Alexander Udodov - Biography Step by Step, Latest News 2021



Alexander Udodov - Russian businessman. In recent years, it has been implementing projects in the field of import substitution - it belongs to the agrocomplex for the production of champignons "Mushroom Rainbow" and the Balneological Resort "Terms". The main shareholder of the German logistics company VG Cargo. Invests in residential and sales real estate.

Childhood and youth

Alexander Udodov was born in the Dagestan city of Kizilyurt on June 10, 1969. He graduated from school in Ukraine, in Pripyat, where his family moved from Kizilyurt. In 1989 he was called up to the army. For two years, he carried military service in the Far East.


In 1991, Udodov was demobilized from the ranks of the Armed Forces, returned home and got a job at the company "Specatamenergomontazh". He started with the ordinary position - Manager of the Transport Department. The company specialized in construction in the field of industry and energy. It became famous for the whole country in the fact that for many years has been eliminating the consequences at the Chernobyl NPP.

Three years later, Alexander Udodov got a job in Moscow, in the airline "Tesis", which was engaged in air transportation. From 1994 to 1995, he worked in the company whose activities went beyond the transportation of standard goods. "Tesis" had a license for the transport of dangerous goods, including radioactive. It was founded in Yekaterinburg in 1992.

Alexander Udodov in his office

At the beginning of its activities was engaged in passenger traffic, and in 1994 he was reoriented to freight. The base of the aviation enterprise was replicated to Moscow. It was among the twenty largest airlines in terms of cargo transported. Flights under a contract with international organizations within their programs.

In 1995, Udodov moved to Smarttreyde, which was engaged in container shipments. Subsequently, he told that the work in this company allowed him to study the foundations of the logistics business in practice. This experience was subsequently implemented with the development of its own logistics company.

In 1997, he was offered to lead a representative office of a foreign company in Moscow. The Latvian Transport and Logistics Group J & P Corporation Ltd, according to Alexander Udodov, has become a springboard for him to the world of big business. These were connections, new professional borders and the ability to create a reputation in business circles. In this company, fuddles earned the first serious money, which made it possible to start their own way in business. In the same period, the Udodov receives a higher legal education. From 1997 to 2001, he studied at the Kiev Institute of Law, after which he received a diploma in the specialty "Laws".

Investment activities

The first steps of Udodov in the field of investments belong to the beginning of "zero". A beginner businessman was engaged in projects in retail real estate and logistics. He had projects in the restaurant business in the capital:
  • Jazz club leclub;
  • The network of restaurants of oriental cuisine "Chinese Quarter";
  • Network of restaurants of Panasian cuisine "Daikon";
  • Restaurant "Unfortunate East" (the main owner - Arkady Novikov).

Businessman himself, speaking about this period of life, confessed: there were also ups, and falling, and mistakes that could not be avoided at the beginning of the road. However, the most important result of these trial steps is the experience and business connections that the businessman needs.

Stable and long-term success expected Udodov in real estate investment segments and logistics. In these areas, the businessman works to this day.


The German logistics company VG Cargo bids acquired in 2004. It was a small startup, which he reorganized into a large company and brought into the leaders of the European market in such a segment of logistics, as ground processing of goods. Significant funds were invested in increasing storage facilities.

Instead of a small warehouse, 35 thousand square meters of premises were built. The control and safety and security systems were improved. Employees increased 10 times - initially 7 people worked at the enterprise. Udodov competently used the competitive advantage of VG Cargo. The company was based at Frankfurt Han airport, which worked around the clock, unlike the overwhelming majority of European aircraft. It accelerated the processing process. An even more this process accelerated after receiving special customs certificates for cargo handling in a special mode.

A license was also obtained for the processing of expensive cargo, which increased the number of customers. In addition, the new guide entered into strategic contracts with leading international air carriers. All this led to the rapid growth of the company and made it stable even during the crisis, which for several years was observed in the branch of the freight.

During a coronavirus pandemic, VG Cargo worked in reinforced mode, taking and processing cargo with personal protective equipment. So, only for April, the company treated record ten thousand tons of cargo.

