Alec Baldwin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actor 2021



Alexander Ray Baldwin III, a more famous named after Alec Baldwin, - American actor and film director, winner of the Golden Globe and Emmy premiums, followed by the role of the Hero-lover. A photogenic and self-confident artist loves to surprise the public sometimes not a good actions. Nevertheless, his acting talent recognized critics: Baldwin's star ranked his place on the "Alley of Glory" Hollywood.

Childhood and youth

The actor was born in the village of Amityville, located in the US state of New York. His father Alexander Ray Baldwin II was a teacher of history and sociology in high school, and also trained the youth football team. Mother Carol Newcomb Martino devoted most of the time to raising children, in their family there were six.

Alec has two sisters, Jane and Elizabeth, as well as three younger brothers, William, Daniela and Stephen Baldwin, who also became actors. So he is a representative of the acting dynasty of Baldians.

As a child, Alec did not even think about the scene. He loved the sport, played American football and became strongly fond of politics. Therefore, having received a document on secondary education, the young man entered the University of George Washington in the capital of the United States and became a student of the Faculty of Political Science. He really wanted to make a career as a politician, and first planned to become a student president of his university, but lost to another candidate, typing for 2 voices less.

To ensure your life, a young man in parallel with studying worked as a waiter in a restaurant, a warehouse driver, a male seller in the store. In general, it was taken for any suggestions that income brought. And once visited the statistically in the television series. It was then that the producers persuaded Baldwin to change the specialty, as he possessed amazing photogenicity and naturally kept himself in front of the cameras.

Science Political Science, Alek, still dumped, but did not work with a specialty, but went to New York and began to study dramatic art at the local university. He also took the lessons of acting in the famous Academy Lee Strasberg. In parallel with the study, the guy managed to debut on the stage of Broadway in the fairy tale "Prelude to a kiss" and grotesque satire "Big Money" and even received a prestigious theatrical award.

However, the interest in the humanitarian and social sciences of Baldwin did not disappear forever. Much later, already becoming a big Hollywood star, he led his own column in the Huffington Post newspaper as a browser of all significant events in the world.

Personal life

In his youth, at the dawn filmiers, Alec Baldwin met with actresses Holly Hener and Janin Turner. Since the latter, he was even engaged in 1983, although after a year a couple declared parting.

In the early 1990s, the actor began a romantic relationship with the star of films "Nine and a half weeks" and "My stepmother - an aliens" Kim Bacyinger. Lovers met for 3 years, during this time they even managed to play together in the comedy "Habit to marry". As a result, the Wedding Aleka and Kim took place in 1993. The solemn ceremony took place in the native village of Groom Amityville.

It must be said that many familiar Baldwin were confident: Basinger is married exclusively from financial considerations. The fact is that literally on the eve of the actress lost the court and was obliged to compensate the damage of a film company in the amount of $ 6 million. This completely broke the woman, and the marriage with a successful actor reimbursed her condition.

Whatever it was, Alec married Kim Basinger, and after 2 years first became his father. The spouses were born daughter Ayrend Elisi, who now became a famous fashion model. By the way, it is interesting that in the house of Baldwin and Bacyinger always lived animals, and the polarity. In some period, they were at the same time 11 dogs, 7 cats and wolf.

Family life of actors lasted 7 years. In the 2000s they were releasing, and in a year issued an official divorce. The main reason for the rupture of relations of Kim and Alec indicated "insurmountable contradictions". But later, the ex-wife admitted that her spouse was abused by alcohol.

Immediately after that, in the personal life of Baldwin, the effective actresses of Christine Davis, Tatum O'Neill and Anna Rothschild appeared. Then he was associated with a rather long relationship with the prosecutor Nicole Sidel and the star of the film "Short Installation" Lori Singer.

In 2011, Alec met the Yoga teacher Hilary Thomas, who turned out to be under celebrities for 25 years. The couple went under the crown on June 30, 2012. The marriage ceremony took place in the Cathedral of St. Patricks in New York. With Hilary, the actor is happy to this day. Moreover, the spouse still repeatedly helped Baldwin to experience the joy of paternity.

