationality, Kosovo Albanic, was in Switzerland. Large family of emigrants (except Jerdan Parents raised four more children), fleeing from the fire of war, settled and accounted for in this European country of great opportunities.

One day a football entered the interests of the smaller Jerdan. The 8-year-old boy led to the August Academy, from where in the future he moved to the club "Basel", where he first played for the children's team. When the teenager turned 15 years old, he experienced the sweetness of the first glory. Shakiri distinguished himself at the Nike Cup tournament, receiving the title of the best junior player. When suggestions from other famous football organizations, Albanians preferred a native lawn "Basel".

Club Football

In the winter of 2009, Jerwan Shakiri finally joined the rows of the adult team of the Swiss Club. Here, for the first time he went to the field in the match with St. Gallen, and the debut goal sent to the gate in the late autumn - he could not beat off his blow to Kamamaks. Then "Basel" defeated the opponent with a score of 4: 1.

Jerjan played three seasons in the club, proven himself as an excellent midfielder. Fans remember the work of a football player in the match with Manchester United in the Champions League in 2011, when his two assists helped the team to win the British. In Basel, Shakiri three times, together with comrades, became the champion of the country and held twice in his hands the Swiss Cup.

In early February 2012, football fans learned that Jerdan was sold by the Germans. I got a midfielder "Bavaria", the transfer amount was € 11.6 million. Munich club increased the player's salary, now Albanian received € 2 million per year.

Jerdan put on the Bavaria T-shirt at number 11 and rushed into battle. In the first battle with Shakiri, the Bavarians snapped victory from compatriots from "Unterhakhing", but here the midfielder did not distinguish anything. But in the next match against Yana, the athlete increased personal statistics for one banned ball and made 2 effective programs to Mario Manjucich and Claudio Pisarro. The game ended with a score of 4: 0.

Jerdan as part of the Munich team added a list of trophies victory in the Champions League and UEFA Super Cup.

Three years later, Bavaria announced the transition of the player in the Italian Inter. Another contender for the football player was "Liverpool", but received a refusal to an athlete, and in a sharp form. Also wanted to see Jerdan in its ranks English "Stoke City". The football player itself was not indifferent. Therefore, by playing 15 matches and scoring one goal for the "International", Shakiri with a calm soul went to the UK.

The transition turned out to be the most expensive in the history of the Stoke City team: Jerdan cost the club at £ 12 million. However, I did not regret in the "stock": in the first game, the Swiss made an assist, and four months after the signing of the contract marked his goal. For all the time in Stoke City, the young man struck the gates of rivals 14 times.

In the 2017/2018 season, Shakiri folded 8 goals and 7 results in a personal piggy bank. The contract with Stoke City acted until 2020. But in the spring, rumors crawled in the press that the player plans to go to Liverpool.

In July 2018, Liverpool completed the purchase of Winger Jerdan Shakiri from Stoke City, this was announced by the official website of the "Red". The transfer amount was £ 13.5 million as an indental. 26-year-old Shakiri signed a contract for 5 years.

In 2019, Jerwan became the winner of the Champions League, which made him the only representative of Switzerland, who received this title twice. However, a year later, the leadership of Liverpool decided to sell an athlete. They were interested in Newcastle, Roma, Seville and Russian Zenit, but the transfer did not take place.

Switzerland national team

Jerjan Shakiri from 16 years old defended the honor of Switzerland in the Games of International Format. As part of an adult team, he first lit up in the 2010 World Cup match, when the team fought with Italy. In the next world championship, the fans of Hat trick in the gate of Honduras.

An impressive performance happened at Euro 2016, where Shakiri entrusted all four games. The Switzerland team entered the playoffs. In the game against Poland, the athlete struck the goal of the opponent very effectively: scored a goal through himself.

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Shakiri, together with the countryman, also Kosovo Albanian Granite Jaka, entered the final composition of the Swiss team, which went to Russia for the World Cup 2018. And the candidacy of Jaki remained in question: at the end of May, the player was injured, but in the end it turned out to be frozen. Together, athletes found themselves in the epicenter of the scandal with a political background.

In the second round match, Switzerland played with Serbia. Shakiri and Jaca marked their goals. After taking the goal of opponents, both players depicted the wings of the eagle. Bird is a symbol of Albania. In addition, Jerdan put on different boots: the Swiss flag was conquered on one, and on the other - the flag of Kosovo.

The FIFA Disciplinary Committee conducted an investigation and fined each player for 10 thousand Swiss francs (a little more than $ 10 thousand).

Personal life

About who owns the heart of an athlete, the story is silent. Jerdan, to the joy of fans, have not yet acquired his wife. The fans sometimes go to extreme measures to be in the society of the handsome-athlete and at least for a while to become part of his personal life. Shakiri told reporters that one day I had to go on a date with a fan, which threatened to commit suicide if he got a refusal: "I went to her, reassured, presented a T-shirt, the meeting ended with the world."

A young man is very tied to his native family. As soon as he began to make money on a football career, immediately bought the parents of the new home. Old housing did not even have a heating system.

The best friend Shakiri believes Brother Erdin, who trusts the most intimate. A relative is replied.

Jerdan is open to communicating in social networks, leads pages in "Instagram" and "Twitter", where publishes photos from matches and training. It feeds the passion for the clock and high-quality shoes. Dreams of opening a cafe, it is desirable that Leonardo Di Caprio will make a business partner. The fact is that Shakiri is an American actor fan. Especially delighted with the film "Wolf with Wall Street", it admits that since one hundred revised the picture.

Which only the nicknames are not wearing Jerdan, including the football player called the "Second Messi". He deftly drawn the ball, skillfully beats his left foot and easily bypass rivals. It is noteworthy that both athletes with athletes are identical - 169 cm and 72 kg. Only shakiri is tightly on the complex due to the pumped muscles.

Jerdan is not against such a nickname, because Messi considers his idol. The second after Argentina he puts Cristiano Ronaldo. I am confident that the rest of the players can only dream of surpassing these two star stars on the field.

The allocation of a large amount of testosterone is accompanied by many sports, football is not an exception, and this, in turn, destructively affects the thickness of the hair. It is not surprising that Shakiri collided with this problem: his chapels ceased to be so luxurious as in his youth. However, after the self-insulation regime, the fans noted the changes in the hairstyle of the idol and found the cause of this hair transplantation.

Jerjan Shakiri now

Football, which an athlete devoted most of his life, and now is a priority for him.

The midfielder was in the application of Switzerland's team at Euro 2020 and in the game with Turkey at the Championship group staged a double, earned the title of the best match player.

In 2021, Liverpool's leadership spoke again about the transfer of Shakiri, especially since he received several proposals from other teams. One of the potential candidates as the future club was the Roman "Lazio". The press suggested that after Euro 2020, Jerrad will continue his career in the Italian championship.

Awards and achievements

  • Three-time Switzerland champion
  • Two Cup Switzerland
  • Two-time champion in Germany
  • Two German Cup
  • 2012 - German Super Cup
  • 2012/2013 - Champions League winner
  • 2013 - UEFA Super Cup
  • 2013 - Winner of the World Club Championship
  • 2018/19 - UEFA Champions League Winner
  • 2019/20 - Champion of England
  • 2019 - Winner of the UEFA Super Cup
  • 2019 - Winner of the World Club Championship

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