Real estate

One of the first projects of Alexander Udodov in real estate was the River Shopping Center in Moscow. Buying a small store, businessman rebuilt him into a shopping center. A project was developed taking into account marketing research. At that time, such a trend was developed in the retail, as shopping centers "Step-by-step accessibility", that is, the place where residents of the district can not only buy something, but also to receive additional services.

It is this need for buyers who satisfied the new TC "River", which opened in 2005. Then there were few such shopping platforms, and "River" quickly received a constant stream of customers. In 2010, this trading platform for compliance with international quality standards was recognized as the best and won the Moscow City Nomination "Best Shopping Center".

In 2013, Udodov built a shopping and entertainment center "Atlas" in Obninsk (Kaluga region). The total area of ​​the center is 15 thousand square meters. In his concept, a new trend in retail trade was embodied. At that time, the demand of buyers on such shopping center grew, where you can come with the whole family not only for purchases, but also to spend your leisure.

Businessman Alexander Udodov

All sorts of shops opened on the six floors of "Atlas", a special space for children's entertainment was reserved. The building is decorated in the style of high-tech, a convenient transportation junction is equipped with a parking. All this provided high traffic attendance. Local authorities were grateful to investors for the fact that the competent concept made it possible to solve the problem with the route taxi traveling, for which there was not enough space before. Square and parking for minibuses and public transport are organized on the square in front of the complex. In 2019, the investor sold this asset.

Later Alexander Udodov built a similar center and in the Moscow region. The new "Atlas" opened in 2015 in the city of Dubki (Odintsovsky district). Here also, in addition to shopping, visitors can relax with children. There is a cinema for several halls, cafes and restaurants, pizzerias and coffee shops. In addition, special children's shops and a cafe, an entertainment center are located in the Atlas near Moscow. Periodically, foreign circus troupes come here on tour, children's zoos, other entertainment activities are held.

In Moscow, Alexander Udodov launched two premium shopping malls. Both are in the very center of the capital, not far from the Kremlin, on the street is large Yakimanka. TC "Gimentay" Udodov acquired in 2011 and completely converted. The name remains the same, since Muscovites were well known this place. In the Soviet years, this building was the only one in the country, luxurious wedding salon at the time.

Now in "Gimenta" there is a premium 24-hour supermarket, exclusive clothing boutiques, shoes, jewelry and flower shops, beauty salon, author's restaurants. The third floor is fully assigned to the offices. In 2019, the exhibition of modern art Fine Art was held here, on which for the first time in Russia the works of recognized masters of this genre were presented.

In 2015, Alexander Udodov acquired another premises on Yakimanka - the gallery of the famous store "Children's World". It was converted to the Lux Class TC and received the name "Yakimanka 26". For the inner and external decoration of the fuddles, the Art Deco style was chosen, originated in the twenties of the last century and became more popular in recent years.

One of the most famous buildings in the world performed in this style is Chrysler's skyscraper in New York. In Moscow, the Metro Metro Station was considered to be the Metro Station, the Mayakovskaya metro station, built it in 1936 by Alexey Dushkin. This style got the greatest style in America. And it was from there that was delivered to the design of "Yakimanka 26" an antique fragment of Frieza, who decorated the building of the public center in Philadelphia. In this cult location, "BITLS" was performed in 1964 during their first tour to America. In 2005, the building was destroyed, and the rescued frieze can now be seen in the center of Moscow, on Yakimanka Street.

On the ground floor of the trading gallery, a car dealership of the BMW of Rolf-Holding was opened, a significant area is assigned to boutiques and restaurants. On the second there is a space for the coworking of the international company WEWORK.

In 2019, Alexander Udodov sold shopping gallery "Yakimanka 26" and "Gimenti".

Alexander Udodov not only implemented its own projects, but also engaged in real estate investments in the major gas company ITER. From 2010 to 2014, he worked in Itera as vice president, headed the direction of strategic investment in real estate.