At first they were born the daughter of Carmen Gabriel, then the son of Rafael Thomas was born, and in September 2016, the world saw the fourth child Alek and the third for his wife - Son Leonardo Angel Charles.

Actor Alec Baldwin loves animals. He is an activist of society "People for humane animal handling", and also completely refused to eat meat food, becoming a vegetarian.

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In November 2017, her photo was to appear in the Aleca Hilary account in the "Instagram" surrounded by children who were accompanied by ambiguous comments about the possible replenishment of the family. To the question of Folloviers, who are waiting for Baldwin's family, Alek's wife posted a photo of a cake with blue stuffing. Artist's fans, which in 2018 turned 60 years old, considered that the birth of a boy would be the best gift for the anniversary date. In May, the guesses were confirmed - he became a father in the 4th time. Hilary presented him with his son, which was called Romeo Alejandro David Baldwin.

Fifth Joint Child of Baldwin Eduardo Pau Lucas appeared on September 8, 2020. The spouses did not hide that this pregnancy was not easy to: twice for the 2019th she survived the miscarriage. According to the fans of the artist, this is not the last kid in his family. Aleka's wife hinted that she did not plan to stop at what was achieved, as he loves children.

The celebrity takes care of his health - for the sake of a numerous family keeps himself in shape. When heighting 183 cm, its weight reaches 85 kg. In order to periodically drop extra kilograms, the artist sits on a diet and engaged in sports. In 2019, at the show Jimmy Fallon, he demonstrated his figure, with a joke, removing his pants. At the same time, Baldwin sometimes appears before fans with a beard: he is confident that the vegetation on his face gives the image of solidity.


On the film screen, Alec Baldwin first appeared in the soap opera "Doctor". At first he came as a statist, but in the end I was delayed for 2.5 years. At the dawn of his creative biography there were other TV projects: "Hotel", "Massanie in Houston", "Quiet Pier." The first major role got an actor in the Military Dram "Sweet Revenge", and the popularity came after the Black Comedy "Bitljus", the criminal film "Married to Mafia" and the Miami Blues thriller.

In the 90s, Alec went back to the first row of Hollywood actors. His duet with Sean Connery in the militant "Hunt for" Red October "", cooperation with Kim Bacisinger in the romantic comedy "Habit of marrying" and with Al Pacino in the Drama "Americans", where he played real estate agent, made from the artist of the first-value star . The criminal thriller "Escape", mystical fantasy "Shadow", detective "Captiveners of Heaven" and the adventure drama "on the verge" became even more loud.

In the XX century, Baldwin continued to remove much, having collected dozens of pictures in filmography. From a set of works of this period, it is worth noting a comedy "Last Frame", the Melodrama "Girl from the suburbs", the family picture "Luxury Life" and the humorous series "Studio 30", for which the actor received the Golden Globe award. It was not without a short role in the rating sitcom "Friends", where Charlie Sheen became the invited star with him.

The spectators warmly accepted the Duet Baldwin and Meril Strip in the unobtrusive comedy about the love of "Simple difficulties". The actors reincarnated on the screen in spouses, who, after the divorce, begins a new round of relations. For work in Comedy, Alec received a nomination for the BAFTA Award in the "Best Role of the Second Plan" category.

When Woody Allen suggested Baldwin the role of an architect that grew up in the capital of Italy, in the next masterpiece "Roman adventures", he could not refuse. Traveling around the city of his youth, the hero of the actor meets the architect, in which he sees himself in his youth. The film also starred Jesse Aisenberg, Ellen Page. In a few years, the creative union of the actor and director repeatedly repeatedly in the Drama "Jasmine", where Kate Blanchett became partner.