After the change of the owner, which occurred in 2013 (ITERA company bought Rosneft), Alexander Udodov Rodorg contract with the company. As part of his employment contract, he received a solid monetary option and later, in 2015 he founded his own developer company "Aforra Development". It is engaged in the management of real estate and implements the "turnkey" construction objects.

Alexander Udodov recently actively invests in a residential real estate segment. Last year, the residential complex "Yasenevo" was commissioned. This project is implemented in partnership with PIK GC. With this company there are plans for the construction of another object: LCD "Simonskaya Embankment". And with the Group of Companies "Basis" of the Udodov plans to implement the project of the residential complex "Setunsky passage".

Startups in the field of import substitution

In 2014, Alexander Udodov decided to invest in import-substituting projects. After the imposition of sanctions on imports, some niche in the market turned out to be practically empty. So, for example, it was with the mushroom industry, which was introduced in our country mainly imported products. Alexander Udodov decided to invest in the mushroom industry. He met a businessman Alexander Logvinov, who had already had the experience of industrial cultivation of mushrooms.

After negotiations and all necessary calculations, they decided to build an agro-industrial complex on artificial cultivation of champignons in the Kursk region. The enterprise "Mushroom Raduga" was commissioned in 2017. Four production lines are planned. The first three were successively launched every year, starting from 2017. Commissioning the fourth is scheduled for 2020. After that, production facilities will be released on an indicator of 30 thousand tons of champignons annually.

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Just a year it took the "mushroom rainbow" to break out the leaders and gain about 20 percent of the total fungic market of Russia. To date, this is the only vertical integrated structure in the industry, where the full production cycle has been established - from the manufacture of compost and containers to the developed network of retail and wholesale regional supply channels.

In addition, in the spring of 2019, the "Mushroom Rainbow launched the production of coating soil, which is necessary for growing champignons. Previously, it was necessary to import, but those volumes that produce on the "mushroom rainbow" is enough to meet the demand for this product of all domestic mushrooms. The products of the "Mushroom Rainbow" The only one in Russia has a certificate of "ecostandart", which opens its way to export.

General investments in the project amounted to more than 5 billion rubles. But the company does not exclude that they can be increased to eight billion. Strategic partner of the project - Alpha Bank. The company also uses preferential lending on the program of the Ministry of Agriculture. According to Alexander Udodov, the Governor of the Kursk Region has great support.

The company employs more than a thousand people, the average salary of the employee is about forty thousand rubles. During the Pandemic, the "Mushroom Rainbow" worked almost at full capacity, and staff managed to save. For security reasons, most of the personnel not involved in the production process was translated into a remote mode of operation.

To date, Alexander Udodov calls the "Mushroom Rainbow" one of the main assets.

Another import-substituting Udodov project refers to the industry of health tourism. In 2019, the Balneological Resort "Terms" began working in the south of Krasnodar Territory. Its construction was conducted for three years. During this time, a new hotel complex was rebuilt from scratch instead of the allowed Soviet pension "Sunny". In the eighties, it was a popular resort, where people from all over the Union went to treatment. After the collapse of the USSR, he fell into decline. But even during this period there were continued to come those who needed treatment. There is a unique thermal source that is capable of healing more than a hundred diseases.

Balneological resort

Now "Terms" is a resort with a European level of comfort. Hotel for 47 rooms, a large well-maintained area with a pond, gazebos, green plantings, separate cottages for vacationers. Two new pools were built, and the possibility of receiving procedures for those who do not live in the resort are also provided. Low-income layers of the population can purchase a subscription to the pool at a symbolic price.

In the "Terms" there is a private utility farm, thanks to which vacationers have the opportunity to eat environmentally friendly products. In addition, a phytobar works here with drinks. All this in combination with healing air enhances the effect of rehabilitation procedures.

The new boarding house is able to take about five thousand people per year. According to experts of the tourism area, this is the largest Russian project in the segment of health tourism in recent years.

The idea to build on an abandoned medical source. The resort was born after the crisis of 2014, when currency exchange rates and rest abroad became inaccessible to many Russians. The project immediately demonstrated its relevance. Opening in November 2019, the "Terms" was already filled with a hundred percent for the new year.

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