In 2004, Alec opened the director's page in his creative biography. He removed the philosophical and mystical drama "The Devil and Daniel Webster", where he played the main role of a writer selling a soul for glory. In the picture, the director invited Anthony Hopkins with Jennifer Love Hewitt. It would seem that the project had to thunder on the whole world, but because of financial differences with producers appeared on the screens only after 3 years, so no longer had such a deafening success, to which Alec expects it initially.

Later, the artist was sterling the independent film "Luxury Life", where Martin Scorsese became his cozer. Also Baldwin participated in the creation of paintings "Seduced and Abandoned" and "Incredible Travel Barney Frank". In the Drama "Apostates", he replenished the brilliant cast, which entered Leonardo Daprio, Matt Damon, Jack Nicholson and Mark Walberg.

In 2017, the drama "Slept" was published with the actor, in which Alec appeared in the role of a writer's blinded after the automotive accident. His partner on the shooting area was Demi Moore. Another premiere of the year is the film "Private life of a modern woman," where the artist starred with a blue Miller.

In 2019, the comedy "Parents of Easy Behavior" with Baldwin and Salma Hayek came to the screens, who reincarnated in a married couple. At the same time, the demonstration of the criminal drama "Orphan Brooklyn" started, in which Aleu company was Bruce Willis. His younger children, as well as other young spectators, the celebrity pleased with visible - his voice spoke to the white bear Pibi in the animation tape "Guard of the Arctic".


Alec Baldwin acquired the fame of the famous scandalist in Hollywood. In 2014, after the issue of a provocative report in one of the newspapers about the inappropriate behavior of a pregnant wife of the actor while visiting the funeral of James Gandolfini, he in the post in Twitter hit the journalist with obscene Branju and Homophobian statements. Later, the artist explained that she did not intend to insult LGBT representatives, but the phrases expressed a negative impression on the public.

A mass media attack began on the screen star. Several film generas denied him in collaboration, the performances were canceled on Broadway with his participation, the MSNBC channel closed the actor's evening television show. Because of the scandal, Alec even thought about changing the place of residence.

It is known that Baldwin is involved in the Saturday Night Live humorous show, where the parodies are shown to Donald Trump. After the inauguration of the billionaire, Alec continued to appear on television in the image of the head of state, and one day he even met with the hero of the parody. Sketchs each time are obtained with topical and sophisticated, what to like the public, but not like the president.

Trump even applied to the artist with calls to stop portraying it. At this, Alec replied that he would stop being transformed into Donald Trump after he publishes his tax declaration. Jokes about the president regularly fall into the Instagram account of the celebrity, and in 2017 the actor even received the AMMI award for a stellar role.

In 2018, media space shocked the news about the participation of Baldwin in a fight on a car parking lot. It was alleged that the actor hit the face of the opponent, who claimed the same parking space as Alec. The artist denied participation in the conflict, nevertheless was taken under arrest.

The political life of the country never ceased to interest Baldwin. So, after the mysterious death of Jeffrey Epstein, accused of pedophilia, the artist nominated the version that the billionaire killed the Russians.

Alec Baldwin now

Now the popularity of the actor among the directories and the public does not weaken. In the summer of 2020, it became known that Baldwin will appear in the western "rust", and in the lead role. He will play the robber of Charlanda Rasta, for whose head is promised to a great reward. In addition to working on the role in the film, Alec will speak as a scenario co-author. The project will be produced by EL Dorado Pictures, which belongs to the actor.


  • 1990 - "Hunt for" Red October "
  • 1991 - "Habit marry"
  • 1992 - "Prelude to a kiss"
  • 1996 - "Captives of Heaven"
  • 2006 - "On the sharp face"
  • 2007 - "Devil and Daniel Wester"
  • 2007 - "Girl from the suburbs"
  • 2008 - "Luxury Life"
  • 2009 - "Simple difficulties"
  • 2016 - "In the former times"
  • 2017 - "Slept"
  • 2018 - "Parents of Easy Behavior"
  • 2018 - "Ghost Tower"
  • 2019 - "Before you know"
  • 2019 - "Orphan Brooklyn"

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